General Discussion

General DiscussionArc Warden tips.

Arc Warden tips. in General Discussion

    Basically I would like to know how to play it, build, and control groups, what are your recommendations?


      There is a decent guide by zxyc on (5h+ long). Also, I recommend watching VaxaStyle vods on twitch (self-proclaimed "the best Arc Warden in the world"). They both have different playstyles. Vaxa goes for more fighting build - phase-midas-maelstorm-Shadow Blade (sometimes even rushes SB, after midas) & zxyc plays more "classic" Arc Warden - aquilla-brown boots-midas-maelstorm-travels-mjollnir & is more focused on defending, split pushing & farming. He also pretty much in every game goes for Hurricane Pike, which Vaxa very rarely builds.

      For the control groups & other stuff. I know that Vaxa mostly TABS between units & has auto-attack always on. He has hotkeys set for the main hero & clone (F1 & F2). I like to have set toggling between auto-attack & never autoattack (u can set hotkey in options for it). In lane I prefer to have it off, but when I play with clone, I prefer to have it on. I also have quickcast set for Spark to use it faster.

      Basic tips - don't fight with you main hero, but with you clone. Main hero should always be far behind. Shift queue actions a lot - most common is to travels to creep - midas - magnetic field - attack creeps, then when your clone is about to die, use Mjollnir active on creep & Pike him, so it's in front other creeps (if u have Hurricane Pike).

      Talens & skills - in most games AS-dmg-cd reduction-lifesteal, sometimes it might be good to take Flux dmg instead AS, if u see u can get many kills early on & be aggressive with it. If you play against hero in lane, who has no way to get rid of Flux, you should always max it first, if not probably Spark is a better option. I also recommend getting 1 point of magnetic field, before lvl 6 (at lvl 4), because it allows you to dive & protect urself from enemy ganks.

      Tbh Arc Warden is imo the hardest hero in the game in terms of decision-making. There is no such thing as "universal build" or "universal playstyle", not to mention he requires a lot of multitasking.

      Цей коментар був відредагований

        definitely, i found it 100x easier to learn meepo and invoker than arc, sure you can press buttons on any of them but learning how to spend your time as an arc is the hardest.

        I'm sO fUcKInG BaAd

          You see what I don't understand is that this question is very similar to "how do I masturbate" I mean you fucking know it's your instinct to jerk ur wee wee ding dong, but you're acting here like a little bitch and saying that you don't masturbate. This hero is brain damage free just like current op meta heroes and is super easy to grind mmr. So maybe stop being a little bitch and either start spamming him or be a normal human being and never pick him ok?

          one syllable anglo-saxon

            definitely, i found it 100x easier to learn meepo and invoker than arc, sure you can press buttons on any of them but learning how to spend your time as an arc is the hardest.