General Discussion

General DiscussionWhat helped more?

What helped more? in General Discussion

    I worked on some of the Cookie Challenges; last hitting, watching and analyzing replays, etc.
    Also, I went on a week long vacation from DotA.

    Since I've been back, this has happened.

    All around good. Knowing many of you have done the Cookie challenge, and others have taken some time off of DotA, I'm wondering which you think has contributed to high win rates in all MMR ranges (3.2k-5k average). Rest or Practice?


      Im an independent man who will forge his own way to higher mmr

      chicken spook,,,,

        I barely felt cookie challenges helping my ass other than boosting my farm consistency, which wasn't the biggest factor of my mmr increase
        Soon I just realize playing core isn't just about farming fast and cspm is simply not a measurement of one's ability to play core

        chicken spook,,,,

          But pretty sure cookie challenges will get most sub 2k players to know the basics of efficiency


            Wasn't sub 2k. I was right on the line of 3k. (2.9-3.1 - until now that is).


              Soon I just realize playing core isn't just about farming fast and cspm is simply not a measurement of one's ability to play core

              this puts a tear into my eye makes me happy

              yes people as a core you do need items and levels but it comes down to what you do with them, doesnt matter if you got 800 gpm if you made your team lose


                I mean the biggest reason to do cookie challenges is to play his playstyle, but it isnt by any means the only way to climb


                  all i learned is how to eat my cookies the proper way. get a glass of milk and dunk it

                  Dire Wolf

                    Filtering heroes this week, you played 18 matches, 16-2 very impressive, but you played AM 3 times, SF once. Those are the only real farming type heroes that would be much affected by improving your farming with cookies challenges. I guess lina and invoker might be too, weaver probably not since he sucks balls at clearing jungles unless you go mjollnir. So maybe that won you 3 games? It could just be your mindset. There was a lot of stuff in the guide about laning that would help a lot mid, but the challenges were for farming patterns and cs in lane.


                      The one week off probably allowed you to play at a more comfortable, less titled way.
                      I don't believe the cookie challenges offer much unless you are 1k


                        the only thing that rly matters is if you tryhard to win

                        im pretty sure if you actually tryhard using the game sense you gain from analysing 6k+ replays and the mechanical reflexes you get from cookie challenges, 4k will bow before you (i might be 2-3k scrub now on this acc but ive played in low 4k and i do know how that feels; and i havent done any srs repay analysis).


                        ofc cookie challenges themselves wont give you much mmr, they will teach you to farm effectively in the lane without focusing all your attention on the creeps (that way you can look at the map, predict enemy rotations to determine whether its safe to push teh wave more and pressure tower or you must get the fuck out asap etc.).

                        but im also convinced that you actually need to do the 100+ lasthit challenges on different hereoes that you want to be playing if you want to perfect the farming efficiency, since you need to get used to the different bat and skills, etc. like compare jugg, am, od, drow and storm.

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                        Dire Wolf

                          "I don't believe the cookie challenges offer much unless you are 1k"

                          I mean that's just a complete load of shit. Look at how much cs you usually get in a game as a carry, look at 10 minutes. Most players even high 3k only get 50-60 cs in lane and 5 /min tops. You will beat all of those guys if you farm better.

                          But I dont' think it explains snu's wins this week because he didn't play much carry.

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                            @Dire, my Invoker is also very farm oriented early. I try to get the most perfect cs possible in lane while hitting Sun Strikes. I spent almost 5 or 6 lobbies just last hitting in first 10 minutes.

                            Well the AM games give credit to Cookie.

                            This game, I started with 2 supports against LC. About 5 or 6 minutes in, KotL and Jak came bottom.
                            At 12 minutes I had almost 80 cs and 30 denies, while getting a kill or two (+ assists). I for sure would not have been able to do that without keeping the "LAST HIT" "LAST HIT" "LAST HIT" mentality one gains from mindless solo lobbies.

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                              After asking my higher MMR friends, they claim I'm in a win streak because I've been playing in 4-4.5k average games.

                              Yet I also perform above average in those.


                                You will win some you will lose some. All this is fam