General Discussion

General DiscussionCan someone analyze my last few games?

Can someone analyze my last few games? in General Discussion
Chao Vritra

    I know you can only analyze so much without seeing the replay. But based on my dotabuff can anyone critique my last few games? Any recent game will do, but specifically my seasonal ranked games. I need cookie or someoen to go full gordan ramsay on me.

    I just started playing ranked again (well, seasonal) for the first time in awhile. And just looking for advice on builds or anything at all.

    Player 153433446

      Midlaner with 185 cs in 50 must improve your farming patterns


        How are you in normal skill in ranked matches if you have 3.6k MMR?

        Chao Vritra

          Because I stopped playing the game for a long time and have not played ranked in even longer. Also my seasonal is lower than that, in low 3k.

          And yeah my farming falls way off around mid game. I tend to be overly aggressive and focus on ganks more. This actually helps me get kills early game a lot, but it also causes me to die later a lot.

          Thank you for the feedback, definitely need to focus on farming more mdi and late game.