General Discussion

General DiscussionVenting frustration

Venting frustration in General Discussion

    Not blaming anything, just wanted to get this one out here.

    Lion mid
    SF and Dazzle safe
    Clock off

    I'm a terrible support and we had little roaming potential (plus they had some nice casters) so I went Doom woods to try and at least catch Slark/Invo every once in a while.

    Pretty much every Lion kill was an Ulti used to KS from someone.

    Oh well.

    Hex Sigma

      just wanted to ask. How do you guys stop careing about gaining/losing mmr? For example today i lost 2 matches in a row(complete garbage stomps), and i stopped. And i noticed that whenever i have a feeling that it is going to be one of "those" day. I just stop playing because some voice in my mind tells me:"why lose that precious rating that you achieved with sweat blood and tears(dramatization) when you can stop playin for today and wish for the best tomorrow or later?"

      It's like some kind of weird anxiety that i have when i get 2 or more bad matches which tells me to stop. How do you manage this shit?



        The thing is playing many games in a row isn't nec. good, because if you lose you get in bad mood (if you care about win/lose) and your attitude get shit.

        You see your team feed 2 kills in 1minute, and you already give up cause you're in bad mood and you feel your team is fuckin garbage because of 2 deaths.

        I'm much like you, I stop playing when I get in bad mood (usually)

        Also I don't play as much these days cause it's so fuckin hot outside. Impossible to play when you sweat like hell before you even get to the chair.


          Every game I treat as a new one. Yeah you can end up on lucky or unlucky streaks or whatever, but if you're thinking negative you're playing negative. Try see each game as a positive thing until you're really fucked, then flame away. :D


            Just stop after 2 loses in row, do something else. Go run, bike, fuck gf ( if you have any ), go out for a drink. It will help tremendously


              that is normal. you usually stop when you are having a bad time. most players including arteezy and other pro players tend to do something else when they cant win pubs, like playing lobbies or LoL etc. i sometimes stop even if i win, depending on how good i preform.

              i've had this game ( ) where i had a luna support and a bs that died to neutral camps 3 times in the jungle, somehow we still managed to win. i think i played really good and didn't make mistakes at all, but i stopped playing because i didnt feel like it anymore.

              when you feel like you shouldn't play, you don't.

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                ^So true.

                Disclaimer: I think Bloodseeker suicided to neutrals to go base quicker, even though that sounds stupid.
                Bloodseeker isnt a good jungler afterall, and if u get bad creeps you're basically cummed

                Also, it's a good idea taking a break between games nevertheless if you win or not. It makes you think more of what you're doing.

                edit: allison *heart* < 3

                Hex Sigma

                  Yeah i think it's true. For example my silencer match I won the game but bloody hell it was freaking hard. We did some stupid shit like not focusing on cores(voker and clinkz) and by the time i realized how much they pushed it was too fricking late. We only won because i was defending the base while the others were backdooring.

                  I even had to play as a bait for NP to stop his pushing.

                  The other two were completely crap. Heck i realized i was going to lose from the first minute(void had 2 boots, one for each foot)


                    Your match looks better bro, in this match Doom and LC constantly flaming each other to wood.
                    Meanwhile Zeus with haste..


                      I can't stop until im done. I end up gaining 100-200 mmr or losing it the same way. I remember one day i wanted to win with tinker and i dropped my wintrate with him like 20% and also like 200 mmr. I just believe that as long as you are willing to improve you will win more than you lose in the long run. My winrate was somwhere near 46% now im aiming at 53% even tho i play only ranked, normal once in a while to train with a certain hero.


                        i even have fun losing... i laugh so much (and cry) at retards so yeah... if its a good game i win it... and have fun doing it... if i see too much retardness the best is waste the time trolling the fucktard than getting crushed mentally when you lose a bad fight and the game at min 60+


                          Took a break, came back... get this



                          bum farto

                            Welcome to 4.5K enjoy your stay!


                              Please, all your 4.5k are belong to us.


                              bum farto

                                Another addition to my welcome to 4.5K climb

                                Luna tried so hard to throw but support doom too good


                                  since i lost all my rares because of fkn dk and eg might as well go and play some afk naga mid


                                    WELL... I thought it couldn't get worse but here goes.


                                    Huskar picked top with Jakiro, no offlane. I picked mid Viper. TB picks and calls woods. Enigma picks and calls offlane. This is itself is pretty piss poor.

                                    TB gets invis rune top and says go FB top, fails, gives away first blood. Bottle coming to me mid, Huskar hides it whilst I'm really winning mid hard (I know only 1 min in, but I had all last hits and denies on him). Huskar walks mid and feeds. 22 times.

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                                    ♛ peSte ♛

                                      consider stop playing solo ranked, that's my advice for you man


                                        I feel blessed by the ranked matchmaking gods o.O


                                          @Guiri, that tb is so noob, i can tell by having 1 look at his items. And i also hope that huskars like that guy get stuck in low priority for the rest of their life.


