General Discussion

General Discussionchina mmr > eu mmr? (east>west)

china mmr > eu mmr? (east>west) in General Discussion

    5 chinese teams at seatle key arena

    safe to say?


      I don't think so, at a non professional level EU is more competitive than China but right now they're dominating at the pro level.


        There is a perfectly stereotypical joke that could fit this thread. I'm sure of it.


          no. The two have very little to do with one another.


            How come you think pro teams has anything to do with pubdota?
            Obviously EU has on average highest mmr players, thus answer is: No, it's not safe to say.


              chinese people in eu are fucking awful so im not sure


                So, one chinese, one american and one Swiss enter a bar...


                  the only thing say to write is EUW >> US


                    @ matrice



                      Sorry, but rtz showed it for the 2nd time, even though he didn't lose 500 mmr as fast as last time :p

                      Цей коментар був відредагований

                        sigh... yea its true.


                          china pubs are the third worst pubs (ahead of russia and SA, Africa and AUS dont count)
                          Their competitive teams are dominating because the meta suits them. Last year, china wasn't even a factor because the meta was push instead of farm.


                            chinas pubs are best..

                            chinese players take this game like a job even in pubs they do agresive trilanes with super tryhard picks u will very rarely see people random in chinese pubs (5k+)

                            here in europe randoms are in every single game u will see people afk jungle in majority of games in fact if u actually try to comunicate with ur team u can easily win

                            thats why abusing heroes like tinker/slark/and so is so good becouse noone wants to team work with random retards in ur team therefore single heroes that scale insanely well can carry solo

                            idk about us/sea servers tho but europes pubs are true trench

                            Цей коментар був відредагований

                              in US East at 3.9k people rarely random and it's impossible to not see slark/tinker/mirana/brewmaster


                                ^ Add Invoker to that list.


                                  in US East at 3.5k phoenix is just getting into the meta


                                    invoker is almost non existant in eu 5k+

                                    void and skywrath been picked almsot every single game tho


                                      High level pro player doesn't play in pub but they scrim a lot with other pro team
                                      So your argument is nonsense.

                                      Chinese teams tried to play a lot at pub last year to practice
                                      and they dominated the first page of watch list constantly (of course)
                                      But then they got destroyed in TI3
                                      And lucky after that they are not stupid so they stopped doing this ever since.

                                      And Chinese/Pinoy in SEA who queue in Australia are fucking dumb in my experience.
                                      I always dodge them when they are on my team.
                                      On the contrary if i queue in SEA they are fucking tryhard so it's quite fun for me

                                      Unfortunately only few of them are educated enough to be able to speak english
                                      Only singaporean or malaysian are good to play with.
                                      So i prefer to play with drunk australian than them.


                                        isn't russian people considered to be in EU. like players in Eurasia (which russian ppl takes alot of flames) and didn't do well either in ti4


                                          ^And your point is?

                                          Oh, wait: EU has to be worse cause they have russians

                                          You do realize there are three types of russians in EU:

                                          1. The guys who doesn't communicate
                                          2. The guys who are fucking terrible /w low mmr, coincidence?
                                          3. The guys who are good, high mmr, funny to play with, russians.

                                          All these points refer to any country or race, so what the fuck are you talking about? "Isnt russian people considered to be in EU?"

                                          So fuckin sad. Makes me sad, emotional, and qops. god

                                          Ples Mercy

                                            No, EU has the most skilled players. I played a lot and i've noticed that best players are on EU East.

                                            If you have 4k+ rating and want to play with and against tryhards, go EU East.