General Discussion

General DiscussionUsing mic

Using mic in General Discussion

    I'm trying to use mic but it seems no one gives a fuck about what I have to say. If I try to organize a smoke gank w/ mirana ulti for example, it's just crickets. Team's like bots.

    "I think we're playing too passively. Jugg has an 18 min bfury, can we gank him with legion and my ult?"
    Team: farm and communicate nothing.


    Ця тема була відредагована

      playing with mic can boost ur mmr to 5k for sure no joke :D
      but its very important to use mic


        i do use mic when i can


          pretend to be a girl, they will do everything for you


            It's discouraging when it feels like your mic isn't even on because no one responds.

            Dire Wolf

              I don't use mic cus I found it not really much more effective than just pinging, typing. Occasionally you can say something really quick like pudge is right there and ping, but usually a ping and typing pudge is enough and you can do it. With mic I think people have a tendency to over communicate and be annoying, they'll comment on the game when no one cares etc.

              So if you are using mic trust me I am listening but might be in the middle of something and not respond or whatever. Players can respond with their actions and don't have to in chat all the time.


                @Tasaina Not in Dota. They will do everything for u in every game except dota. Grils get flamed alot in dota. You're not getting away with it just bcuz u have a pu$sy

                @soy yea it feels like i am talking to myself in every match. Communication is a problem in moba games (LoL doesnt even a have mic option ROFL)

                Président® Salted Butter

                  Idk man, people listen to me when I use my mic lol

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                    be more direct and simple, people don't understand complex sentences.

                    talk to them like they're kinder gardeners

                    Riguma Borusu

                      I have seen girl gamers pick CM and feed rikis relentlessly and the thing is, once MMR is in the game, nobody cares about your genitals.


                        my eng is bad and only time I surely use mic is when I have teammate from my country.
                        if I want to say things like missing, roshan, gank, smoke, ward, push I just type it. now if u want to say something more than this, thats not helpful and better of not saying at all. i myself always insta mute at the start of the match cus there is no reason to listen to ppl. espacially in ns.

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