General Discussion

General DiscussionWindranger spam

Windranger spam in General Discussion

    Is it legit?


      Anything's legit. E-Blade Dagon is legit too.

      More info, pls, so we know how to properly answer you.

      never seen sun rises

        there are russian streamer Evil Arthas(Arthas) who spam wind in offlane


          Lol i was just trying to see what people think about the hero. I think she's one of the strongest mid heroes ever but people have been doubting her for some reason... maybe most people suck with the hero ? Idk. Wonder if more ppl think she is core or not worth playing.
          I just don't play her vs tinker mid cuz it's too annoying.


            Thanks I'll check him out, WR is my favorite. I used to be trash player and lost every game with her but ever since like a month or two ago I tried her again and nothing but wins wins wins. Even the losses are close games, mostly team being retards.

            never seen sun rises

              his item and ability build is pretty strange, he max windrun and power shot , and no shackle
              first item, after phases and magic wand, he rush links
              despite of that, he has nice win streaks even at 6k rmm

              Цей коментар був відредагований

                No, not legit, but a fun hero indeed.


                  Yeah bro that item build sounds terrible lol. Her ultimate does nothing without aghs or mael/diffusal it's like 35dmg her hit pathetic weak.
                  Cuz I max shackle first, love to stun for 4 seconds such a powerful ability.


                    As long as u have cosmetics, it's legit even on every heroes


                      off wr


                        @mid/carry/feed I noticed u play WR more mid than offlane. You think she has a better impact there ?
                        I feel like she works really well when mid for the gold and xp. I tend to get Mael around Lv10-14 and that helps so much with ganks. Whenever I offlane her the gold is low, xp isn't too hot either and her ultimate is so bad it's not worth a skill point for 30 dmg per hit... what do u usually build offlane? I assume a solar crest?



                          u go phase boots => linkens, off wr is ok because there are better mids than her

                          wr is really versatile though so u can build solar, linkens, maelstrom if ure free farming etc depending on the istuation


                            rush links counters diffusal blade carries, as well as orchid, so it's really good and every windranger i see uses that build

                            also i think at least in 3k offlane windranger is the absolute ultimate cancer because you can't hit her.

                            but she has low armor so something like clinkz can just hit her one hit at a time and if she pops windrun for 1 attack she can't contest lane and if she doesnt she takes 10% hp damage.

                            Цей коментар був відредагований

                              I see...ill probably spam her mid till 4k or mid level 4k then switch to offlane.
                              I just find playing mid vs sf or ember/invoker I tend to kill them alot and slow them down. Whenever other ppl do mid thry seem to let it get out of control...but maybe that's cuz I'm in low mmr I'm not sure yet.


                                wr is ok, if ur mid i wud max powershot, its ur only waveclear.
                                i like going maelstrom, blink, aghs, then situational, but i guess i shud be considering linkens and solar, i just havent played wr in a while


                                  I've been losing a lot to wr lately. Doesn't take core roles but does a lot


                                    I prefer Dagon and eblade. Very strong


                                      Legit,one of the best hero to spam


                                        It's ligit if you want to learn the hero.
                                        Like any hero spam if done for too long you inflate your mmr.
                                        I like the hero she hot.

                                        Цей коментар був відредагований
                                        chicken spook,,,,

                                          You guys are questioning about the wrong things

                                          Cheap Laugh Guy

                                            Haven't seen WR in my ranked games for a long long time


                                              @into the soul
                                              If you play Battlepass rank solo tonight then you'll see me with the WR. :bc_100:

                                              Цей коментар був відредагований
                                              Cheap Laugh Guy

                                                And you're gonna lose :bc_100:

                                                Cheap Laugh Guy

                                                  Because mid WR = auto lose


                                                    I used to spam WR and she's my greatest hero, I mean I'm pretty good at her in mid. I don't know why ppl think she's garbage as mid when she can gank after getting her ult.

                                                    My build on her most of the time is rushing Maelstrom, then blink, aghs, Deso or crystalys (depending if you lack dmg to take down tanks like Bristleback or need to burst down evasive heroes after shackling them), Orchid, Linkens or go bloodthorn, if ya need go get MKB as your last resort. Your job basically as WR is to disable core heroes in teamfights and burst them down as fast as possible while your tanked bassically tanks dmg for you. BKB is optional (if you're a p*ssy then go get one) unless you really need it. Other than that is positioning and knowing when to initiate first or wait it out.


