General Discussion

General DiscussionWhat possition...

What possition... in General Discussion
Millicent of Scarlet Aeonia

    What possition is the best to grind MMR in 4.3- 4.7 bracket according to the changes in 7.00?

    1-IceTea 🌟

      Jungle for sure


        Any position should be good enough

        Millicent of Scarlet Aeonia

          Jungle? o.O Why ?


            I think whatever position you choose is irrelevant, just play your best position and spam 2-3 heroes from that position
            ex: (3rd position) offlane: necro, cw, slardar

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              Icetea is joking
              He's one of those sick ass jungle exclusive players who has 4k mmr

              Millicent of Scarlet Aeonia

                I feel really confort playing as sk in offlane, I don't know how could I manage it playing as CW or necros, I would like to use Underlord too.


                  twas just an example, though I think sk is a solid pick, so is underlord

                  Millicent of Scarlet Aeonia

                    I started to play ranked with my old smurf, because I don't feel confident enough to play with my main acc. And I find really easy this bracket playing as offlaner I am actually winning 14 games in a row is not a big thing because is just 4k , my main problem is how to manage extreme push strategies (playing as sk) or when the enemies have a lot of high ground defense. ._.

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                    1-IceTea 🌟

                      SK CW is really fine and good at offlne, watch how higher mmr player play it on offlane and you will improve.

                      That's for normal human tho,ppl like me research myself and improved.

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                        I'm sure any, just pick what you're good with and feel most comfortable. If you have shitty mechanics just play support, it's actually so easy to climb with it if you know what to do, esp when you pick something that fits in a specific game very well.

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                        one syllable anglo-saxon

                          offlane>support>safelane>mid imo
                          doesn't rly matter that much tho, depends more on ur lane/hero preferences

                          Millicent of Scarlet Aeonia

                            thx for all advices . lately I don't like too much to play core possition, only offlaner, I prefer roamer sup, or offlaner, I feel very confortable doing it.
                            About the last comment "Light & Magic" I feel the same about it. It seems to be that Midlane has not the same impact that used to. (At least in my bracket)

                            Dire Wolf

                              Probably not 5 position, but anything else.

                              casual gamer

                                position Luna



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                                    Doggy style


                                      Carry or mid but i also like pos.5, if you learn how to do shit tons of work and impactfull things with no farm, then your team have a good advantage, i mean support heroes like dazzle, cm,lich,wd, etc and my favourite io is propably one of the best hero to have impact with no farm, you literally need only bottle urn and skill


                                        Whatever floats your boat, man.

                                        The position, which you enjoy the most, have the most experience in, etc.

                                        I've decided to just keep playing offlane/jungle and see.

                                        Цей коментар був відредагований

                                          I will just giv u the top picks
                                          Weaver jugg luna underlord sk ember meepo cen necro