General Discussion

General DiscussionStupid Tinker and Sniper!!!

Stupid Tinker and Sniper!!! in General Discussion

    Just played a game with ridiculous teammates! I played abbadon and had these stupid fucks playing tinker and sniper on my team. Each decides to feed endlessly as they farm creeps. by 60 mins the tinker had BOT soul ring dagger dagon 5. No fucking hex. I seriously cannot believe how noob one must get to die repeatedly the same way so much so that he can't farm a hex by 60 mins. sniper was another retard that keeps dying like a noob.

    Oh god this is so frustrating.
    Rant complete.


      Toxic community: lol l2p faggt

      decent reply : i feel u brah i hate sniper pickers too


        But you lost 7 matches in a row?


          I dont know which time it was for you but I learned something I broke this night again because I just wanted to play: NEVER play at night. I promised now to myself: This was the last chance, never ever I play at night again!

          I get thrown in games with absolute newbies at night and lose so so many game (almost all) because my carry has 40 LH in 45 minutes and stuff like this. Play the carry urself? Yeah.... with 4 carries/farmers already. Also I get always a support that tries to last hit and doesn't up courier or uses wards (best example: Lina constantly using both spells on creepwaves to get a bloodstone when her team is losing hard already).


            Captain, I think the reasoning about night is that you get matched with drunk people(Russians to be exact), not complete newbies.


              ^ lol