General Discussion

General DiscussionINVOKER halp

INVOKER halp in General Discussion
Player 123655765

    Hi guys, I played almost 400 Invoker games but sitting @ 42% WR, I love the hero and I want to improve playing him. Is there any guides that I can read or any advice on using him? I'm not a miracle-invoker bandwagon player, I just love the hero even before, but he's just hurting my mmr every game. Can practice just do the trick, i just thought that no matter how many times I practice the hero, when I don't really know how to use him, practicing would be useless. So can someone give their two cents about Invoker. Replies would be much appreciated. Thanks.


      normal skill invoker pro, ez

      Player 123655765

        Yes normal skill only, need advice on how to play Invoker right so that I can enjoy the game even more playing him. Not just to be called by "injoker" every game.


          Stop playing invoker, get 5-6k then try again


            what do you mean getting better without practice

            Player 123655765

              But how do I do something like this if I don't play Invoker?

              Player 123655765

                @Chiwa I mean if I practice with my stock knowledge of how to play the hero (assuming I'm playing the hero wrong e.g. itemization/skills) then I'd be practicing mindlessly right? Just like lifting weights but doing it improperly would just result to a broken muscle tissues and veins.


                  lmao 400 games invoker


                    Be like me. A normal skill player with 4k games and almost 400 invoker games. :chuckle:

                    Player 123655765

                      ^you still have better win rate than me.

                      Player 404335202

                        Practice 1 vs 1 mid alot ! If u learn to own mid, the game is pretty much yours !practice ur combos in demo hero ... Remember trnado lift time with quas lvl !
                        Watch sumiya replays ! Even 90% of his invo matches are Norma games u wiill see some great reflexes !

                        Player 404335202

                          Add me if u are looking for 1 v1 partner ! I m calm and wont give reasons if i lose :D

                          Player 123655765

                            @Q Invite sent. Thanks for the advise. Noted on watching replays. Although I'm having a hard time looking for a (secure/unblocked I watch in the office) site that plays replay.


                              Practice midlaning
                              And know "how to win a game as invoker" never blame carry if he cant carry u.
                              This Hero is overrated


                                this is simple Play voker on bots watch high mmr replays and analize


                                  game sucks, quit dota, improve your life. Shit can match making will never let u gain mmr so its a waste of your time to practice


                                    i would really like to have practice matches with you . im also trying to practice mid , invoke preferably


                                      go on heroes tab

                                      click invoker

                                      click demo hero

                                      click create dummy target

                                      now train


                                        I played 20 games and knew Invoker wasn't the hero for me.. I loved him tho..

                                        Цей коментар був відредагований
                                        one-man bukakke

                                          Fucking euthanize yourself. Learn the basics first, stop fucking up ppls games ffs.


                                            your ability to press buttons doesn't matter, anyone can learn invoker combos.

                                            learn proper decision making, game sense & map awareness

                                            Palmen aus Plastik

                                              as someone at your level, and spamming invoker I can say that if you're playing QE and not farming for the first 20 mins, you will lose the game. Just sunstrike, but don't roam around otherwise. Mute teammates who ask for ganks. Cold snap is your strongest spell till the 30 min mark. Alacrity is ridiculous right click damage. Get your null, midas and get agha, then tornado emp before every fight. Ice Wall if you are sure you will not put yourself in harm's way doing that. Avoid using meteor without setups, as they don't land without it most of the time.

                                              During lane, prepare to be ganked to no end, so buy your wards yourself. Never step into the river, and time your laning in a way that when the creeps are pushed you can go to sidecamps, farm and back. If you use forge spirits in lane you can stack those camps, and meteor them. Always keep ferrying clarities, and drop int things in backpack during shrine.

                                              Kill combo in lane with at least 3/4th mana - cold snap, then quick tornado and meteor. alacrity when invoke is off cd to hopefully finish him off or at least send him back to base. Just jungle till sceptre, then you can at least feel safe. He's still a slow arse, so try and get that BoT done. Invoker can splitpush very well because you have ghost walk, ice wall, tornado and deafening blast for escapes/TPs.


                                                work on item timings, you seem to not farm at all and miss all your timings, 5-8 min midas 17 min aghs 20 min bots 25 min next item is very easy at low mmrs since no one will contest your split push once you have aghs +1 then you can start coming to fights since youll probably be the most farmed and most powerful hero on the map. (im assuming after 400 games you can hit basic combos) once you get farming down im sure youll find more success if you look at a lot of high skilled invoker players they have 650+ gpm and in good games 750+

                                                Lorem Bestia

                                                  sometimes rushing aghs is a bad idea. i tried various things. what works best (depends on matchups) for me is 2 null talisman for last hitting, brown boots, midas, eul scepter, then aghs and next items are various.
                                                  i like the euls early on. you can combo almost any hero without having aghs- eul into - sunstrike meteor deafening or coldnsnap. extra money in the pocket for aghs. sometimes i even go BoTs before aghs if the game is not 1 big teamfight.

                                                  gl dude

                                                  Цей коментар був відредагований
                                                  Lorem Bestia

                                                    and dont just be that afk farming hero, that makes u lose the games. be involved in ganks and fights, invoker is strong early to mid aswell, use that.

                                                    icewall is the best spell of voker in my opinion to underestimate


                                                      Stop playing invoker, get 5-6k then try again

                                                      any 2-3k invo is cant expect from yourself to become good invo if you have that mmr

                                                      Player 123655765

                                                        Thanks for the feedback guys. I knew I could count on you lot. So basically I need to improve my early game farming, I guess I need to practice a lot of mid laning first. I always get tilted when my teammate is having a hard time in their lane and blame me when I don't gank. So I guess I just mute them all when I play invoke. Thanks @believe-, @RedSkipper & @big4fries. GGWP

                                                        Palmen aus Plastik

                                                          an alternative to the gank problem is playing qw till 4 quas and lots of wexes, then start going exort. Sumail and Dendi are doing it these past few days As an exort invoker if you don't have a team that can hold their ground without you for 20 mins, or don't have setups for sunstrikes, you just might get rolled over before you even finish your aghs. QW invoker can gank like normal mids, and is eceptionally hard to gank too. That style also shits on Tinker, sniper and medusa, the heroes you typically have trouble midding against as a QE.

                                                          Цей коментар був відредагований

                                                            my god.... why people keep playing dota in general when they are bad at it.. like u didnt get good when u should by ur own, why dont u just stop spamming a hero that requires above average brain cells.. like wtf


                                                              I need halp on WK. How to stun? When do I stun? How do I get to 6k+. I believe I am better than Miracle but my team is wholding me bak.


                                                                My invoker games are doomed too. Seems like autoloss everytime