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    very good all around game with you carrying almost all your team.. wp
    uhm ur probably boosting rather than smurfing and I guess this is 1k-2k mmr am I right?


      Snowballing Alchemist. You had a quite rough team to face but it looks like yo ureally picked your fights.
      Their furion really playd bad tho. How many times did you kill him? ;)


        According to youpr previous stats didnt expect such good game with wr, nice score and nice build. Only thing is missing there is dagger on wr.

        mom said it's my turn to ...

          Ideal LC vs PL matchup. Mid pudge wasn't the best pudge either being his top picked hero and 45% winrate. Despite having 2 carries lane at top, jugg+omni had no way to effectively faceroll at the naix-riki duo. They had no way to deal with or deliver early agression (wouldve been possible if pudge actually made stuff happen). Your teamhad a natural diff blade carrier to deal with omniknight. Ez wr game.

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            Nice job on this disgusting tinker.Your sven sucked too first item cuirass then bkb with no mobility
            @Barney i stopped playing for some time to get gud and now i am raising my mmr quite fast, so far from 1.4k to 2.1k

            so so fresh

              Idk how you doing this, my 2.3-3k mates at this acc is so retarded :D

              Nice idea to pick clinkz vs weaver, he can't do nothing before linken/bkb, good skill/item build, lasthits, and close to perfect perfomance at all.

              stupid fuck 2000

                Lost cause you didn't rush rapier on riki.


                  Nice comeback. Tinker failure soldier.


                    Axe axe axe, nice straight mid end.


                      Wow, that new PA build on your team plus you (Zeus) and Lion ... sooo much burst damage.
                      I feel sorry for CM on the enemy team ...


                        @Apply salt to the wounded...

                        I'm not a core player by any means, but I felt I had enough damage with those items and just needed the HP from abyssal to survive the initial nukes + an active disable to prolong the initiation Storm used on Slark to kill him + I was constantly saving that slot for aegis or cheese, I had like 12k leftover gold at the end. And the other 3 guys were about 1k or so lower than me and storm, so that explains rubicks stuff.


                        Well done, least deads + 39 assists. Ogre rules. And it seems Mirana on the other team sucked hard too.


                          Nice comeback. Some what they failed ending the game by the looks of it, did you spend quite some time deffing hg maybe?
                          Not sure what their Silencer was doing tho.


                            No supports and axe just raped bot lane probably



                              suboptimal itembuild, pretty much impossible to kill if you go for the splitpush build with manta blink.


                                Did I sense a close drop out? They did turn a lot as it looks! Good WR game, I have one of my own now and then, sadly, more then then now :(

                                Allways feel sorry for CM;s in every game, when did we see a good CM display last time?

                                AA was prob a smurf.

                                Thijs Thijs


                                  Seems like a nice no-supports game, it might have been the better plan to build the Tusk into a strong utility support instead of a one-punch man who can't really do anything else in the fights.

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                                    Really bad match-up against the enemy draft


                                      @Thijs Looks like you got owned.. One sided game.. Outplayed?



                                        I was the support -_- Started off with cour n wards (did all the warding, guud warding tbh) but when I was at 7-0-4 or smt and I realized either WK or Sven was going to do anything, I felt it was better to go for the Styg and AC to see what did happen cus Magina was already farming like a madman, but yeah, we would have lost anyway due to the team, only pudge was trying to do smt constructive with me.


                                          Gud gud
                                          Nice smurf btw winrate is like whaaaaat


                                            Won a game as OD!?!?!?!

                                            Oh wait it was low prio.


                                              Quick game with cancer early game team viper/enigma/invoker
                                              Well done died only 1 time
                                              also vladmir viper :DD


                                                @ Positive Mental Attitude.. Come back is really real.. Nice game you had.. That's the result of positive mental attitude, right?



                                                  new account, showing off against noobs. Not nice :/


                                                    @Cvækt안녕하세요 yeah i know, we got rolled in fights too hard, basically couldnt really do damage because I clashed with our big ultis, and MoM was a last ditch item against megas. Just normal game randoms though so just fun and games

                                                    stupid fuck 2000

                                                      @cvaekt You got outdrafted pretty hard. From the looks of it, you went quas wex. I'm pretty sure quas exort would've been much better.

