General Discussion

General Discussionanyone know the release date, or if there will be a release date for ...

anyone know the release date, or if there will be a release date for the new heroes in dota 1 to come to dota 2? in General Discussion

    which ones are we/am I forgetting?

    winter wyvern

    "TheKid belowMeIs an ass"...

      Monkey King


        Goblin Techies
        Arc Warden
        Abyssal Underlord

        no release dates

        but Abyssal Underlord is probably next

        and fuck techies

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          WTF new heroes i havent heard of...

          and yeah :/ the only good techies was a guy named QMB
          he was god of techies


          NVM damn it's just pit lord... got my hopes up

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            Techies is a game ruining hero, God I hate that squad of little clowns. People will talk about vision and sentries and all that carp but whatever, breaking high ground is so annoying! literally can add 10 to 15 minutes to a game just coz he can. When he arrives I think that will be when I take a break.

            You all know its going to get perma picked ie pudge and so on. Fun times ahead.

            DONT DO IT VOLVO.............. FUCK TECHIES


              you can actually run it in a competitive lineup as well. techies with aghs is crazy strong + longest stun in the game.


                yes.. he is a great hero if you can mind read


                  All I can see is Techie first bloods and 5 second stuns where I get blown to shit. I think that's why Volvo holding out so long because they know it could chase people away, Im probably wrong but when I was new to Dota 1 and didn't know anything, getting blown up all the time wasn't fun.

                  I see his upside and a lot of players loved the hero because it feeds on a lack of awareness and understanding. But Fuck its annoying.

                  Scenario: pick heroes stage. Guy insta picks techies, Buys TP scroll and clarities. TPs tier1 and bombs the shit out of rune, 1st blood before game even starts. COLD SWEAT COMING