General Discussion

General DiscussionWhat do you do when you're having a lose streak?

What do you do when you're having a lose streak? in General Discussion
Saaya  Irie

    Do you stay out of the game? Play other games? Do a good deed and get good karma etc.?


      Troll people in unranked




          Stop and figure out why.


            Cook and eat


              have a smoke


                Don't let a losing streak bring me down and keep trying until I break it apart and put some "red stain" on a poor victim's profile


                  play more hoping i'd win then lose like a stupid kid


                    I pick doom in the next game


                      I blame my team 1v9 and make smurf to feel good



                        are you the guy behind all those "how2get VHS kek" topics


                          yes of course :-D


                            fap a bit

                            Vem Comigo

                              try hard heros, like pa mid dagger spam, slark, sven etc.


                                win a game


                                  if im not :salty: for the losses i just keep playing

                                  Pale Mannie

                                    not caring what will happen ingame just playing


                                      Just go sleep or else

                                      Vem Comigo

                                        The only way to win is to be like water, you have very poor farm on the carrys, and you are too agressive.
                                        Be like water mold yourself to each game, play each time diferently.
                                        Experiement new roles, new ways to play the game.
                                        And then win.


                                          Either play a stacked game or masturbate


                                            Dude get some weed chill

                                            casual gamer

                                              i keep playing and losing until mmr lowers enough that i cannot throw

                                              仙道 "ZL." クリストフ

                                                mastering them heroes in bot match

                                                Positive Player

                                                  Play some party games and chill down, or play some overwatch


                                                    @JDF8 HUHU RED DAYS YA

                                                    Saaya  Irie

                                                      When you try so hard and you still lose. :(


                                                        I used to go on my 2k account and troll ppl at ranked there, so the games were pretty balanced and fun :D, after Id loose on my smurf i'd go back on this account
                                                        Now im LP on that account so CBF getting out of there, LP on this one as well cuz of loose streak, I guess im too shitty player or I answer my teammates too much.. Dunno

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                                                          Best to take break , get some sleep , workout etc

                                                          Boi Danny

                                                            Kick random cats in the neighbour hood. Lots of strays so no one will care.

                                                            Forget me not

                                                              Just watch some hen... Oops I mean anime to calm down and play again if I have my composure again.


                                                                I'm really fucking surprised that nobody said musterbate.


                                                                  i mast 3 times minimum a day is that ok ...if im alone all day i mast 7 times maybe even more my cock so hard ..18 cm
                                                                  contact me pretty girls


                                                                    watch rtz videos from DotaElite


                                                                      Get my behavior score back on 8k without ranked matches.


                                                                        remember why u started playing dota in the first place , this is the only reason i still play this game at all.

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