                                                      Linken's rush on WR seems to be part of the current meta, not an exception. I think it's because she's already effective from the first minutes of the game, since as a solo offlaner she gains fast exp, without the need of maelstrom to boost her ulti. Her powershot + lockdown + ulti while chasing people with windrun and being immune to physical damage make the hero kinda like a Weaver if you think about it: she doesn't get invisible but has a stun, has burst damage with her 2nd and against a safelane that relies on physical damage and has little to no lockdowns she could pretty much dive the tower. But also like Weaver, if she gets stunned and disabled even only once she's so squishy that it would be enough to kill her in the first stages of the game. I like her but have only a few games with her, and from what I've learnt about the hero that could be the reason. Plus she struggles with mana problems and linken's is a good alternative to the lvl 10 tree talent.

                                                      Btw to answer your question, imo she's a situational pick. For example she would be really bad vs a heavily magic-reliant line up with a lot of stuns, in that case she wouldn't even be able to stay in lane without feeding 'cause what keeps her alive in fights and laning stage, windrun, would be useless. Also she's not the kind of hero that likes to rush BKB or get it before aghs, maelstrom, linken's and blink/orchid. On the other hand you wanna pick her if you need an offlaner good at pushing to end the game before it goes to late game, and that also transitions well into a carry in case you have interest into going late game. Or if you're against a physical damage oriented team, she's one of the best counters to heroes like Lifestealer, Ursa and Huskar.

                                                      Цей коментар був відредагований

                                                        PLEASE FOR LOVE OF GOD DONT BUILD LINKEN FIRST ITEM ON OFFLANE WR !!!!!!

                                                        It was a troll build suggested by a russian streamer. Evil Arthas if I'm not mistaken.
                                                        Windranger with maelstorm dagger is overpowered in midgame. Linken is a shit defensive item on a highly offensive hero.
                                                        If you want mana go basi into raindrops and if you want stats get aghanim NOT linken.


                                                          Max 2&3


                                                            PLEASE FOR LOVE OF GOD DONT BUILD LINKEN FIRST ITEM ON OFFLANE WR !!!!!!
                                                            It was a troll build suggested by a russian streamer. Evil Arthas if I'm not mistaken.
                                                            Windranger with maelstorm dagger is overpowered in midgame. Linken is a shit defensive item on a highly offensive hero.
                                                            If you want mana go basi into raindrops and if you want stats get aghanim NOT linken.

                                                            lo l


                                                              @mimimimi yes sir with a blue star near your nickname. Was just assuming things since I don't play her. Someone needs to tell people it was a troll build then, 'cause all the WRs I've seen lately rush it.

                                                              But is it really that bad tho? She's offensive all you want, but squishy af. Maybe vs a team full of disables?

                                                              Цей коментар був відредагований
                                                              one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                                i rly dont get the gist of linkens rush though

                                                                M U R D E R

                                                                  What if you want spell block

                                                                  Cheap Laugh Guy

                                                                    one point in Windrun is enough, max shackle and powershot for more offense, and probably only get Focus fire at lvl 10
                                                                    Linken's means no damage for 20 minutes, offlane rushing Linken's is too greedy

                                                                    Lina can do better as mid, she starts dealing damage from lvl6 without getting a Maelstrom and can scale well into late game, her DPS is much constant and reliable compared to Focus Fire with 15s duration out of 60s CD that only works on a single target

                                                                    I like WR as offlane or lane support getting Solar Crest or Force or anything utility to help team so she doesn't rely on Focus Fire to carry
                                                                    In other words Focus Fire is quite weak

                                                                    Цей коментар був відредагований

                                                                      I maxed 2 & 3 in my last 2 game . The mana cost buff of windrun in so good

                                                                      Cheap Laugh Guy

                                                                        And because of the mana cost reduced then more the reason you get at least one or two points on shackle since your mana pool can cast all of the skills at once


                                                                          Lina has permanent haste and focus fire, why play wr?


                                                                            Also aoe stun that's much easier to land.