General Discussion

General DiscussionWhat to do if your lane is destroyed?

What to do if your lane is destroyed? in General Discussion
Friendly player

    The biggest problem now is that my lanes are usually getting destroyed in early game. What to do if my lane is destroyed (can't farm in the lane without getting big damage or getting killed) to keep up with item timings? Should i go other lanes? Should i go jungle? Should i try to roam? Any suggestions?


      Put shadow amulet in your quick buy and find a comfortable bounty rune spot.


        Ping your Lane spam help in chat
        If ur team didnt help u type "NOOB TEAM" and sell your item to buy shadow amulet


          Ask bws


            You need to rebuild your land if it's destroyed

            i have 5 reports to use

              Type gg end then afk in the jungle


                Based on your profile you play carry,
                Right?Maybe learn why your lane is destroyed. If you play against counters, ask for swapping the lane, if there is easier lane. If you have issue with some heroes, check replays and find out, what were your mistakes. Pick independent heroes, who dont need support or that much farm.

                If there is position 4 roamer, ask for help. If you lost your lane already, go jungle. If needed, buy 1-2 wards to protect urself, if support wont do it. Otherwise you will be even more ducked.

                Friendly player

                  Well its pretty hard for me to win early games cause 90% of my supports come to my lane, auto attack creeps, feed offlaner and leave me with that. So i just inspire them to gtfo of my lane from the beginning. But then i get harassed a bit more and i finish my bf in 19mins. Still not too bad. The only time i got bf in 15min were when my supp actually harassed enemy offlaner that was an easy game. :3

                  chicken spook,,,,

                    Ask bws


                      go to another lain. go forest, go walk around pick bounty and start to play support with am or troll.

                      dont be thrilled by this ...

                        look at your other lanes:
                        if theyre destroyed too type good game well played
                        if you blame your team more than yourself then start feeding to hurt em
                        if not, just stay afk and cry till end
                        if other lanes doin good, hope they will carry you

                        jk ;)
                        just learn from your replays and find reasons why your lane is being destroyed, i can say in 90% of the cases its either the draft or item build (seen so many spectre games that they rush radi and are unable to make it until 25-30 mins and keep feeding cuz they have no vanguard no bm, even no boots, just 3k gold in pocket xD)

                        Friendly player

                          Its the draft. Usually i have to first or second pick something so i pick am. Then they pick some vipers and windrangers that suppose to "counter" me. Its so funny how those idiots think if they kill me early game they will kill me all the time. One time i got destroyed in lane with pure counters, went to jungle, got bf in around 20min, got my items and then i destroyed them. ez comeback.


                            try learning jungle am. got bf easily on 15-16 minute every MATCH


                              if you want to go core and go for first pick go with something what can be independent. or what can you do without support to get some farm and back in game. It`s skill how to back after hard lain.
                              "Its so funny how those idiots think if they kill me early game they will kill me all the time." +++


                                9/10 times just go jungle


                                  Play Centaur! You will never lose that lane 😂


                                    Pick viper

                                    Pump Cultist

                                      buy tp - feed down mid - make sure keyboard is caps - spam abuse in chat - lose 25 mmr - tilt - uninstall - sell pc - move to africa

                                      Pump Cultist

                                        @I play with 1 hand
                                        If you played with 2, you would probably get that bf a good 2 minutes earlier or something idk just ur friendly neighbourhood spoudermoun


                                          ask for swap with hardlane if you feel your lane gonna be destroyed

                                          Friendly player

                                            Dude this is 1K i am talking about. People don't understand any shit here. Buys bkb on fucking maiden, daedalus on am, wtf? My recent games are fucking trashes, if i don't pick a hard carry that can 1v5 we lost ffs. Who cares that i won mid for those idiots, they will not understand that clinkz is a rat hero, 40min into the game hasn't hit a single tower ffs...


                                              Your problem is you are concentrating too much on your team mate and not concentrating on yourself. Go read Saint Cuki's guide and be enlightened.


                                              Friendly player

                                                where is his guide?

                                                Story Time

                                                  try flaming! According to most of low skilled players, it is the only remedy (no kappa)

                                                  Friendly player

                                                    And how will it help?


                                                      you loose because you play for fun :P


                                                        I think Cuki has posted his guide on Reddit. Try google.



                                                          Buys bkb on fucking maiden

                                                          dude r u dumb?

                                                          just get ur talon or morbid mask or whatever u need to jungle and leave lane
                                                          come to defend tower, but if they can dive and kill u then ignore the tower and let it fall


                                                            Jungle/find another empty lane

                                                            Friendly player

                                                              This song literally describes my every game with am :D


                                                                You, the type of player who would spam AM(first pick ofc) and complain about losing the lane/lack of farm. Lmao open your eyes and use your brain for a little bit, why would you spam AM when you can go jungle LC(No Krappaaa)
                                                                Jk-I'm usually an off laner(started spamming Es/Sk) and I can tell you, I've had shit cancer lanes(including viper/necro lol). If that happens to you, just get iron of talon(buy the +2 armor item first/axe) and try roaming and stacking(always return if/when the enemy is pushing to prevent any extra tower damage(JUST don't let it fall lul)

                                                                It's a good idea to spam heroes who do not require a lot of baby sit(ofc not AM lul, tr4sh hero) such as Weaver/Necro

                                                                Цей коментар був відредагований
                                                                I'm sO fUcKInG BaAd

                                                                  There are plenty of gameplay vids, guides, spend some time trying to improve, without effort you're not gonna move forward at all.

                                                                  ♥♦ GED ♣♠

                                                                    If my second pick is magina I know we lost. That hero is shit right now and he's always been shit when picked early in the draft. I can imagine the happiness of all those legion and pa spammers when they see the second pick is magina.

                                                                    Avoid that and pick carrys that fit this meta: those who have enough sustain in lane and utility in the mid game. Specially if picking your teams carry 2nd.

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                                                                      Get better at dota and you'll be fine.

                                                                      I strongly STRONGLY suggest getting good at offlane.

                                                                      you can rape enemy carry and force the enemy to focus you so much that it just creates space for your mid and your carry.

                                                                      Don't flame, help with vision a tiny bit, make good plays, try to lead your team nicely, etc


                                                                        i remember when u were 500 mmr, now ur 1.2k, congrats bud

                                                                        Justin Weaver

                                                                          What's wrong with bkb on maiden? Uninterrupted ult is a bad thing? !


                                                                            what i don't understand is: have none of you ever played offlane?

                                                                            play the safelane like it's an offlane in that case

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                                                                                In almost every game, people in 1 - 4,000 focus to ruin off laners farm, leaching XP and trying to secure main carry's farm while mid lane being fooked up. People in these brackets don't get it. They dont understand that mid lane is more important and has more impact in the early game phase.

                                                                                I always face trilanes as off laner, almost everytime. Idk for you but iron of talon is just the perfect early-mid game item you can ever find

                                                                                Friendly player

                                                                                  Thanks for all the suggestions. Getting stronger everyday :]


                                                                                    Just pick lycan and win games

                                                                                    Friendly player

                                                                                      You want me to do two things. Pick lycan and win games. So i might choose the "win games" option.


                                                                                        if you are low, don't hesitate to buy a potion, if you are getting harassed it's not a bad idea to get 1 more set of tango or pot.