General Discussion

General DiscussionHeroes you wouldn't play

Heroes you wouldn't play in General Discussion
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    How do you personally define (if you do) a garbage hero?
    Something, you wouldn't play at all or seek to avoid playing.
    Maybe garbage not in the sense of being weak overall, but doesn't fit in your playstyle, way that you want to play.

    For me: any hero, who can't lane well, can't stay solo, depends on someone constantly helping them. Any hero, that can't score solo kills.

    All, which fall under this definition, I would personally seek to avoid/never play.
    The more hero fits that definition, the less incentive I would have to ever pick it.

    Ця тема була відредагована

      Well I hate being kited , hate bkb and hate microing other units .

      Fee Too Pee

        I will never play invoker , meepo and visage in my entire life


          I don't like to play AM. He farms forever and usually played as a rat hero. So boring.


            No garbage heroes.

            All heroes decent in right situation.

            Only garbage players

            KGBlue Lives Matter

              Nothing I consider cancer.


                Bs with no stunner in team


                  Boring heroes. I find enjoyment in setting up early-mid and staying relevent. I love Mag, Es, Pudge etc. I like lane dominators. I don’t like sitting ducks and all around type of dudes. Like DK, Medusa, Drow I find boring. Warlock is also pretty unrewarding for me sometimes as you can’t really feel his impact sometimes even if he has one. I also like some light micro here and there, LD and Visage. I also don’t like PA. Hate playing as/against her


                    I hate Chaos Knight, Spectre, and Sniper. Heroes who don't farm very well, just survive the first 30 minutes and win by right clicking and ulting.

                    chicken spook,,,,

                      Cores that relies on teammates
                      Snowball reliant, garbage tower pusher, no mobility, no big teamfight capability, etc

                      Justin Weaver

                        No other hero than pudge satisfies me anymore, don't know why, I'm becoming more and more a pudge only player :3


                          Still early to say and i haven't played a lot of heros at all but i don't see my self playing high skillcap/micro intense heros. Ie invoker, meepo, chen etc
                          Heros take way to long to even be remotely ok with and i just don't have the time. I play about 10 games a week.

                          2 heros that i don't like from what I've seen on stream/ pro matches are visage and brood. I also not a big fan of techies.

                          Цей коментар був відредагований
                          Forget me not

                            Invoker , meepo, just not motivated enough to learn the hero.
                            AM , Alchemist, or any hero that just need much farm to he effective


                              Cores that relies on kills to win, PA,razor,ursa,etc
                              BKB reliant heroes
                              Cores that can't comeback from a terrible laning stage
                              Most of pos 5 supports except ogre,kotl,rubick,and lion.


                                for support, usually at my bracket which ended with 1 support, i hate a hero which need alot of gold to be impact at the game like earthshaker,lion,slardar, shaman etc