General Discussion

General Discussionlooking for position 3 and 4 player NA (cpt role as well, also need a...

looking for position 3 and 4 player NA (cpt role as well, also need a manager(a player on team or someone interested?)) in General Discussion
Virsatus, LF Dev Job

    i am looking for a position 3 and 4 player to join my stack and train together to join tournaments, i am 6.4k and am the safelaner, you dont have to be perfect to apply, just motivated and willing to put in the hours, we will be playing very often, almost daily, if you are around 5k as a minimum we are ready to get you the rest of the way, and join minors and other small tournaments, and see how far we can go! also lacking atm someone who can take on the captain and managerial roles (setting up scrims etc) so ideally applicants are prepared to discuss that. ADD me if you are interested on steam

    Ця тема була відредагована

      I can be your bodyguard


        seems nice! wish i had more time! perhaps in future! 1month or so!


          Can I join?
          I'm 1k but tim hol me bak so I'm rlly 5k
          Krappa 1 2 3


            I'm still unranked, can I join ?

              Цей коментар було видалено

                I'm a 4k mmr roaming pos 4 support. Already have a team tho, but would like to scrim when u got time. Add meh.