                                                      Цей коментар був відредагований

                                                        Since "I'm fine" doesn't comment sky, i'll do it.

                                                        Good job carrying your team by bursting them down quickly. Although something really bad must be happening around 27 mark, you still managed to end the game before it's too late.

                                                        Btw, is there a reason why you buy morbid mask ? Silver Edge is also questionable since there's no pesky passive that you really want to disable. It's really odd but oh well, what do i know

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                                                          sup distrup with meka but only got 400 HH, well played!

                                                          ASSESS Product

                                                            medusa = ez comeback

                                                            Цей коментар був відредагований
                                                            jin #BLOOMIZ

                                                              earthshaker lose, I know your a support es but that blink and agha... feelsbadman



                                                                Silver edge was just for stats mostly since I already had shadowblade, essential for picking off their carries farming in lane and jungle. Morbid mask is just basically for sustain so I can keep myself active on the map, it would've been built into satanic eventually anyways. Just think of my playstyle in that game as a Quas Wex Invoker but obviously invoker has qqq regen

                                                                mom said it's my turn to ...

                                                                  @ext1nct no mkb vs pa, no mobility vs known gap closers, and almost lost the game if it weren't for the enemy team giving away a big misplay on their side. lucky enough you have attractive meatshields in razor and alche and a good mobility delay in riki if we're talking about rushing after you. overall I still think sniper is still too trashy right now.


                                                                    Did gud won the mach
                                                                    Couldve gone better builds though like heart? idk


                                                                      Man ... tough loss for you. If only DP not abandon from lvl 6, you guys might stand a chance. They must be split pushing like crazy, which is near impossible to stop with only 4 heroes. Hope you get better game next time


                                                                        ggwp, look at all those assists! 29.0 KDA ratio is insane. Only the necro had a higher KDA, and I reckon that was because of reaper's scythe. Well played.


                                                                          Nice tower damage but nothing could save your feeding teammates :(


                                                                            Carry lion sucks...but slark was doin decent kills but you could have done better supporting,. Every suppport was playing CORE role...but ez late game win.

                                                                            Цей коментар був відредагований
                                                                            stupid fuck 2000

                                                                              The trench is strong with this one. Nobody in either of the teams had decent farm and nobody except for you and maybe AM got proper items.

                                                                              Цей коментар був відредагований

                                                                                Looks like you're really enjoying the re-emergence of Storm this patch. :D
                                                                                Nice job in that SF game. I feel like your farming could have been much better, but your actual contribution to the game was good going off your hero damage and tower damage.


                                                                                  nice feed


                                                                                    You too :P


                                                                                      Good job there carrying your team as Tinker.
                                                                                      I think you did a really good job killing Juggernaut quickly. I mean with that kind of item, he should have higher HD.


                                                                                        You and necro had a blast! I assume you booth started off att offlane? Looks like you where involved in a lot and thats allways guud for a phoenix. I really enjoy to watch that hero and cant wait to try it out more! Their team was litteraly superstomped, but I also can find out you did really well on your own. Well done.

                                                                                        Player 175043649

                                                                                          it was a total stomp, ta spec ld.. and on top of that the enemy have techies
                                                                                          ez game


                                                                                            That's a crazy looking game. My guess is that you guys were getting beat despite the farm you and Terrorblade had. Kept losing fights mid and late game. Then you turned a fight after they got mega creeps, wiped them, and gg pushed for the win at the end. Good comeback.


                                                                                              Great job carrying the game, that undying must have had the worst day of his life.


                                                                                                I guess that was one hell of a retarded team.. Still they all farmed pretty hard.. You even have good items on you.. The infinite battlefront ember.. Divine weaver . Octarine agha lesh.. . Also.. Are you in lp?


                                                                                                  Enemy's got nothing to kite you once you had BKB


                                                                                                    Well , you simplu nuked them back to the stoneage. Litteraly - Nuked them back!
                                                                                                    Allways hard to say something when it clearly was a superstomp tho.