General Discussion

General DiscussionWhich spells do you guys consider "Overrated" and "Underrated"?

Which spells do you guys consider "Overrated" and "Underrated"? in General Discussion
Fee Too Pee

    For me
    Overrated spells :
    Doom : crap animation , not slow and stun, damage not that great, cooldown too long (My pubs think doom is a sure win button)

    Omnislash : not very damaging in teamfight

    Mana drain

    Underrated spells :
    Walrus kick

    Unstable concotion (whatever alchemist 2nd skill name is)

    Chilling touch


      I have no clue what the fuck you are talking about.

      Doom is great for many reasons, just niche. BTW, the animation? Really? It mutes items as well as the hero himself. Only silence in the game to do that, aside from Disruptor Aghs.
      Omnislash does ton of damage, so long as your Jugg has a brain.
      Mana Drain is a great spell.

      Walrus Kick is just a 350% crit on a hero with no damage, and it stuns for what, less than a second?
      Unstable concoction is really great, and not undervalued at all. A team even used Alch Support, maxing out the stun and using it to great affect (early game).
      Chilling touch is also not underrated. Its just tough to use efficiently, and requires either a trilane, or Weaver.

      Цей коментар був відредагований

        Underrated: Fatal bonds. Drunken haze, Rolling thunder/sheild crash.(basically pangolier lul) hex especially now. Np teleport. Ice wall. Rocket barrage smoke screen.

        Overrated: Rupture, Epicenter, Duel,

        There are no bad spells tbh. Just misused.

        Цей коментар був відредагований

          Overrated: duel,chronosphere

          Underrated: nethertoxin, 5scd cd,break ability, minus magic res,long ass cast range, dps, and people always upgrade it last??dfck are they thinking!?

          astral spirit(elder titan), free jingu mastery with ms at lvl 2


            Snu I think he meant walrus KICK, the displacement ability. Walrus punch has the crit and slow and bkb peircing stun not effected by linkens. Which is also pretty good I would think


              In that case, Walrus Kick isn't underrated. Its 4200 gold that can be spent for something alot better for your team.

              Fee Too Pee

                " A team even used Alch Support"
                And.... when the fuck u have alche support?

                And its my opinion dude. Can you chill?
                I am just asking people opinion in this thread.

                I am not forcing people to agree with me.

                Цей коментар був відредагований

                  You are right. I am chilled, and am just correcting your opinions with my own opinions.
                  I have never picked Alche support. But I can see that in pubs - people tend to overlook his stun for other things, but that is because they are playing a core (farming) alch. That is as close as I come to agreeing with you about "underrated" spells.


                    Underrated: Maledict. Man that spell can really be a terror. Fire Spirits. One of the best killers in lane as Phoenix, and constantly a huge factor after level 5 where you dominate the lane from there on out.
                    Overrated: Maidens ulti. The main reason that hero dies in a teamfight is trying to position for an ulti, which leaves her so vulnerable, and such a target. She just doesn't have skills backing that ultimate up other than for pick offs or very very situational.

                    chicken spook,,,,

                      Omnislash does ton of damage, so long as your Jugg has a brain.

                      omnislash is jugg's easiest spell to counter


                        I don't think overrated could be used, but some SSs are comparatively bad such as Hand of god, Primal roar, Black hole (super long CD), vendetta (not that much dmg but only be useful for scouting because he's only invi hero who can stun), Eye of storm.

                        Isaías Cancino

                          They're not bad spells, but the ults of some popular heroes are overrated: Assassinate, Duel, Rupture and Global Silence.


                            black hole, global is bad ROFL
                            PRIMAL ROAR IS BAD LMAO
                            my eyes HURT


                              also @abdal since ur fucking retarded, break isnt useful every lineup, and even then, just getting break with a single value point is great
                              often times viper needs to max nether toxin in order to be tanky, and nethertoxin makes a great value point
                              it rlly shines when u start taking fights instead of pickoffs, where it becomes great at zoning or when paired with either ur own, or other slows to keep them in it


                                u can situationally max nether toxin, if u dont need too many corrosive points
                                but i mean, i like my 67% magic resist viper with pipe nethertoxin soooooo


                                  I said Blackhole is "Comparatively bad" read it and think again.

                                  Fee Too Pee

                                    Yo guys, just a heads up. I just want people to share their opinions about some spells in the game.

                                    No one is right or wrong.

                                    I just want to know what are you guys thinking. No one have to agree on one thing.
                                    And yea i think in my opinion ,

                                    DUEL is kinda overrated : u need too much assistance to actually win duel
                                    Black hole : Powerfull spell with High CD indeed. But its not "overrated" for me
                                    Global Silence : Kinda Overrated. Easily Dispelable, not stun , not slow. Need too much cordination in pubs

                                    chicken spook,,,,

                                      Global feels niche af but then again u dont want silencer to become a staple pick and become einstein with 1000 int stolen while being picked every game


                                        Spec's desolate is overrated.

