General Discussion

General DiscussionCancer topic 6 five

Cancer topic 6 five in General Discussion

    top 6 cancers

    6. LIch

    5. Pugna

    4. Viper

    3. Viper

    2. Necro


    1. the PEEnoise (not pinoy )


      Ibwould add clinkz also


        yea tbh i would have to agree as a clinkz player he seems not any less meta than necro viper pugna lich

        idk what half the champio...

          1. Necro
          2. Spirit breaker
          3. bloodcyka


            1. lich
            2. clinkz
            3. venom

            Kenny Dope

              Earthshaker (every game theres this cuck)

              Potato Marshal

                Clinkz and Earthshaker are the only heroes that I really hate going against.

                Story Time

                  but i also find them bad when they all in my team

                  Dire Wolf

                    idk for me invoker, storm and tinker have to be included so it's more like


                      1. Lich - fuck this insta lanewinning crap. This is my every game ban hero in ranked)
                      2. Necrophos
                      3. Earthshaker- like someone mentioned already - in every fucking game
                      4. Spirit breaker - what a nice hero. Feed, but creates so much space that it doesn´t even matter.

                      Riguma Borusu

                        Even if I am more likely to win if the enemy picks tinker, it sure as hell isn't as enjoyable as if the enemy didn't pick tinker. So I'd say tinker 3 places, then techies 3 places.


                          For me, the top cancer picks are as folllows :

                          1) Lich, Viper
                          2) Invoker, yes he is a tough hero to learn, but those guys that have mastered it are insane to play against. He is tough to gank and has insane farming. 16 mins Midas, aghs icky!!!!
                          3) "ROAMING/Support" Mirana. The wanks that pick this , its liek an auto loss. Wiff the arrow and literally they offer nothing. Its the worst. it is like an insta-tilt pick. Pick SB, pick BH almost anything!!! Of course they will rush midas, get it at 25 mins while providing next to nothing
                          4) Tinker, shit on him in lane, delay his bots, he will get them. he has his soul ring. Pushing high ground , cant do it. Stall game, get farm. Start raping. Unless specifically countered. His wr sucks cause its still possble to lose but its just so obnoxious to play against.
                          5) Earth Shaker/ Veno THese two as offlaners are very difficult to play against. ES will blcok waves so you can always get creeps under tower. Veno is super strong. I love the snake but hes a tad overkill at the moment.
                          6) Pugna +necro is stupid strong. A simple nerf to that ghost shit stuff bonus regen and I am OK with that hero. Pugna, well I don't mind him seeing the spot light for once. I loved that little bugger before all the buffs.

                          Hingle McCringleBerry

                            fucking weaver + slardar + visage in one team, can't stand the level of their CANCER, shitting on you and your teammates left and right

                            Dire Wolf

                              I'm definitely not as likely to win when enemy picks tinker. All time win rate is like 46% and I've lost 5 in a row vs tinkers.

                              The problem as a core is you have to end mid game before bkb goes on a 5s duration otherwise he just waits 5 seconds every fight then teleports in and hex spam, dagon spams you to death.

                              Definitely the top cheese/cancer item is blade mail. It's just ridiculous vs high dmg carries especially projectile ones, like pop it vs clinkz and he already has 12 arrows in the air gg bye clinkz. By extension then I absolutely hate axe and he should be in my list. It's ridiculous that a hero with just blink and blade mail can solo a 6 slotted carry cus of his stupid +a million armor during taunt.



                              Riguma Borusu

                                @Dire Wolf: Just pick something with a disable and a general ability to kill tinker, that's about it.


                                  visage in all 6 slots

                                  Riguma Borusu

                                    we havent had a visage copypasta in a while


                                      I really hate going up against a bloodseeker, he is very mobile, durable, and deals huge amounts of damage

                                      meteor hammer

                                        slardar + pa isnt meta

                                        but it IS hilarious

                                        chicken spook,,,,

                                          I fucking swear LD is the most annoying shit ever




                                              Earthshaker is just too damn strong in this meta


                                                For me? 1. Brood 2. Blood 3. Meepo 4. Phantom Lancer. Why? I spam Arc Warden. About the rest I don't care, but for sure playing against Veno, Necro, Blood, Viper is v. annoying. I don't care much about Lich because I play mostly mid & in my bracket, they don't dual me mid with him.

                                                👉👉P O S I T I V I T Y :D

                                                  6- Gallbladder
                                                  5- Hepatic
                                                  4- Colorectal
                                                  3- Small intestine
                                                  2- Esophageal
                                                  1-... Oh wait wrong topic

                                                  If you'll pardon me, I'll seat in the corner now...

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                                                  I can’t believe its not h...

                                                    I really despise that SOB