General Discussion

General DiscussionCore players - What do you prefer? Safe, mid or off and why?

Core players - What do you prefer? Safe, mid or off and why? in General Discussion

    I was mostly a mid player but I feel like I enjoy playing Pos 1 more, because I suck at playing offlane, and playing mid requires much more laning skill, also huge amounts of rotations are always in mid, so mid laner has to comeback and safelane gets practically free farm.


      mid is better to win games on your own

      mr. rabbit

        idk but i rly like offlane

        btw did u play against a brood these past few hours?


          my favourite lane is solo off. but i dont get it much so it depends on hero which im playing.


            In recent patches playing carry and is not so interesting as it used to be, becuz u usually get rekt on lane against double offlane which moreover has shrine which u dont have. Mid and off is way better positions while carry is total shit


              mid doesn't have to deal with 4k supports ruining the safelane with a failed pull or 0 harass or something.

              I'd rather be 'getting ganked' and being able to blame myself for a death. Than have 0 control over the matchup.
              eg. my support solo feeding thier offlaner, or pushing the wave, not buying sentries. Which in turn, loses the safelane.


                ice cream eaters

                what do you prefer

                chocolate or vanilla?

                死の恐怖 Haseo

                  i love playing safelane support . i devote myself to support my carry forever and willing to die anytime for him <3


                    Banana icecream


                      chocolate or berries


                        MAngo is best


                          Y not both Choco and Vanilla?


                            chocolate peanut butter


                              vanilla is the best


                                really isnt


                                  50/50 safe/mid

                                  Dune, the Desert Planet

                                    I'm always pos 1 even if I'm mid cuz my mids are TA, SF, Naga, OD lul

                                    pos 2 when I'm Drow safelane, pos 1 if I detect that my mid is retarded.


                                      I focus on support, because on my bracket (3500~) people tend to always call for core and most of the time I don't trust anyone to support, so it's my first choice.
                                      If not possible, I try to take offlane, considering how good it is now with shrine, bounty rune and so. Also, it's kinda easy to level up against a tri/dual lane, and even easier against a solo core. Ps: healing salves are always worthy to keep you a few more minutes on lane.
                                      If needed, I could pick carry aswell, even considering the bad spot it is at the moment.
                                      As a last choice I could pick mid, but considering teammates always instaclick mid on picking phase and I don't always feel confortable as a mid player, I'd prefer to leave it for another player.

                                      PS: Vanilla


                                        I'm a support player, if I carry i prefer offlane mechanically I'm just okay so the fact it's less farm dependant is better.


                                          Pos 1 cuz im retarded


                                            mid or safe, more confident playing mid but thats because I pretty much just play viper so I win every lane.

                                            Giff me Wingman

                                              safe, no quadmids