General Discussion

General DiscussionHelp me

Help me in General Discussion

    Predict me mmr u say 1k i trashtalk u to death say 4k or i rap ur mom
    Me so good but team drag down.... how can reach vhs me get noob team 24 7 me sure can get 4k which hero spam to 4k please help me need this 4k so my friend willnt laughing at me pls me so desprete


      have you tried working the shaft?


        I still don't get how someone said "i need 3k acc" like he's dying and 3k is the cure or some shit
        Holy shit the stupidy in dota community never stops to amuse me


          i climbed from 3600 to 4000 in 15 days and week more to 4200 whats problem retard???
          it is retarded mmr thats why i left in 2 weeks if u cant stomp at 3k even tho u have bad team then go kill urself or stay in that mmr