General Discussion

General DiscussionQuestions that I need answered to help me reach 5k

Questions that I need answered to help me reach 5k in General Discussion

    I feel like these things are stopping me from reaching 5k, (no it's not my teammates) and this is why I need some answers to my questions. I obviously am not good enough, so that's why I'm not 5k, so far I've tried analyzing my replays, it sort of works out, however it's extremely time consuming. Alright onto the questions. (Also I know this is a ton of words here so if no one replies it'll be fine)

    1. Is there any other way that will help me get to 5k, (apart from analyzing replays)

    2. What do you do if you get a very tough lane in mid as Storm, because everytime I play storm I rarely have an easy lane because if they have a weak mid, they get rotations, if they get a strong mid they get rotations and lane becomes even harder. So as Storm what should you do if lane is tough and it's hard to walk up to the creep wave without being heavily harrassed? I've tried stacking jungle, then farming it when my hp drops a bit low. I've also tried ganking weaker lanes when I hit 6/7. None of these are proving very effective. In short, how do you comeback as Storm?

    3. Same with TA, I've got much more experience with TA and I don't usually struggle in lane as I seem to win most of my mid matchups, even with like a Bh or a riki around, it doesn't seem to impact me as hard as if I was playing a different mid. So say they got like a skywrath roaming mid with a viper in the mid lane, or like a mirana OD, do I go and stack ancients or jungle, or do just try to safely leech xp until the creeps come to tower range or something like that. I feel like I'm able to comeback with TA, if my lane gets dumpstered I always push out the wave, make sure I stack ancients, go jungle and I can still manage like a 15-16 minute deso, go rosh and try to take objectives. Then most of the time, things will go well and I'll have blink by 20 minutes.

    4. Basically to summarize question 2 & 3 how do you comeback as a mid laner?

    5. Now onto the safelane questions, what happens if you get like a super aggressive safelane, such as undying and spiritbreaker, or like axe and lich. I often play AM and Slark so these tough matchups do happen. Do I try catch up a bit and go jungle? Or should I ask for a lane switch with my offlaner? Do I ask my mid to rotate, or should I just leech xp but leeching xp as a safelaner defeats the purpose of getting farm. So I'm not sure what to do. If the lanes like moderately hard, say a solo axe, should I just push out the wave and go jungle, or just keep using creep aggro and try to get a few last hits before going jungle, or should I just avoid going jungle at all.

    6. Whenever I play carry and have free farm or partial free farm, I always push out the wave, then farm the hard camp close the lane, even if there's no one defending the tower, yeah I know this sounds very questionable but isn't it better to damage a tower, than to farm like 2-3 creeps in the hard camp? Because what I think is that after that t1 tower goes down, then the creeps end up going very far down to their t2 and it's not very safe to farm there. However you can easily push out the wave and farm like 3 jungle camps and returning, I'm not sure which is more efficient.

    7. How do you lane against max astral OD if you play TA/Storm? Whenever I play Storm against OD I always get destroyed in lane by OD, when I play TA it's not as bad, but if I wait for OD to use astral and then use my traps I could get a kill on him, however he's so tanky. But as Storm I just don't know what to do, if I play Storm should I just push out wave and go jungle or what should I do. I just play TA as I usually do in this lineup.

    8. Morphling question, yeah this might sound questionable but I always go bottle after wraith band on morph (yes in the safelane) I always feel like bottle is so good for when you're finished a fight, low mana, low hp on very high str, its very nice to be able to morph agi, and get that extra regen from bottle. Also it he's sustain you in jungle and in lane. Also if I need to heal up I can replicate teammate or enemy tp to fountain and just get mana hp to full, yes I do this if lane is tough so I just get replicate at 6 and just tp home if I get low on hp and mana, reason I do this is because I feel like he doesn't farm very efficiently without using waveform from time to time, and he has severe mana problems that I can't sustain only with aquila and perserverance / linkens. Also is it worth it to get qb because I usually go raindrops or mango over Qb. Also how should I use replicate when splitpushing, should I leave the replicate back or leave it close to a teammate so I can replicate to it when a possible fight starts, but then I fight I don't have a replicate because I used it to get there, should I just tp in and not use replicate?

    9. How do you fight as Morphling? I understand most other heroes that I play such as Slark, TA, AM etc. But I need more clarification on Morph.

    10. How do you lane as Storm? I know how to as TA but as Storm my laning seems questionable.

    Ця тема була відредагована

      1. If you are 5k material you will outlane any 4k shitter anyway and you wont have to deal with following problems xd

      2. Always aggro vs hard lanes if you have hg advantage it will be much harder to harras and gank you also you get secured farm. If that doesnt help go in jungle and farm camps til enemy pushed lane to your tower for you to farm. Stacking as storm isnt worth it anymore imo. Bottle got nerfed magic dmg on stacks got nerfed. Have tp ready as soon as you hit 6.

      3. It's really hard to come back with TA if you get pressured hard on lane and die once or twice. Usually 18 mins deso timing isnt enough for me to come back anymore. You should also preferably not pick Ta on Dire since your jungle and Ancients are super far away and laning is also way worse. If youre against Riki or BH or any roamer always make sure to have Creeps on your highground via aggroing, your chances of dieying and losing farm are muuch lower.

      4. Since snowballing Midlaners such as Qop or Puck are not meta, try to always farm as long as you arent garbage at it you should come back.

      5. Everything here is situational and should be decided in game. if you have hard time on lane as am get iron talon and try to get RoH and RoR asap and go to jungle until your team rotates or they destroyed your tower. That goes for pretty much most Safelaners.

      6. If their offlaner is still on lane you shouldnt push and give him free exp by pushing. Either push and pull or just deny your creeps and trade with him until he leaves after that push tower/pull hardcamp, whatever you feel like is better in your situation.

      7. OD has really low range on Astral til lvl 7 shouldnt be a problem as storm since you can always just back off and hit him, he takes alot more harras than you do.

      8. Shouldnt get bottle on morph imo. Youre out of item slots already with wand, Aquila, QB and tp, it's also a waste of 640 gold that could be half way to your linkens recipe. You have unlimited sustain with BOTs and replicate. Morph is a really fast farmer especially with QB.

      9. Always have replicate up and splitpush permanently, only join fights if you have replicate going.

      10. Pull creep agro, whenever creeps are low remant and harras other mid, push lane when rune is spawning, go for kills when you hit 6.


        as storm and ta u r supposed to farm a lot of neutrals
        with morph u shotgun supports and split
        its not better to damage the tower too early unless u r going hg in 20 minutes; it pushes the av lane equlibrium way too far from your tower, and allows enemy's offlane/supps to farm their safely
        dont expect to win laning against od with these heroes


          Ive never had problems as storm vs OD lul, guess they were bad


            Actually just watch rtz play safelane hes proly the best at it

            Vem Comigo

              like just win games dont get tilted, dont get to low prio and you will be 5k one day, even that shit necro spammer is 5k, even slacks is 5k.

              casual gamer

                my laning is god awful i will lose mid to anyone but if you put me in 4k avg games ill win playing mid prob at least 60% of the time lul

                farm farm farm and when you get bloodstone collect charges without dying = autowin


                  ur not close to 5k ur 4500 lmao u need 700 800 mmr more and tp stay there and ur 5k ...stupid shit