General Discussion

General DiscussionSome Visage questions plz

Some Visage questions plz in General Discussion
Lea Ivy

    So I was in a party with the top 30 Invo who is mid-5k and he played vs a 4.8k Visage that, with no ganks from anyone, destroyed him in the lane. I would come to help him and Visage would kill us both. The game felt helpless and Visage alone won them the game even though Invo actually got some farm back. But that's not the thing. When I played Visage in my 2k games, no one knew how his abilities work and they would continuously give me max souls to kill them with just my w, and after dying so many times, they would just leave me alone. But I end up playing the game as if it were COD and kill and die, with embarrassing KDAs like 18-19. It was the only way for me to farm because the jungle is too slow and there are always allies autoattacking the lanes. My questions are:
    Why don't boosters use Visage with him being so strong instead of always relying on TA and Storm?
    If I don't get mid because my ally insists, should I safelane and supp with him?
    Is offlane Visage ever a good idea?
    If not by kills, how does Visage farm?
    Should his birds ever be separated from him and rat, or is it a 500mmr tactic?
    Since they are just two, should you have two separate controls for each bird, including the select all units and select all other units controls?
    One time I died with bb so I was waiting 120 seconds with just one bird left. Lina and Ta spent the entire 120 seconds trying to kill that one bird. Question is, how can I prevent the birds from dying? Because 2ks would rather kill one bird than a 2 hp AM.
    How can I gank properly with Visage if the birds have so much more speed than me? The enemy sees the birds and just walks away and my Q is just not in range.
    Last question I have to ask, do u think visage is a good hero to win me some mmr?
    plz b nice i get terrified to post nowadays bcz bully

    white boy summer

      buy ac

      Pigeon ( °□°) ︵

        You don't gank a visage if he is level 6

        Pigeon ( °□°) ︵

          And yes visage is an AMAZING hero for grinding mmr, like you said nobody in the lower mmr knows what the hero does and gets confused when they get killed in 2 seconds. And to gank with visage, you can either leave your birds behind your hero and then get your q off or you can send your birds around from behind the enemy.

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          Totentanz to The King: M ...

            latest patch made visage stupid hard to kill, same goes for his birds. he does less overall damage but it doesnt matter if you cant kill him


              u shudnt be dying if ur that ahead as visage
              he is fucking tanky as all hell


                Buy a bkb.


                  make birds fly around in trees and fog. the you just walk with viusage in front of them and the birds catch him from behind

                  also sendint birds to split push another lane while you are not fighting is a good thing to get some extra gold if you can micro it correctly

                  meteor hammer

                    if the birds arent near you they die to any aoe damage


                      Hero is dumb hopefully icefrog realises this and nerfs it into the ground. Only reason it isn't veno/necro aids tier is because most dota players (myself included) are too shit to play it properly.

                      Цей коментар був відредагований

                        If u see rtz's visage it will give u cancer
                        Double stun into resummon double stun is literally a ravage with birds