General Discussion

General Discussionrubick core pub build?

rubick core pub build? in General Discussion

    anyone play it like that? with aghs blink bloodstone and dagon5?


      I've seen that a few times. Rubick's team always fucking loses.


        Dont play rubick never

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        M U R D E R

          i just had a lot of fun stomping guys with this build (except i didnt make aghs), but i get that its not quite good in very high skill :D

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          yung griphook

            its not worth me getting reported over

            M U R D E R

              i see a lot of hate, so i am bound to ask: what item build you go for instead if you transition your support rubick into a core due to snowballing?

              PMS Mantra

                Go pro: Octarine, Agh, Blink, Force.

                M U R D E R

                  I used to do octarine,it would be the 6th slot in my item build. But yeah force is good too.

                  Or sheep since when spamming ulti you dont really have much problem with cooldown.

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                    the old build for mid rubick used to be Blink, uels, force, bloodstone.
                    Nowadays its

                    Manaboots, (mobility), Aghs, Euls/blyatt stone.

                    Rubick is Aghs the hero, if you aren't going aghs on rubick, you shouldn't be picking rubick

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                        get octarine/hex/totally situational after blink aghs (and maybe force)
                        Like dafuq is a bloodstone item #3

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                        1st class tourist

                          whats with those smurfs, every post is made by a smurf who ends up at 2k. . .??


                            Yes every thread is about that except ayy lmao and some few others. Sometimes sad ppl like me post on threads too :(

                            one syllable anglo-saxon

                              how about not picking this hero at all