General Discussion

General Discussioninvoker

invoker in General Discussion

    is there any way i cudve won these games?
    i feel like my midas timing is always shit but my aghs timings r ok
    i feel like against bb and sniper, i can control bb and make him useless with no mana + icewall, only to get torn up by sniper, or i can burst and kill sniper, but cant kill bb and he destroys me
    i also struggled against the axe, any tips on what/how to stay in the back and still contribute to fights properly
    i almost always had alacrity, cold snap, and maybe exort skilled in the laning stage, shud i have gotten any other spell, maybe forges or smth.
    any different items?
    shud i level differently?
    any other tips appreciated.

    lastly does anyone know of or have a decent invoker guide for 700
    im pretty shit at the hero, and only play him unranked, but its seriously so fun to play this hero, and while I don't necessarily want to be a pro invoker or whatever, I just want to be familiar with basics of him


      Don't rush octarine?


        item timing doesnt matter where tornado emp meatlball blast and combo with any 4 spells does matter and no one under 4k mid 3k shit dont know exists

        first learn play invoker the we can talk about item timing

        obviouely u dont know make combos and should work on that not thinking u lost game or not doesnt mater


          ,, maybe exort skilled in laning stage ,, XDXD


            ur job is not to kil bb alone just emp icewall sunstrike him and ally will finish of him .
            against axe u should go sphere or eul or force idk...just watch where is axe in fight try not to get caught

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              item timing doesnt matter where tornado emp meatlball blast and combo with any 4 spells does matter and no one under 4k mid 3k shit dont know exists
              first learn play invoker the we can talk about item timing
              obviouely u dont know make combos and should work on that not thinking u lost game or not doesnt mater

              i just can barely understand what ur saying
              obv stuff like learning combos etc is on me, im not asking abt that
              im asking what i should do, not asking how to do combos or whatever
              i rlly dont know what ur saying past that tho


                just practice more and if you cant kill just dont die


                  Don't rush octarine? (2)
                  Watch pro scene and learn.


                    1. "i feel like against bb and sniper, i can control bb and make him useless with no mana + icewall, only to get torn up by sniper, or i can burst and kill sniper, but cant kill bb and he destroys me
                    -Bristleback is really easy to deal with when youre playing invoker cause u can kite him well. Against sniper you should usually build a blink dagger and just pick him off from the backlines and if you save your icewall, ghost walk or for example use icewall -> forged spirits -> cold snap.

                    2. "i also struggled against the axe, any tips on what/how to stay in the back and still contribute to fights properly"
                    - stay a bit back and wait for axe to initiate on your teammate, then just cast tornado on him. Axe is also very kiteable so he shouldnt be a problem. Just work on your positioning,+ you shouldnt be getting called as a ranged spellcaster anyway.

                    3. "i almost always had alacrity, cold snap, and maybe exort skilled in the laning stage, shud i have gotten any other spell, maybe forges or smth. "
                    - undertower last hitting is great with forged spirit since it can tank damage from creeps. Dont use fs if the enemy midlaner can nuke it down. If you want to maximize your farm you should meteor the creepwave and kill a few jungle camps-> repeat. against ember or wr you should have tornado ready -> dispells flame guard and windrun + keep an eye on the map for sunstrike kills.

                    4."any different items?"
                    - dont build an octarine after your scepter. you wont have any mana regen and you usually want one survivability or escape item like linkens, euls, blink etc. Force staff against heroes like meepo and clockwerk. +bring clarities to yourself in early game for mana sustain. Your itembuild should nearly always look something like this:
                    boots - wand - midas - aghs - bots .....->

                    5."shud i level differently? "
                    - most of the time you want to max exort, put four points on quas, and then max wex. Sometimes you want to grab the lvl 15 1+ forged spirit talent but usually you want to prioritize your qwe.

                    If u got any more questions ask ;,,,,ddd


                      just watch miracle and abed invoker( watch all posible games from7.00 to now) and copy fucking everything and notice his spel combos and item choice

                      ps : my english suck


                        Dont pick invoker, i used to ban invoker all the time, just that my teammate could not pick it


                          most of the time bkb just doesn't do much


                            Bkb is just cool item if u pick aoe deafening and refresher
                            Fucking invisible bro

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                              i felt like i had to have bkb as my silencer solution
                              euls means i cant immediately counter initiate, its an imperfect solution imo

                              btw @peteypablo ty for answers
                              i dont rlly play invoker too competetively, not too seriously, but i do want to improve, and the hero is fun
                              its not rlly fun to lose too much either tho
                              just good to know the basics


                                why do you keep rushing octarine lmao


                                  yeah you don't get anything from octarine that early


                                    watching some of your match as invoker...

                                    i dont quite understand why u so scared to use your spell... if you still not remember all the spell go to this site to practice how to use spell correctly

                                    your farm is ok you OUTLEVEL your enemy it just you play so passive and waiting team to make play
                                    thats big mistake... u hid if u dont know what to do. go as fast as you can if u know what to do
                                    not waiting with tornado emp after mirana decide to fight bb then you use that and realise sniper free hit you....

                                    also dont panic if they have dust tornado/icewall-ghost walk you be okay

                                    so speechless when you have xp and gold advantage so big but you cant maximize it

                                    just my 5cent

                                    edit : nvm you just didnt know how to cast invoker spell after you know reaching 3k is joke

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