General Discussion

General DiscussionNew Percentiles

New Percentiles in General Discussion

    According to OpenDota's site, the average MMR has been increased.
    Archon 4 (and 5) is in the top 50-55% percentile, which is 3 to 3.4k MMR.
    According to 3 different sites, the top 50-55% percentile was 2.4-2.6k mmr before the update.

    Also, with so many complaints about 7k and 6k's being dropped almost a thousand MMR points, I guessed that the same thing happened to alot of 4k mmr players (though probably on a smaller scale, like 500 mmr).

    Despite that, I don't feel as though DotA's average MMR has risen THAT much. Maybe in a couple of weeks, OpenDota's charts will average out a bit better. I guess the majority of players to re-calibrate quickly are those who take DotA a little more seriously, resulting in an higher averages for now.

    VS. (4 months old).


      Does OpenDota only have access to public profiles? If so it's skewed upwards. The true 50th percentile is probably a bit lower in that case.


        Opendota's data is biased.


          It's skewed to the right because a lot of 1-3k players wouldn't really be proud enough to show their MMR anyway.