General Discussion

General DiscussionProbleM with skill bracket

ProbleM with skill bracket in General Discussion

    Why I still cannot get with very high skill?
    Guys please give some advise.
    Hero damage and KDA quite good still cannot get with very high skill why ?
    If u say my last hit terrible please look at my Carry sven or am or other hero link below .

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    registered flex offender

      learn how to last hit


        Please forgive English, I am Russia I come to study Mechanical Engineering at American University. I am here little time and I am very hard stress. I am gay also and this is very difficult for me, I am a very religion person. I never act to be gay with other men before, but after I am in America 6 weeks I am my friend together he is gay also. He was show me American video game and then we are kiss. I never before now am tell my mother about gay because I am very shame. I am feel so guilty, I feel extreme guilt as I am feel the pleasure. I pick up the telephone and call Mother in Russia. I awaken her. I am very upset and guilty and crying, so I yell her (in Russia)… I hang up the telephone and am very embarrass. My friend also he is very embarrass. I am guilt and feel very stupid. I wonder, why do I gay with man? But I continue because of pleasure. Please help me I very need advice


          Because your not very high skilled. Plus your lh with zeus is terrible.

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            Ok guys if u say my last hit terrible let's look at my farmer am or sven

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              Looks like you got 40% winrate with those heroes.
              The reason why your normal skill is because your not that good to be in very high skilled games, hell, even in high skilled games.
              Just learn how to play properly first, git gud, learn the mechanics. And dont bother making another smurf. the result will be the same.


                As if last hit really proves ones ability to get into vhs, pretty straightforward you aren't in vhs cause you don't know basic mechanics and your in game judgement is probly pretty shit so git gud. I can assure you i can play support and end up in vhs lmao.

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                  Sorry guys I don't get what u means git gud and basic mechanics ?


                    Git gud= Get good
                    Game Mechanics basically means you don't know the basics of dota that is why you aren't vhs.


                      What u means of basic dota ?
                      I prevent from death and know how to control and still don't know basic of dota ?


                        Dont play at sea region.. play at another region if u wanna 4k so bad.. but u will placed at 4k soon if u git gud.


                          There are way more things that seperates a good player and a shitty one other than "prevent from death and know how to control"
                          The faster you realize you belong in NS because you're shitty, the faster you'd improve
                          Focus on improving instead of going "omg how do i get vhs im so sad :(((( i am gone create 99999 smurf accounts until i vhs"


                            @Xcell If he actually does that he will just ruin people in other regoin's games with his 200+ ping


                              @bws he actually thinks too shallow, pity lol.


                                You will find it out later. Check my smurf. Very bad K/D/A straight lose. remain is VHS. One time I played with 5k's in that smurf account