General Discussion

General DiscussionWhy is Underlord so successfull in 3k+

Why is Underlord so successfull in 3k+ in General Discussion

    just checked the current meta
    in 3-4k, 4-5k and 5k+ underlord has the highest winrate. why? i understand his talents got buffed and he was good before, but what makes him the most successful hero now? as an offlaner, while offlaners complain about impossible laning

    Riguma Borusu

      I don't know but I could probably theorycraft an essay that would be boring and unreadable and also completely wrong, were I in mood for it.


        imba unstunnable tp lul


          He's been strong since they buffed Firestorm's damage. It just deals way too much damage and Atrophy aura is a great spell. With massive HP regen buffs to strength heroes offlane is easier, if anything.


            And it's easy to play while harder to counter


              Builds pipe and greaves for team

              Reduce base dmg from enemie hard carrys and can tank up all damage for team during fight


                -Clear waves really fast.
                -Povides placement disable and constant damage during teamfight
                -tanky asf.
                -Aura carrying demi-god.
                -Could create space during early game.
                -King of high ground!

                зачем я начал поиск

                  Very simple, yet yields high impact.
                  Though also boring as fuck, but that's just me.

                  Цей коментар був відредагований

                    Oh gosh I love Underlord threads. I freakin' love this hero!

                    The reason Underlord is so good is because he can single handedly tackle 3 heroes in the offlane and create a ton of space for the rest of the team. Mid game he owns team fights because of the -40% damage aura and pipe/greaves. Late game he can turn a fight around with a team tp. He hits like a mofo too with the +70 attack speed talent and the dmg boost from atrophy.

                    In the lane phase, he can farm and at the same time stop the hc from farming by spamming firestorm. Other offlaners like Omni, Centaur, Clock, etc can't do this.

                    He can fall to the jungle if the lane is too hard (e.g. you won't be able to show up in the lane against a rough combo like SS/Ursa or Cm/Pudge/Jugg, which are common in 4k+ games).

                    I've spammed him with great success (66% win rate over 100 games) and learnt a few tricks that I often see other players miss.

                    1. Always carry rain drops. The mana regen (together with a clarity in your backpack) will keep your mana up all the time so you can spam firestorm forever.

                    2. Don't feel like you have to get mana boots every game as the first item. Situational items like a force staff (to get away from ursa/naix/clock etc), or a early hood to pipe (to counter a zeus for example) have won me many games where I would have fed without those items.

                    3. At the start of the game, choose which of the following you need and prioritize them. There's no cookie cutter build.

                    - Pipe if against mass magic like Zeus, Veno, etc.
                    - Crimson if against right clickers like Sniper, Slark etc.
                    - Force Staff (prioritize) if against Ursa/Naix/Clock etc.
                    - Greaves (almost always since it's such a good mid-game item).

                    Totentanz to The King: M ...

                      Literally the only reason imo is that he is tanky af. His spells (and items) have insane CD, you can easily disengage a fight against him if its not going well.

                      casual gamer

                        I’d recommend halberd over guard against right clickers

                        Id only ever really get guard against illus heroes and maybe meepo


                          what do you guys think about euls on him?


                            he can push waves

                            he can clear neutral stacks from enemy supp, thx!

                            enemy core isnt buying bkb? gg

                            very versatile item build

                            good catch

                            pit of malice most annoying spell in the game

                            tanky AF

                            win 1 teamfight and underlord takes all your buildings, doesnt even need a carry with atrophy aura


                              I found UL to be very good in anything below 6k avg. Above 6k he just gets countered and is kind of a greedy pick (at least for the first 10-15min). One good thing for him is that Ursa is not very popular right now.
                              If you get through the first 20min then it's really good at defending towers and you can put the ulti to use to pressure the enemy.
                              There's also a bunch of items that work great for him making him very versatile.


                                @melt euls is unnecessary on him. I sometimes get lotus orb to counter silences and lots of target spells.

                                @mega ursa isn't really a counter (it is if you're trying to right click creeps next to ursa). all you gotta do is stay far and spam fire (clarity + raindrops). you're getting some farm, and ursa is either taking dmg (which exposes him to ganks) or missing cs by staying away.


                                  i see ppl chaining ult and euls to bypass the teleport delay in risky situations, seems to be quite handy when your team is behind.
                                  manaboots seem unnecssary with it tho

                                  Цей коментар був відредагований

                                    ^ bro just go greaves pipe crimson blademail shiva veil

                                    Dont go soil ring radi pit its insta lose


                                      lol soul ring is like one of the most important items on underlord, infinite fire storm spam in lane???

                                      crimson guard is shit, halberd is just better

                                      Цей коментар був відредагований

                                        Did u see the notail underlord clip where he just stood there and tanked the entire enemy initiation and 2-3 ultis and didn't flinch, barely lost 1/5th hp lmao
                                        It hurt my soul


                                          Sr is ok, u can get away with arcanes sometimes


                                            ^ yea i saw that shit thsts why its op hero

                                            Soul ring is ok but no needed better go arcane to greaves but i see high mmr pitlord players go soul ring so as u wsnt


                                              Reading this thread make me wanna play gaylord


                                                you need mana boot because greaves is core in almost every game. you can go sr, but I prefer raindrop and clarity.