                                            I approve of your venting frustration thread because you clearly identified it as such and didnt go full emo.

                                   the cm/alch combo in safe lane farming the easy camps made me sad...


                                              Better take a break Guiri. Things will settle eventually, but it's pointless to go on and get those trashgames in a row.

                                              TI games probably screws up mm a bit and makes you get drunk rusisans who clicked wrong... "Find Match" instead of "Watch NaVi"


                                                LOL Butter. The thing is, I don't believe the whole 'row' of bad games, I mean, I believe in mentally and if you're looking for shit you're more likely to see it. In my opinion you have the exact same chance of having bs in the next game as you do for any. It just seems at my MMR (as many people have said) it's rife with it and I'm currently going through something of an unlucky streak.


                                                  Perhaps one of the saddest things too, I work damn hard for this win (look at my tower damage) and I win 18 points, for that Huskar shit I lose 25.


                                                    Basically what I meant is that it should probably been better taking a pause than going into new game negative.
                                                    Which you probably don't, but most/a lot of people does, which is a downside obviously.

                                                    My english probably didn't make that clear enough


                                                      Nah, I'm really good at starting each game with a fresh mindset, although my next game is another AIDS fest.


                                                      Tinker insta picks mid, pink hovers over AM for safe so I say please don't pick AM if we have Tinker already because it will be really hard to hold up in the early game, pink picks AM, Puck picks for offlane, I said to other guy lets get a roamer and we'll try win all lanes for our team. He picks prophet. I'm stuck on solo support and I'm shit at support.

                                                      Mirana doesn't appear in lane so I'm calling that she's missing, 10 seconds in to the laning stage and Puck is hit by an arrow for first blood. 30 seconds later mid is hit by an arrow for second blood. Rinse and fucking repeat about 3 more times for mid and bot. Prophet stays afk and gets killed like 4 times in jungle by a roaming SF (no miss called from mid) they have sb on SF, Mirana and SK so I buy sentries, dusts, wards, courier, fly the courier, smokes (for any naive attempt at something) and get brown boots at minute 14. Prophet flames me for feeding and having no items (and not warding to save his ass) when at this point SF can 1 hit me as all I have is boots and branches. Tinker completes BoTs at minute 27.


                                                      Well, that's me done for today. I have patience but to have so many cancer games in such a short space of time is about enough. Goodnight y'all.

                                                      Цей коментар був відредагований

                                                        I just checked, of my last 7 games, 5 have been AIDs fests. I can't wait til I'm finally out of the fucking trench but it's really testing my patience!


                                                          Cancer bracket is back.


                                                          That legion hero damage (look through his legion history)


                                                            Leave that fuckin solo mm and lets go get u a 6k party rather haha :)


                                                              Lol Guiri, just stop playing ranked while TI is going on :v

                                                              Hex Sigma

                                                                I agree with zano, even if I'm in 2k the retards that I encounter are not the typical 2k players that I'm used to. For example I haven't seen 2 boots retards until yesterday.


                                                                  lost 150-200 mmr today. not a signle close game. 100% stomps. i also lost 8 rares (so far, more to come)

                                                                  i love dota

                                                                  Ples Mercy

                                                                    Guiri u suck, just play tetris.

                                                                    kanye went to uni

                                                                      Noob mad HUE HUE HUE"

                                                                      I can see how mad he is, he's so mad his anger spread to you so that you made a post on his thread. Damn Guiri, must be really mad.


                                                                        My anger brings all the noobs to the yard.

                                                                        ♛ peSte ♛

                                                                          the amount of stupidness in Guiri's games has reached a new level, I'm impressed with him being so calm and not smashing anything
                                                                          although I would love to be on Skype with him when he plays a game like that to see his "live" reactions :D

                                                                          Цей коментар був відредагований
                                                                          Hex Sigma

                                                                            Man what the hell

                                                                            I wanted to go mid, instapicking pudge mid or feed. Misses all hooks and feeds first blood. Meanwhile in the top lane doom and undying go on a feeding spree (10 deaths combined). They don't even know how to stop wd's ult :|

                                                                            Цей коментар був відредагований

                                                                              Very nice, get useless jungler and leave your team's lanes weak then complain about your team losing their lanes to CM skywrath roaming combo if I am not mistaken and bat that pretty much wrecks every dual lane without stuns. At least you had no deaths, you didn't die to neutrals, be proud.

                                                                              Jay Ashborne

                                                                                @ Ras's initial post

                                                                                Why care about winning/losing mmr. Pub doto is pub doto. You will never be pro playing pub doto. So don't care about that number. If you worry more about the mistakes you make and how you can fix them or learn from them and improve yourself, that number will change later.

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