General Discussion

General DiscussionDotA detox

DotA detox in General Discussion

    So, uninstalling steam will be the best way?

    King of Low Prio

      Dorkly you need to take your mind out of the myth that you are accomplishing alot in life if you are a athlete and you are wasting away your life if you play video games.

      I compete at a fairly high level in my sport of choice(not really going into detail because there are quite a few stalkers on this website) and I know there is no difference between one or the other just less social stigmas placed on sports

      Quick maffs

        Look i dont think you are understanding me, for example i do a lot of swimming and i play dota, but if i didnt play dota i could be even better at swimming, and that its way healthier than playing dota. If i stopped playing dota and invested even MORE time swimming in 30 years or so i would be even in a better shape ( or dead who knows ).

        I am not saying that playing dota is bad dude, i am just saying that there is better things to do with the time you spent playing dota, but you play dota instead of doing those things because you like playing dota, i dont think is hard to follow my logic :P

        King of Low Prio

          No I can be healthy spending 1 hour a day doing X physical activity, spending 10 hours a day doing X physical activity will not make your healthier it will make you more physically fit.

          Using your same logic unless you are doing the most physically demanding activity you are wasting your time.

          King of Low Prio

            an example of this how 'healthy' would you consider a professional boxer when the sport's retirement package includes brain damage. Would you consider professional boxers as wasting their time?

            Quick maffs

              OK so instead of swimming even more reading 1 million books or learning another shit i dont know dude, you cant just say that playing dota will do anything good for you except having fun.

              EZ MID 9k mmr

                Gotta stay relaxed.

                King of Low Prio

                  So if I read twilight or 50 shades of grey I am improving myself?

                  Quick maffs

                    ^No both books are really bad

                    King of Low Prio

                      ok what are your standards for what is and is not wasting your time in regards to literature.

                      Quick maffs

                        "THINKING, FAST AND SLOW"

                        ^philosophy book

                        kind of shit that i will never read in my life

                        btw i dont see you saying that you are wrong, right ? I think i give up before this gets to 10 pages of posts.


                        Цей коментар був відредагований

                          With books you learn something new. With sports you get better fitness.
                          Going out gets you better social life.
                          With dota and pc games i cant really tell what you are getting..
                          Its really fun though and so addictive..

                          King of Low Prio

                            In video games you can learn something new in the same way you can learn something knew from a book. For example you can learn what a shuriken is from playing Dota. Just because you can not see beyond one dimension does not in fact mean that it is not there


                              After a month of playing dota its just improving skills, nothing new to learn.

                              King of Low Prio

                                Why would I say I am wrong if I am right? I posted a youtube showing how video games help with brain development (I could show you multiple articles in research journals as well but youtube gets to the point faster). So improving your brain development is a waste of time?


                                  Y, i saw the video and liked it, if the things mentioned are true. I guess a little gaming could do some good... If you play much you lose at other sectrors in life..

                                  King of Low Prio

                                    My initial point was how time management is the only issue. Instead of trying to demonize Dota for the troubles in their lives they should focus on the real problem.

                                    Quick maffs

                                      I am pretty sure i am right too, what to do ....

                                      Do we really keep going ?

                                      The percentage of things you learn from video games are limited compared from what you learn from other sources, saying that video-games makes you learn a lot of stuffs might be true in a little scale, its like saying that getting drunk at least teachs you what its like to being drunk. Videogames doesnt improve you intellectually as much as chess for example.

                                      "After a month of playing dota its just improving skills, nothing new to learn."

                                      Exaclty, maybe you learned new stuffs ( like the shuriken example ) at the start, but after months you are not improving anything except your dota skills.

                                      My initial point is that dota is not as good as another source of activities to improve in life.

                                      Цей коментар був відредагований
                                      King of Low Prio

                                        So are you wasting your time if you are playing a chess video game?


                                          Dota is more addictive than other games. It's a bit like poker for example.
                                          Addiction comes from other problems in life.
                                          The addictive nature of dota though remains.

                                          Quick maffs

                                            hah now i realize that i didnt answer OP question ....

                                            Disruptive try to uninstall steam and deleting every web related to dota, plus go read some really good book ( i am reading a really good one now but its a spanish book so i cant help you :P ) and i dont know i guess its it.

                                            Quick maffs


                                              Nop, but dota its not like chess, that video-game is not like almost every videogame now a days is like, i mean seriously what do you improve by playing years of dota ? brain reflexes ? you improve what 2% or less ?

                                              "The addictive nature of dota though remains."


