General Discussion

General DiscussionDebunking myths about things that make your peenoise bigger

Debunking myths about things that make your peenoise bigger in General Discussion
♿Sister Fister

    Despite popular belief, exploiting the DotaBuff hero ranking system by not publicly exposing games you lose isn't going to grant you a larger bulge. -->

    зачем я начал поиск

      Opendota has a way better ranking system, tbh.

      At least, it gets updated every quarter and ignores retarded party normal matchmaking abusers.

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      Story Time

        i will do even better, i will officially recognize myself to be an awful player. There, no worries about win-rate or mmr :)


          I thought that this thread was about MAking Pinoys better...

          mom said it's my turn to ...

            I actually thoughy this was a thread about making your penis bigger

            mom said it's my turn to ...

              To which I say, Titan Gel is a big sham


                My name is Nigel Bishop 🌚🌚


                  i fucking knew i read ur name before ....the legendary 11000 slark matches player at 55% winrate..disgusting

                  ♿Sister Fister

                    What's the average winrate people have on first-picking the same hero 11k times?
                    maybe people that hide lost games can provide some insightful statistics.



                      JUst a clickbait for mods
                      jason, skim or whoever comes across, plz mark the profile linked in the thread as not eligible for player rankings.

                      one syllable anglo-saxon

                        we dont have statistics on that because noones autitic enought to pickthe same hero 11 thoiusand times
                        (and stay low 5k after that)


                          how do people even do this? i thought dotabuff automatically updates your past matches as soon as you enable sharing again?


                            The fact that someone plays a hero over 11000 times and does not improve as a player whatsoever makes me utterly flabbergasted. The winrate and stats on the rest of your heroes is abysmal to say the least.

                            And to those of you who say "versatility=stupidity", I say the definition of insanity=to do the same thing over and over and expecting different results. Being a versatile player may not help you spike up your MMR and give you pages of green, but it makes you a lot more knowledgeable about the game, especially when you go against heroes that you play often. In the long run, it helps you improve much easier. Suggestions from guides by gameleap and pvgna, streams, pro matches become easier to implement.

                            And more importantly, it's never about playing the hero, it's about playing the position. If you played all those matches as a safe lane Slark and still don't do even half as well on other carries, you're clearly doing something wrong. Players like Attacker may spam only one hero, but their game sense and awareness is evident, even when they dont play their spam hero.

                            I don't know if any of this will have any impact on you after spending half a lifetime doing the same thing the same way, but its not gonna get you close to being a master like Sumiya on his Invoker, which even though I don't completely like, can appreciate as one of the best in the world. As for the topic itself, these things are only for people who lie to themselves to convince their mind that they are not bad and exploiting the system will make them better. It's the same as boosters, account buyers and hackers and whatnot. In the end, the player's mentality can only be changed by accepting one's own fault.

                            Цей коментар був відредагований

                              in the long run i had 5k mmr before i had 3k matches

                              your versatility means notihng

                              and the fact is, i can be as versatile as i want now, i'll still play every hero better than 99% of the player base, even if i hadn't played that hero in 2 years.

                              versatility = stupidity

                              deal with it

                              that guy might be 11k matches and terrible with slark, but he's still 5k+ mmr if i recall.

                              almost literally every pro player had a small hero pool that he expanded over time, this is just a fact.

                              but they would've never even gotten close to pro if they played every/any hero and tried to get gud while doing it.

                              exception to those who played like 20k matches since dota 1.

                              Цей коментар був відредагований

                                in the long run i had 5k mmr before i had 3k matches

                                I don't think you get to compare that with me when you don't even use or reveal your main account on the forum or anywhere on Dotabuff for that matter. My stats are visible for everyone to see and be ridiculed and judged by those to wish to.

                                I was a spammer once, you can see that from the number of Invoker games I've played. You can also see how I've almost completely stopped playing the hero. I realised I needed to know more about other heroes than just repeat the same mistakes with the same hero. There is a hell worse than 2k ranked games. And that's 2k unranked games. And that's where I've been forced to stay for way too long. I know nobody cares about external factors in other people's lives that limit them from actually improving at doing what they love.

                                I won't even take into account technical aspects like the fact that I play on an ancient laptop which I keep on my lap because I don't even have a desk to play on. That I get 30 fps on a good day and 11 fps on a bad day. People complain about 80 ms ping when I get 250 ms on a stable connection considering no one else in the house is using it. Really, it's just disappointing to know I don't get to compete at the same level as others do where things like these don't factor in, and only true skill did, but that is far from the truth.

                                The truth is you are 5k, and you are better than me, like hundreds of thousands more are. But I won't know my true potential unless I become an independent individual who can provide for himself and make the choices that can finally rid of all the so-called excuses that have changed my mentality to being so overtly negative that it even shocks me. But when I do get that chance, I will git gud. No excuses. I know that for sure.

                                Till then, I random or pick least played.

                                Цей коментар був відредагований

                                  I know the feels, i played on a laptop with a broken screen, i had 200 ping, constant disconnects, i played on 20-30 fps

                                  the laptop's screen couldn't work so i had it hooked up to like an 20 year old monitor which broke my vision.

                                  now i have annoying double vision when i'm sleepy, i'm basically blind as a bat when i'm tired.

                                  also, i did post my old accounts, this used to be my main

                                  which should be about 2.6k games when i got that to 5k, not to even mention that i played my first 1k+ games(of those 2.6k) just casually with a friend.

                                  BUT while i had that acc in either low 4k or high 3k, i had a different acc which i calibrated high 4k and climbed to 5k THEN i went back to practice onto this account and slowly climbed it to 5k(but i can't find it for the world of me), but even i knew i can't do jack shit if i'm 5k with only cm/sk.

                                  though it's hard for me to pinpoint when exactly did i get to 5k, because i did make a lot of pauses to not try at all and play casually, or to just quit dota and play minecraft.

                                  i used to play a simple game of

                                  boost my mmr with sk > pick other hero to train it > drop 500 mmr because i can't play other hero 

                                  repeat till i can play other hero and gain mmr out of it, so i slowly expanded my hero pool 1 by 1.

                                  I know i was 3k in feb 2015, and i know that i got to 5k before i got to even mid 4k on this acc, so it's possibly june or july 2015

                                  so i got to 5k in some number between 2.2k-2.7k games, after which i stopped trying and went to play on 1-3k smurfs for the last 2 years with very small breaks in which i'd actually play on my 4k+ accs if i got like REALLY bored

                                  Цей коментар був відредагований

                                    I am glad you relate with these issues we face. I used to hook up my laptop to a monitor too not long ago. Use a separate mouse and keyboard. Or sometimes just a USB keyboard and on-screen mouse controlled by NUM keys when I didn't have one.
                                    Thanks for informing on the technique, I think I might try that. Once I feel confident on solely playing solo ranked queue again. Maybe I'll be good enough to smurf one day. XD


                                      mmr is very accurate. it doesnt matter how many matches u hv to get through.

                                      when i was 6k, i could easily raise my smurf to 6k with 70% ranked winrate with only 260 matches in rank.

                                      ♿Sister Fister

                                        I'll admit I am not going to read those large blocks of text that seem to be just some tantrums directed at me.
                                        While some might argue that I am abusing Slark, I actually just enjoy playing this hero, I don't play competitively, nor will I ever care to.
                                        One thing is for sure, I don't exploit a system that's meant to provide community statistics just to pretend I perform better than I really do.

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                                          Lord slark is that you?

                                          one syllable anglo-saxon

                                            being low 5k after 11000 games with a hero can hardly be called abusing lad