General Discussion

General DiscussionSlacks new video about communication

Slacks new video about communication in General Discussion

    Was weirdly very good didnt expect slacks to make such a guide go check out if u want and put the link here


      Man great post but u forget the link.

      Potato Marshal

        I guess good communication can make up for being an omniknight that doesn't buy wards or courier, pulls, harass the offlaner and just steals farms to rush his soul ring.


          Shut your mouth weeb our glorious lord slacks hit 5k


            lord slacks has spoken
            haters gonna hate


              holy fuck i would ruin the game so hard if i got him in team
              thank god he queues on us


                lul didnt check this thread yesterday


                  anyone who needs a video teaching you how to communicate must be retarded, communication in dota is really very simple, only use mic for important stuff and not bullshit, if you really want to flame type it out and not mic flame, use your mic for important stuff that everyone wwould find useful like spell/item cds, mana/hp status, tp status, levels, and only try to lead your team if you are the highest mmr or no one on ur teams making any calls, wow really basic stuff didnt know reddit would need a video about that

                  also slacks is not 5k material btw, just being a known person inflates your mmr significantly


                    I actually got a guy who obviously watched the turorial in my game yesterday(in my game as WK).
                    He stared with "Hello, I will be your support for this game".
                    I was like: "Oh no, someone watched slacks tutorial, we foken lawst"

                    He didn't play really good, but we ended up winning the game.

                    Moral of the story: Lord Slacks knows what he is doing.

                    Цей коментар був відредагований

                      people who use mic to banter and pretend to be friendly really makes my skin crawl

                      Vem Comigo

                        This proves that you dont need to be good to have a blue star


                          tohught it was a pretty known fact that 5k is the new 4k

                          Totentanz to The King: M ...

                            I hate it when the "nice guys" play terribly but it's fine because they were nice guys.

                            < blank >

                              Then it's pretty sad that you have to abuse to get 5k


                                ? hope u arent one of those retards lol

                                Цей коментар був відредагований

                                  Agree tho fuckers who feed n say sorry trigger me
                                  And the guy who wants to say shit all the time is just too annoying

                                  But i liked the husk fuck part of the video it's simply the basic problem of everyone of us and almost all of u guys o know ehem ehem aimstrong seem to be that type :))))

                                  I didnt get more mmr by supping like a pro sup and stacking and roaming and ganking and all the shit. Let's see how davai style works ..

                                  not arin

                                    I hate it when the "nice guys" play terribly but it's fine because they were nice guys.

                                    and then you get reported by 4 people because you dared to say a word to them