General Discussion

General DiscussionHow to git gud (seriously)

How to git gud (seriously) in General Discussion
Sexo Meister

    like how?

    enlighten me 4k~6k players! i wanna git gud!

    Giff me Wingman

      you rly don't want 4k trash to teach you, that usually doesn't go well.


        watch pro player use "x" hero in pub's perspective. Use the same "x" hero than follow the same pattern that the pro player used. When you get the feel that you git gud, modification it a little bit.

        if anything, when u lose in ranked u should download your replay what things go bad and what things should go better etc.

        Source : me

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          i had an account i sometimes smurfed. yesterday i checked that account and it could play ranked games even though its not lvl 50 in reborn. so i wanted to have fun with it. my first ranked match's average mmr was 4.6k , won that. for some reason the second game avg was 4.4k won that too, then 3rd game avg mmr was 4.3k (lol wut) anyways, i throw some games and in the end i had 5wins 5 losses and calibrated as 4.1k solo mmr. so i dont know how you guys are below 4k but if you are it's because of a reason. unless you improve yourself heavily, you just need to stay there and forget about increasing your mmr.

          my smurf:

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            use player's perspective when watching high rated or professional players.

            think about what knowledge u lack (f.e. u dont know how exactly neutral creeps' spawn boxes work), and watch guides that explain it.

            analyze your own plays after the game, and sometimes even simultaneously to the game. use your brain when playing.

            dont give up - games that became one-sided are a unique opportunity to learn smthng new.

            play in unbalanced parties to watch how better players perform, and learn to deal with them when they are in the enemy team.

            avoid emotional reactions, particularly in solo q - take your teammates' performance as a constant you have no influence on, and dont ever blame them or flame - these are just the factors that dont depend on you, and you should win whatever the circumstances are.

            never let yourself think that MM system or your teammates are what holds you back and prevents from grinding mmr; this perspectve is just counterproductive for self-improvement even if it's actually true.

            if you feel like u played for too long this day, and cant focus anymore, just mechanically repeating all the actions instead - stop playing dota and do smthng else. playing too much is bad, too.

            even if you have one main role that you decided to master, play others, too. it will help you to understand how to deal with these heroes, or how to help them when they are on your team. its not enough to know it theorically, you should "feel" them.

            dont build same items over and over again, develop your itemization for each game separately, learn to analyze the picks, game situation, and teammates/opponents playstyle properly.

            Sexo Meister

              Wehehe thx gaiz

              Time to git gud

              the realm's delight


                Totentanz to The King: M ...

                  Watch pro games. Obviously they are very different than pubs but you still learn a lot of new stuff.


                    Play meepo, once you do that you automatically get gud.