                                              Цей коментар був відредагований
                                              King of Low Prio

                                                dota is one of the least addictive online games you will come across. Everything can be addictive, working out can become highly addictive because of the rapid release of endorphins.


                                                  If Dota is a waste of time then everything is a waste of time. Your life's gonna end whatever you do, so who cares?

                                                  Oh and you probably should be able to still play Dota while studying. I play a shit ton of Dota and I still get top grades – just leave some time to do homework and studying (I automatically stop playing Dota at like 5pm Sunday if I have a lot of work and just sort through everything).


                                                    wtf is that life, which everyone is talking about :'D

                                                    King of Low Prio

                                                      I was waiting for you to say something like that just to butcher your theory. Are all professional football players wasting their time? There are better activities to improve your health. Since you believe chess becomes valid because it improves brain development more than playing dota doesnt that mean that whatever sport improves physical development the most is the only valid sport and all others become a waste of time.


                                                        well I've uninstalled dota 2 for now, holidays are over, got to get back to work and uni. The bad taste of matchmaking also helped alot.


                                                          Indeed everything can get addictive, but some thing are more addictive.
                                                          Else we would be all ripped from workouts:P
                                                          For me personally its the most addictive game, and I have played many types of games, wow f.e.
                                                          Its large regulars community suggests its an addictive game. So is lol, wow and others

                                                          Quick maffs

                                                            No, that means that the rest of sports are not less valid, but less effective, if you do those sports instead of the one that improves your health the most its because you like them, but still its not the BEST itself you could do.

                                                            King of Low Prio

                                                              Your logic was because it only improved by 2%(even though that number is way off, plz read the research before you act like a expert) you where wasting your time

                                                              Quick maffs

                                                                nononono i didnt say you waste time by playing dota, i was saying that there is more effective things you can do to improve youself but people chose dota because its fun, you can do those things and play dota at the same day, but is literally imposible to play dota and do this things at LITERALLY the same time ( unless you are reading a book and playing dota at the same time, or something like that ).

                                                                "by 2%(even though that number is way off, plz read the research before you act like a expert)" no shit sherlock is that number wrong ?

                                                                Цей коментар був відредагований
                                                                King of Low Prio

                                                                  "When you do a sport you do improve yourself, when you read a book you do improve youself.

                                                                  Playing a video-game is a fun activity and everyone does whatever they want, but its not a activity that will help you in the long run, its not something that will make you better."

                                                                  I pointed out how some sports can make you worse overall (boxing leading you to brain damage).

                                                                  Quick maffs

                                                                    Those sports makes you really healthier in a medium range ( 10-20 years ) only if you practice them too much you will be affected after a lot of years, if boxing really fucks you over it is ineffective if your objetive is just to get healthier. Again, they do it because they liked it and they have fun doing so. Plus boxing leads you to other kinds of improvement.

                                                                    King of Low Prio

                                                                      video games lead to lots of improvements too (watch the video).

                                                                      Quick maffs

                                                                        OK I WILL WATCH THAT SHIT


                                                                          @Sampson, you are the one wrong here... OP asked how to quit dota. Its NOT about time management, its about quitting a game. Its not about its being good or bad, its about stopping playing. Theres nothing else in it.

                                                                          When I was playing wow and actually decided I still have time to play it sometimes, I did that. Lived my life as I wanted to and whenever I had free time and nothing more fun to do or was just tired/not in mood to go out, I still logged in. Sometimes it meant once a week, sometimes often.. Then I started to have enough more fun things to do at all times than wow, so I simply wanted to completly quit. Its easier with wow, couse you have to pay for it, so every time when you want to log in, you take your credit card and think if it worth it, will you even play that much this month or you just have a free hour and better watch a movie/catch up with that series you are watching. With dota, its just.... you just play. I played WoW for 5 years, was addicted every once in a while, then I got some new addictions (my friends + drinking with them or just talking having fun anything, they werent gamers...), it was actually easy to stop.

                                                                          Back on topic, if OP decided that he finds everything else he could spend his time with more productive FOR HIM, then who are you to decide dota is more fun than lets say, drinking? Its enough fun to skip one or two days weekly of drinking/playing poker/swimming/horseriding/skydiving whatever else, just to play dota? If you prefer dota over your other activities, or value them the same, okey, nothing wrong with it. But please let everyone else have their own values...


