General Discussion

General DiscussionUnable to get out of normal skill bracket with good records

Unable to get out of normal skill bracket with good records in General Discussion

    Check my profile , I got gpm averaging around 550-700 gpm with 18 wins and 2 losses with high versatility for someone with limited hero pool., I wonder why im still stuck at normal skill bracket. I dont afk farm, buy wards even as a carry and literally crushing every game. Is this a new update that I have missed?

    PS, last two games were beyond my control

    Ця тема була відредагована
    Justin Weaver

      U check my last pudge game lol

      Цей коментар був відредагований
      Friendly player

        Because you suck.


          I get how skill cannot be accurately measured by a few numbers (gpm last hits,and etc.) But isn't this a little too much or should I say its making things worse. Maybe I should just play more and see what happens after i get 50 wins and 4-6 losses


            @Friendly player ,says the guy who is struggling in 2.5k


              What was the mmr of your original account?


                Hey, buy he's badged anchor..


                  Wtf is with your account
                  Smurf detection broken?


                    You should def be in higher games


                      4.3k but sold it cuz volvo made Ti7 immortals unable to be sold for profit

                      Цей коментар був відредагований
                      road to vhs

                        wtf. you should be in VHS bracket.
                        dota 2 is broken for sure


                          prolly because oldmmr of that account is too low and wud need more than 10calib games to rise in bracket but ull probably end up with archon or legend if lucky idk

                          road to vhs

                            @Scourge, Its a new account. there is no old mmr.


                              damn smashing noobs must be really boring. Even I hate when its too easy, I like the challenge, much more satisfying after a win. Had a great troll game last night. Back and forth <3


                                anyone from SEA ? I can party with? Ill be a very good support for u if u need one thnx

                                road to vhs

                                  gaben says he is too good so put him on normal bracket.

                                  Long hard road out of 2k

                                    account solder dont deserve vhs


                                      the one who bought my old account would probably calibrate at a lower rank anyway if he doesnt deserve it


                                        have u guys seen the movie i am legend?


                                          i never really understood the whole fuzz about being ns, hs or vhs
                                          with time you will get into the bracket you deserve anyway, so the time you spent arguing at the forum could be spent on a game that brings you further


                                            Apparently smurf detection did not work on your new account. It worked surprisingly on my smurf. I got matched with 5k people in my 3rd game..

                                            chicken spook,,,,

                                              aYY he just underperformed


                                                you played a lot of normal skill games ... so u are in that bracket whatever u do ... u can let pro player play on ur acc and it will be normal skill bracket ... u need to go up in first few games.

                                                Friendly player

                                                  Yeah that's what i ment, he sucks. If he can't get out of normal skill games being 4.2k he actually sucks. lul

                                                  зачем я начал поиск

                                                    Why would that matter?

                                                    Just have fun playing games against somewhat difficult bots for a month.
                                                    You will go up really fast with ~70% winrate anyway, so why bother.


                                                      well if you lose your lane at the first few games you can almost forget getting out of the NS bracket quickly. Laning stage is like the number 1 deciding factor for this, in my opinion (based on having had many smurf accounts and observing the results).


                                                        i never lost a lane , and i stomped all 18 of my first games but anyway im out of NS bracket already

                                                        Цей коментар був відредагований
                                                        chicken spook,,,,

                                                          The people who said "get good" are garbage themselves xD :thinking: