General Discussion

General DiscussionHero that has high BLDG Dmg and Hero DMG.

Hero that has high BLDG Dmg and Hero DMG. in General Discussion

    Aside from meepo. Because is meepo is pretty ez to counter.

    registered flex offender

      Almost any carry


        jugg invoker TA AM

        casual gamer

          a good meepo will rape his "counters" 9/10 times with the exception of WW

          casual gamer

            morphling and drow

            Dire Wolf

              Drow, aghs + mjollnir = assloads of hero dmg and she naturally does high tower dmg.

              Dk, Ck, sniper

              Potato Marshal

                Jakiro and Pugna can destroy towers and nuke waves down pretty early on.