                                                                          @OP: If you want to quit a game completly not just reducing playing hours, deleting is not gonna help you. Its best if you still COULD play, just dont want to. Get into something else, more fun. Like go out to parties/just with friends, couse thats something you wont be able to do for too long couse more exams etc, so its gonna take less and less time, when you all have to study more and more... but its a huge change now-ish, then you can slowly get your new activities, that can be anything. If you dont like partying, do something else. Start some kind of sport or find a role-play group, whatever is fun for you. Or start to read some extra exciting book. Anything that occupies your mind.
                                                                          If you are studying, you can even get a part-time job.

                                                                          Цей коментар був відредагований
                                                                          King of Low Prio

                                                                            My points where not wrong whether or not they help the OP that is not my problem.

                                                                            Since you seem to have no idea what addiction is I didnt read past the 2nd paragraph. I suggest Wikipedia to educate yourself a little on the topic


                                                                              When I say I was addicted to something, I actually was. With gaming sometimes and with alcohol for like 10 months... With friends, maybe that was the disctructing part... Well, Im far from being normal, if you feel like a psychologiest, pm me on steam, its not public information...

                                                                              I wasnt saying OP is addicted to dota.

                                                                              Цей коментар був відредагований
                                                                              Quick maffs

                                                                                Vaeldiithia i know people like sampson and he will never take his words back, he is just talking to keep the argument going until someone gets tired, and i did, so again, gratz sampson.

                                                                                And btw you have no right to flame her, you really should try to more polite to people, even on internet.

                                                                                King of Low Prio

                                                                                  Vael thinks I am right

                                                                                  Sorry Dorkly It has nothing to do with my ego it has to do with the fact that I am right

                                                                                  Quick maffs

                                                                                    "Back on topic, if OP decided that he finds everything else he could spend his time with more productive FOR HIM"

                                                                                    That was exaclty what i was saying in my first posts, that time management its not enough for some people.

                                                                                    "what i am saying is that things that works for some doesnt work for everyone, maybe you can do all that things with time management, but the reason the guy is asking for tips to leave the game is because he knows that he just cant study and play at the same time, "

                                                                                    and you tried to make it so it seems that the only problem of this guy ( that you know NOTHING about it ) was time management

                                                                                    "It is about time management whether you want to accept that fact or not"

                                                                                    "fact" lol ....

                                                                                    After that you tried to make it so it seems like video-game was a healthy activity, but if OP is saying that its not healthy for him, and the same for other people that its posting here, then they are right, because you are no one to say what is healthy for some people and what its not.

                                                                                    Even for players and non-players it is known that video-games can do a lot of bad stuff to you, its like saying that the additivity nature of drugs has nothing to do with people getting addicted to it, and if a clear majority says that videogames can be so additivity as drugs you cant deny it.

                                                                                    Btw: " I suggest Wikipedia to educate yourself a little on the topic"

                                                                                    If that its not flame i dont know what it is

                                                                                    Цей коментар був відредагований

                                                                                      Sampson, just stand back, and read that line. Like seriously.

                                                                                      "Sorry Dorkly It has nothing to do with my ego it has to do with the fact that I am right"

                                                                            's not a very convincing line, is it?

                                                                                      Also, (good) literature give you a different perspective on life. There is, to date, not one video game that is even remotely deep. That game that all the 'take us gamers seriously please' rally behind, Assassin's Creed ... is really not very clever. Imagine it in movie/book form. Yeah. It's shallow as hell. Game storylines are written for teenagers. You really expect to get that much out of them?

                                                                                      Also, the simple fact that there IS a social stigma associated with playing video games excessively makes it less worth doing. Maybe in a future world gamers will be more accepted (although, judging from that recent Arteezy stream incident, I doubt it'll be soon) but the fact is, right now, you will get more out of reading/sports/pretty much anything than out of playing video games. Maybe, instead of finding excuses, just accept that you find the game fun, and that it's the only real reason you play.

                                                                                      King of Low Prio

                                                                                        Playing video games is a healthy activity (did you even watch the video?) but like anything if you overdo it that same healthy thing can become toxic (just like water)


                                                                                          Sampson was right about some stuff, but I still think (hope!!) OP can simply solve his life by quitting dota.

                                                                                          And nice of you Dorkly :) hes sligthly more nice on steam chat, so its fine though.

                                                                                          King of Low Prio

                                                                                            'Sampson was right'

                                                                                            Quick maffs

                                                                                              ^^Yeah i know :)

                                                                                              Цей коментар був відредагований
                                                                                              King of Low Prio

                                                                                                DONT EDIT IT

                                                                                                Quick maffs

                                                                                                  FCK U

                                                                                                  King of Low Prio


                                                                                                    FCK U

                                                                                                    now I win

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