General Discussion

General DiscussionUse appkarma to earn free steam wallet

Use appkarma to earn free steam wallet in General Discussion

    Appkarma is a app on smartphones that gives you offer to download other apps and give you points as a reward, you can exchange the points you earned to steamwallet.

    Download appkarma now on playstore and use "nieco023" referral code to earn 300 points!

    Ця тема була відредагована

      lol u believe in that shit?

      mom said it's my turn to ...

        Oh goodie another account trap


          Its take you a long time earning those points lol, Im sure the points they give is small but I will try it xD


            it's legit, but the fact is you're downloading basically viruses and crapware onto your phone for literally no payout

            Pale Mannie

              nice try to scam us bruh


                Download appkarma now on playstore and use "nieco023" referral code to earn 300 points!

                NO! i no let you get 300 points and me getting 10 points.


                  3 hours ago

                  it's legit, but the fact is you're downloading basically viruses and crapware onto your phone for literally no payout

                  their play store apps. people with no cellphones this days/