General Discussion

General Discussiondo ur teammates

do ur teammates in General Discussion

    Oh boy, now that I got rid of a mentally challenged dog another one starts following my replies. This looks more like a psychiatric hospital than a normal forum. ^find someone else that is actually interested in your nonsense bullshit please


      This looks more like a psychiatric hospital than a normal forum

      Ur the first patient


        You attract hate. Because of the incessant and annoying wAy you think and express your ideas which are illogical and incoherent. And unnecessarily whiny


          'Cause I was offended for no reason for weeks and had a legit reaction? Lmao nah, get lost monkey.


            I like how you dodged my argument completely. Lol


              No I just stopped replying to you, or are you too brain-damaged to read, I said it like 2 minutes ago in the other thread where you were offending me again for no reason, mentioned me out of nowhere and stalked my profile. Creepy, mentally sick, edgy kid :F this reply is an exception, in case you thought I was actually feeling hit by your senseless bullshit. There's no reason in discussing with frustrated dogs whose only purpose is spread hate and that don't even read what I write 'cause they're too scared to face the truth lol. Nah, I attract mentally challenged dumbshits 'cause since I'm short-tempered I basically end up playing their game, that is being sucked in that spiral of pointless arguing, constant offenses and random flame. That's what you live for, you need all that negativity around you 'cause it's distracting, so you won't think about how hopeless you are. But I don't, I'm just short-tempered, and as an impatient but smart person I get bored at some point and realize in no way I wanna help you escape from your empty life. Aaand I'm done (seriously, seek help and look for a psychiatrist).

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                why attack the argument directly, when you can attack someone's personality.

                Basically means, you've subconsciously recognized that you've lost the argument, but you don't want to admit it consciously

                Because you don't want to feel bad about yourself.

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                  I'm hurt that u won't have intellectual discussion with me ;'(


                    Interesting Cookie, since what I've been repeating from the beginning is: if you have different opinions it's legit and I don't find them stupid, the topic is actually unclear yet those statements can't be ignored so the issue is still open for further discussions and analysis. But I 'lost the argument and I can't accept it', hm hm. You retards mistook it for a war, I was interested in finding a conclusion or at least getting close to it. After I posted the first thread about the hidden pool I soon started receiving random personal offenses that had nothing to do with the topic, but why contest the argument if you can call someone a retard, delusional, just for their opinion, and then mention them on random threads for literally no reason, or take the fact that they replied on other threads as an excuse for insulting again out of nowhere. Again, you mongs did this, not me. And last but not least, do you really think you have power to 'make me feel bad about myself'? Are you out of your mind, who even knows you. Dogs found randomly on the internet I have no respect for and that disgust me have the power to make me feel bad about myself? LOL Cookie. Guess what, you idiots did all the things you mentioned, not me. I then lost my patience and decided to use the same tone. Now if I decide to not partecipate in your twisted shitshow you like carrying on this forum, it only means I still got mental sanity and nothing more. There is no war to win, there are just a bunch of twisted fucktards that made me waste enough time already. It's no suprise that you're like a celebrity for these retards: the king of the monkeys, that of course is a monkey himself.


                      I won't lie, even i lose control when i'm talking to someone who's that much delusional that even I have to stoop down onto their level. Now, i could pull out another basic psychology source and show all of your defense mechanisms in action and explain to you how your argument comes from emotion, rather than reason, but I've sincerely stopped caring.

                      This is not a war I intend to win, I intend to let you drown in your own delusions.


                        No defense mechanism needed if it's evident it wasn't a war for me. If I don't intend to have any enemy why would I need them. On the contrary, if I see someone use ridiculous personal attacks I attack as a response, I don't have to defend myself or my ideas 'cause these are just pointless fights with frustrated people, that's why I got bored. No worries, I got tired before you of arguing on this trash forum anyway. Yeah leave me to my sad, sad destiny. LOL let's be serious, the subject was the matchmaking of an online game, no one will die for having different opinions about that.

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                          Lol arguments do not work on this emotional wreck


                            When will u admit u lose because you're gigabad lol


                              L M A O


                                *forum classics* taking popc...nah tl:dr (acctually reading only cookie posts, they seem to be cool to pass as unread)

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                                  God this fucking thread hurts my head the longer I try to understand it.....and that fucking pyramid of cookie gave me a headache....also does it count if only read half slq replies. the half of each of them


                                    Why does everyone in this forum want to act like a psychology doctor god whatever the fuck they are called...stop acting smart with big words you all played dota for over 3000 hours which means you're all dumbasses goddamit


                                      HAHAHAHAH that actually made me laugh @TIBDP :D

                                      死の恐怖 Haseo

                                        I'm a civil engineering student


                                          Fun fact: "People in dota think you are rich kid if you have 500 battlepass levels"


                                            Add me SLQ let's play games tog


                                              did anyone unironically read more than two sentences total from what slq posted


                                                i read like the first 3 words then i wanted to take my own life


                                                  My bad, I keep forgetting that on forums about videogames full of lazy kids the only way to be listened to is adapting to the mainstream, nonsense bullshits.

                                                  Ah no wait, I don't care Kappa 123 FeelsBadMan dunning krueger PogChamp Anime girls Omg weebs *insert more braindead and random things here*


                                                    hey mods can u lock this thread


                                                      Yeah it would be a wise choice


                                                        nah, just mute SLQ


                                                          Kappa 123

                                                          See, I'm improving kids


                                                            Dont mute him, hes fun. It is like watching monkey performing in circus
                                                            PS: SLQ I believe you, hidden pool exist and volvo gives you shitty players to your team on purpose


                                                              You must have mistaken the mirror for the pc screen, sir. Pay attention next time.


                                                                make my day this benao's comment section