General Discussion


VALVE HATES ME MORE THAN YOU in General Discussion

    I've noticed how people who say that mmr is consistent or that they could get it up are the same people binge playing heroes like pa or slark. I'm up for a good game of playing annoying heroes but I think most people get bored playing the same 2-3 heroes to boost mmr.


      Hey X6, I have over 70% winrate in past 50+ ranked games.
      Is that because Valve is being nice to me? pls answer.

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        "I've noticed how people who say that mmr is consistent or that they could get it up are the same people binge playing heroes like pa or slark. I'm up for a good game of playing annoying heroes but I think most people get bored playing the same 2-3 heroes to boost mmr."

        bull, i played tb from 5.2-5.6k because i like him, but im still climbing with all sorts of random picks

        mmr IS fairly consistent in the long run

        put it this way if a 4k player was playing against a 4.5k player and you had to bet on one of them who would you pick?

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          Oh well, the most of you are stupids, your are completely happy if 4 players that play with u pick sniper riki bloodcyka and bb and talk other language understandable for u and they only rage u cause you are a noob.

          Yeah you in this situation will play your best and will do the game alone cause u enjoy this situations with (4 russians doing shit and raging you) for sureeeee!


            I'm not a 4k player. But this game was like 1.4k mmr.


              "bull, i played tb from 5.2-5.6k because i like him, but im still climbing with all sorts of random picks

              mmr IS fairly consistent in the long run

              put it this way if a 4k player was playing against a 4.5k player and you had to bet on one of them who would you pick?"

              I barely feel like addressing this especially since you said you played tb from 5.2 to 5.6k D: but all I can say is most people talk big about mmr but in reality it's just a number. I'm sure there are people in the 2k's that can show anyone in the 4k's up but calibration made it difficult to get their mmr up so they are stuck with less skilled players.

              Put it this way even the best soccer player in the world couldn't carry his team hard enough.


                @people who say you cant carry out of 2k mmr

                That is 100% your fault. I have been stacking with my 2-3k mmr friends lately and...







                In my only loss, I still did pretty well.

                Quick maffs

                  Valve goes insane in unranked stack games

                  I am playing with 2k friends and only one 3 k friend, our games are in very high what doesnt make any fucking sense, if i dont go mid its insta lose, just look at my naga game lol

                  Quick maffs

                    its so fun to play against tryhard 5 stack when everyone in your stack ramdons


                      The games during the "streaks" are noticeably more one-sided than regular games. The problem isn't just that wins and losses come in streaks, it's the fact that during these streaks, the difference in skill levels between the teams is so huge that the game is over before it even begins. Sometimes I'm on the winning team, sometimes I'm on the losing team, but either way it's no fun to play in a predetermined game.

                      valve fix pub games because after some time you will start lose players!!


                        X6, whats your current mmr?

                        Wink, same question for you.

                        Mmr can go up and down for about 500 mmr ma
                        But anyway. I went from 3.6 to 3.1, then I literaly
                        Stomped back all the way to the 3.8. From 3.1 to 3.pnoh6, i had win streak of 8, then of 5.



                          And here's the thing, I always get +26 mmr when I stack with those 2k players, so MM thinks I will lose in those games

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                            JaThe thing is, if you're closer to 4k bracket then, there is no way
                            Valve can put you in sub 3k.

                            The skillg diference between 3k and 3.7k, for example is there.

                            You can win games much easier in 3.1k if you really belong to higher bracket.

                            Thats the reason why 5k player stomp at 3k.


                              I am going to simplify this for you you stacked with 2 other people making it less likely for you to find foreign/muted players, feeders, or as I like to call them rage quit randoms. Nobody complains about party games because its with their friends and they don't have to come here to complain. Also in how many of those games did someone go afk or say they were going to stop playing?

                              I know what you mean by getting a loss not going mid. I sometimes have to let people go mid even after I call it because they pick heroes like pudge or zeus and they lose mid hard.


                                3200 on my first smurf and 3000 on my main


                                  Thats sub 3k. Chances to drop to 2.9k or even 2.8k are quite big.

                                  If you can't stomp or have big win~streaks on 3k, then

                                  You are exactly where you need to be.

                                  My lowest mmr was 3158, and I stomped pretty much


                                    All the way until i hit 3.6k. So yeas, idiots can make you

                                    Lose mmr points, but, if you rly belive you are better

                                    You will get a chance to comeback.

                                    And, im not sayin im way better then you, but i might be better with

                                    Some heroes, and thats it. Have a nice day!


                                      My last game prime example of what its like in my mmr.
                                      Tidehunter was yelling at alche and void entire game and got blink really late. Void had 0 damage. Alche went to top lane to push never stopped even to defend ancient. Playing spectre or any hard carry that requires more than 5 mins to come online is not possible in this tier because your team doesn't make space and lets the enemy carries get whatever they want.