General Discussion

General Discussioncant go back to VHS BRACKET..

cant go back to VHS BRACKET.. in General Discussion

    Why i cant go back to VHS even i got a winning streak and play well


      Maybe youre hovering between 3700 to 3900/ hs to vhs. Try best kda more.


        I can good as a carry but sometimes a match dont have kda is important?should i create new accnt or just cont.?im worry not to go back at vhs..tsk


          ya same me. why im always ns.


            just accept that you're not vhs and stop whining, fuck your thread honestly.


              4k mmr scrub..


                says you with 17 games and got demoted from vhs, jealous?


                  Win all by your teAmate?.. A garbage..dont worry you drop to 1k dude trust me.

                  bot hard mute

                    lol op u are just too bad for vhs. no need to flame real 4k players. u belong into mid 3k


                      typical trash from SEA who can't accept you're shit enjoy imagining you belong in vhs trash, i don't even consider myself to be good just better than trash like you who keeps thinking you're better than hs kys kid, im not replying this cancerous tread anymore. Good luck with that scrub mentality of yours nerd.


                        Git gud is the key mate, if you wanna go to vhs , stop picking carry and try to pick ur team need .


                          Haha coach? Your not like miracle to say that ...average player talk like a pro..a perfectionist garbage.


                            Ty hillary.


                              @lardel8 ignore him m8. he's a scrub who thinks he is worthy of vhs just because he thinks owning in vhs pubs is considered reallyyyyyyyyyyyy good lmao.

                              Luminuos Adra

                                play even better bro. I understand that everyone wants to play as a carry for better gpm/xpm. Look at my match as a carry. no support hero, feeder everywhere. I just want to improve my LH statistic cause it's below 100. I always play support heroes thats why my xpm/gpm/LH are low. I lost all of my recent games as carry (each game has a feeder, I've tried my best but SEA server is a disaster.) So I lost and my gpm/xpm weren't that good but the system still put me in VHS bracket. Maybe it's because of my support gameplay that keeps me in VHS.. I don't know. It's really complicated.


                                  And at vhs you playing so bad , accept that u belong in hs mate


                                    Agreed with perfectionist
                                    If you deserve VHS, you'll get it
                                    If a trash is in VHS, he'll drop down
                                    Simple as that


                                      typical trash from SEA who can't accept you're shit enjoy imagining you belong in vhs trash, i don't even consider myself to be good just better than trash like you who keeps thinking you're better than hs kys kid, im not replying this cancerous tread anymore. Good luck with that scrub mentality of yours nerd.

                                      Reply for what? Haha


                                        Be polite for just asking how and why..okay.. Coz he think hes dota god..its free to ask question dude .. Read perfctionist reply..


                                          He said fuck your thread..really?


                                            if i look at your pathetic games i will see why u are not vhs but im lazy


                                              he isn't wrong tho, you should stop being a whiny shithead and actually smurf only when you think you actually belong in vhs lol.

                                              Riguma Borusu

                                                when do retards stop smurfing

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                                                      A friendly reminder to smurfs, especially to you OP.

                                                      1. Smurf , once you improve like a 5k gamer,to avoid disappointment and memes like OP( ez 4-4.7k smurf)
                                                      2. 3K may get vhs,but borderline vhs(3.3-3.7) this explained OP situation. he will have 3.3-3.5k mmr once he calibrated im 100% sure
                                                      3. Just play and enjoy the game, your mmr will follow with your actual skill.


                                                        i smurf and have almost same mmr as main what u have against smurf u cant go far away with smurf