General Discussion

General DiscussionWhy doesn't decrepify work against jugg?

Why doesn't decrepify work against jugg? in General Discussion

    His omnislash is physical dmg so decrep should surely work against him! Thoughts?

    Riguma Borusu

      It does work, decrep yourself, he omnislashes you, you live, that's it. Casting decrepify on jugg, however, is really stupid since he can just bladefury out of it, and he can still omnislash if decrepified (but he will not proc secondary attacks I think, just the omnislash attacks).


        I'm thinking.. did I leave the stove on?


          decrep hos target = no damage dealt
          decrep jugg right b4 he ulties = okay i actually dont know what happens, but he certainly cant hit in between slashes, just like it happens with halebard

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          Riguma Borusu

            ^this is not true, he will actually deal damage every omnislash attack, but he won't be able to attack other than that I think, I'd have to test this in a lobby. In the same way, disarming jugg with HH makes him unable to proc secondary attacks during omnislash, but he still omnislashes you just fine, for the same reason omnislash goes through evasion - it's not really a right click attack, it's SPELL DAMAGE, but physical.

            Haha holy shit you actually edited your post while I was writing this one, but yeah, that's what happens I think.

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              Isn't jugg indestructible during his omnislash?


                I mean: Turns Juggernaut invulnerable and spell immune for the whole duration.

                That's what it says.

                Riguma Borusu

                  ^Good point, but keep this in mind:
                  "Unlike other sources of spell immunity, Omnislash does not dispel any buffs and debuffs."

                  This means it won't debuff HH or ghost scepter (or decrepify for that matter). If he's already disarmed or ghost scepter'd he will remain so for the duration, spell immunity is not by and of itself a purge, even though most sources of spell immunity purge at least some debuffs.

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                    ye i editted cz i realized that what i was writing is complete bullshit


                      jugg can be hooked out of omnislash but i dont think it deals any damage to him


                        It doesnt

                        Riguma Borusu

                          It doesn't because he's invulnerable, it also "shouldn't work" because he's spell immune, but both hooks' damage and disposition go through magic immunity (this is because it was triggered om wc3) so w/e. Gotta love DotA's consistency.


                            sometimes this game is just hard to understand

                            Riguma Borusu

                              ^It's much easier to understand if you know wc3 mechanics and legacy leftovers.

                              You know why kunkka could not get a battlefury, cleave goes through armor, some spells (seemingly randomly) pierce spell immunity? Hardcoded, bitch, wc3 engine and data it had to it was often hardcoded and out of reach for the modders, but guess what, fucking Blizzard actually released patches that modify hardcoded values or make them no longer hardcoded, just so that moders (read: icefrog) could modify shit for DotA. Like, wc3 was receiving patches for what seemed like 5-6 years past the time it should have, just due to DotA development.

                              Of course, a lot of those things are chanegd in DotA 2 as it is no longer bound to wc3 engine, but the whole concept of UAM is still here, pretty much for no reason, because it was the limitation of the wc3 engine and nothing that ever had to do with balance.

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                              Dune, the Desert Planet

                                He will not deal damage to banished targets, however if Juggernaut himself is banished he can still deal damage with Omnislash. This is because Pugna's banish (and E Blade) disables the targets ability to attack, not to deal physical damage. Otherwise, if you banish BB he wouldn't be able to damage people with his Spray. Another point which is overlooked is that Omnislash doesn't make Juggernaut attack, he just "blinks" to the target and deals physical damage. If he was actually attacking WR could dodge complete Omnislash, which she can't. As for regular attacks during ulty, they are normal attacks in every way, can be evaded, won't happen if Jugg can't attack (banish, disarm).

                                As for Hook, as long as target isn't hidden (AI, infest) it will always get dispositioned. Including Omnislash, Ball Lighting and Eul. It won't damage invulnerable units.

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                                  ^ Hook can't hit puck when he's in phase shift tho.


                                    Well phase shift. He's out of this world when he's phasing :D

                                    plz do

                                      ^"As for Hook, as long as target isn't hidden (AI, infest)"

                                      < blank >

                                        Omnislash on Windranger gives True Strke, good shit


                                          Puck's Channeled makes it immune to EVERYTHING.


                                            autoattacks < evasion
                                            physical damage from spells > evasion
                                            autoattacks/physical damage < ghost form (physical damage immunity)
                                            autoattacks < disarm < physical damage from spells

                                            i think. i'm pretty sure that when you use windrun you only receive the damage from omnislash but not from aac inbetween slashes