General Discussion

General DiscussionIs there a point trying to play all roles instead being good at 1 or ...

Is there a point trying to play all roles instead being good at 1 or 2 ? in General Discussion

    I tried to play offlane/roam/support and i just dont like it.Played 5-6 games and after that i lost my confidence to play carry/mid.


      I hate jaimeh


        If playing rank games, you need to be at least able to do all the roles since you have to adjust on the line up.

        one syllable anglo-saxon

          there may be not, but there surely is a point trying to play ur mom

          Mlada i Luda

            where is the point being good at 1/2 roles? kid you do what you want to. there is not such a " point" at any scenarios that you looking for.


              You should have the ability to play every role, in case your team needs a certain role and your last pick but you don't need to be like, every three games I'm going to play support because thats what I should do. Play the roles that you want, but if those roles are taken don't force someone else out. Be flexible and play what the team needs.


                Play what you want. Force someone out of their role if you need to.


                  I do prefer pos 3,4 or 1. Not so much with pos 2 & 5. But I can play all roles if needed.


                    Well generally you want to focus on 2 positions and play them when you can.

                    I suggest position 1/2 and 4/5. Generally you will always have enough ppl wanting to play mid and safe lane, so finding heroes you can enjoy in support role is good. Will inprove your winrate I would say.


                      Good combination is 1+5 (if you know how to carry you know what you need from support) and 2/3+4 (you know when you can help mid/offlane). Generally roles which complement each other and are in connected.


                        its ok to prefer one or two positions and focus on playing these. its a game after all, do what you like the most. but at some point you wont be able to improve as a player without improving your understanding of the other roles too
                        2,3,4 are the best positions to get better at dota imo


                          That means you suck at pod 3,4,5.

                          Player 56068415

                            Each role provides its own unique gameplay and feel. I don’t mind play any, depending on my current mood. Most of all I like 1 or 3. Offlane is the least contested and high impact position.

                            Cheap Laugh Guy

                              I like to play carry
                              But my best role is support
                              Because everyone likes to play carry
                              And so I follow their needs
                              But now with Turbo Mode I can give no fucks and go 5 carry team
                              Still I can't learn the actual playstyle of core in normal games


                                You can be good at 1 or 2, but you cannot excuse yourself for not learning other positions. It is crucial to understand what different positions do and how that translate into your game.

                                Knowing your hero isn't enough, knowing your games is what win games.

                                Player 153433446

                                  learning one and two isnt the same as the rest
                                  1-2 need mechanical skills as well as game understanding
                                  3-4-5 just require how the game works, which is probably the case if someone is 5k+


                                    play whatever hero you're comfortable with and your mmr will magically increase.

                                    Fee Too Pee

                                      i do not really care. Because college, i just want to play ranked with my favourite hero

                                      But at least i do last pick and winning

                                      meteor hammer

                                        u should get really in depth and really try to ( i hatethis word) master one or two roles at a time, before you broaden out and play all roles at once

                                        its the same shit as 2k mmr players who say they can play any hero, they have a lot of breadth in play but no depth, which equates to not very good play

                                        there was a patch where i played probably 100 games of void/underlord/omniknight off, almost in a row. I actually feel like i got a lot out of that experience, even though it was in the braindead talon meta

                                        even now i'd prefer if i got mid every game. obviously thats not how dota works but I try to get as much consistency as i can


                                          theres no point because people are not made for all roles.

                                          im good as 1,3 and 4. ok as 2. shit as 5.

                                          eventually you will find out what roles you're good with, at that point why would you play roles you're not good with.

                                          Its not that im bad as a pos 5, they playstile doesnt fit me. as pos4/3 im often in the frontline, so when i play pos 5 all of a sudden im supposed to be in the backline but muscle memory and general habits kick in and i end up dying in teamfights because im in the front dying to rightclicks.

                                          even as pos 2 i only play "tanky" frontliners like viper, alch, necro.

                                          be good at 2 roles, have 1 backup role, inore the others. maybe bot 1,2,3 but also one supp position

                                          Цей коментар був відредагований

                                            Being bad at some roles is perfectly normal, idk why you're surprised. You haven't trained much in playing that role and you don't even like it. It takes ages to learn a role well, I agree with JDF8. If you want to learn one and be successful in it you have to play tons of consecutive games as whatever pos you're interested in getting better. I've played pos 3 for 2 years, spammed Axe almost every game, became good with the blink mechanic and developed the insinct to know when to go in and who to attack. After that I tried more heroes similar to Axe, like Slardar, ES, Centaur, and other offlaners who tank like him, Bristleback, Timbersaw and Undying. Then I switched to pos 5 most of the games and guess what, I had to UNlearn to go in and tank like a fucking idiot as Rubick, Disruptor or whatever supp I was playing and learn to stay in the backline and work on my positioning, 'cause my brain and my playstyle got used to the blink-initiation kind of mentality. Now I'm good as pos 5 too. I also like Invoker, but look at that dogshit winrate, 'cause I've never focused on farming efficiently and only now, after 6k games, I'm starting to improve that aspect of my game. And I don't like going mid that much either, it's prolly the role I like the least.


                                              I used to play carry,now every game I get to pick a roamer is a happy one. I genuinley enjoy making space and enabling my team. And the fact that I cam be effective with less is appealing to me because I get bored with the farm-push-fight rotations a carry makes, I prefer scouting, getting information, setting up for kills and those skirmishes that happen and seeing them work out and propell us to victory is satisfying for me. Its all up to you. If I have to play 5 so be it, it allows me to pick last and pick what we lack and I end up being effecive anyway. Like picking lion vs storm or somthing like that.


                                                It just depends on what u want to get out of it. If u wanna improve the best of course is to focus on one role at a time. If u wanna have a blast and experience diversity that Dota has to offer random every game


                                                  Idk what is position atleast playing np right now is so fun. Gank every Lane :D if fail u just tele fountain XD