                                        Underlord's firestorm is underrated.

                                        very good csgo player

                                          Assassinate = worst ult in the game. Doesn't scale, can easily dodge it, sniper right clicks do more.

                                          Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                            infernal blade is one of the best spells in the game and people finally caught up on it and max it even before scorched earth before they used to max it after devour


                                              Yea but cant do more than 1200 range, asnet have like 3000 range. and actually u can make it scale with agha, but it makes asnet more worthless.
                                              Blackhole is good, but by no means underrated, Midnight pulses is the underrated skill, my hands itchy everytime I see Enigma casting BH without MP just to save 0.2 scnds. I'm enigma player so I realized this when I try using agha, all enigma normal skills are underrated I think
                                              And to be honest demonic conversion is very good for pushing and zoning early game, and enig has the lvl 20 and 25 talents that make it even more destructive, still have only 240 hp though per eidolon and can feed easily but on the other hand it can melt ancient lvl tower within 6 scnds of full assault if u pick all the talents and could be used to bait foes to go outside to farm them


                                                and I havent played some heroes yet, but I think many unpopular heroes skill are underrated
                                                - Spirits Io
                                                - Penitence Chen
                                                - Grave Chill Visage
                                                - Fire spirits Phoenix
                                                - Decrepify Pugna
                                                - Battlehunger Axe
                                                - Blur with lvl 25 talent against MKB, still can miss a lot
                                                - Thunderstrike Disruptor
                                                - Nyx mana burn


                                                  Morphilng is underrated. Broken hero.

                                                  Gazz   ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

                                                    Assassinate = worst ult in the game. Doesn't scale, can easily dodge it, sniper right clicks do more.

                                                    Riki: Hold my beer

                                                    👉👉P O S I T I V I T Y :D

                                                      Assassinate is great, spammable high range decent nuke, can be used to secure heroes that ran away or to quickly dish damage. With that cooldown and mana cost you can't expect really more than what it is

                                                      зачем я начал поиск

                                                        Any ultimate, which can be dispelled by stuff like Lotus.

                                                        Friendly player

                                                          How are all these spells underrated/overrated?
                                                          :oh, finger of death killed me so i guess its underrated. Oh, he missed the sunstrike so i guess that spell is overrated.
                                                          Is that how you judge which spell is overrated/underrated?

                                                          Fee Too Pee

                                                            As for me. I use my game experience as tool how i rate some spells. And off course pro matches.

                                                            But mostly my ranked experience (Since most of us <4k mmr shitter anyway)

                                                            Doom is mostly just MIDLY INCOVENIENCE for enemy and ME in my games
                                                            LC with boots upgrade + dagger is not really dangerous
                                                            Cataclysm rarely hit anyone when casted

                                                            Lifebreak can Dispel dangerous debuff away (Corrosive haze, Spirit vessel) and magic immune for brief second

                                                            for example


                                                              Underrated: ice path, infest, enfeeble, maledict, wave of terror, cogs, chain frost, haunt, swarm, doppleganger, double edge

                                                              Overrated: assassinate, chrono, tombstone, sunstrike, hand of god, track, echo slam, call of the wild

                                                              Цей коментар був відредагований
                                                              white boy summer

                                                                shadowraze is kinda broken now but sf is still underused. i won a game by shadowraze jungling where i was trashed on lane


                                                                  The spell I overrate the most has to be Call Down. I'm still holding on to the days where Gyro was a first pick or ban. They nerfed him so much, including his ult, but I still play as if the ult is that BKB piercing slow that does two million damage.
                                                                  BTW I agree w OP about Doom being overrated. Infernal Blade is nice, but replacing Lvl Doom means that the hero has no natural way to cancel Linken's first before using ult. Add the crappy cast time, relatively low cast range, and long cooldown, and the spell isn't as great as it's made to be


                                                                    also @abdal since ur fucking retarded, break isnt useful every lineup, and even then, just getting break with a single value point is great
                                                                    often times viper needs to max nether toxin in order to be tanky, and nethertoxin makes a great value point
                                                                    it rlly shines when u start taking fights instead of pickoffs, where it becomes great at zoning or when paired with either ur own, or other slows to keep them in it

                                                                    Whoaa, chill brother


                                                                      also @abdal since ur fucking retarded, break isnt useful every lineup, and even then, just getting break with a single value point is great
                                                                      often times viper needs to max nether toxin in order to be tanky, and nethertoxin makes a great value point
                                                                      it rlly shines when u start taking fights instead of pickoffs, where it becomes great at zoning or when paired with either ur own, or other slows to keep them in it

                                                                      Whoaa, chill brother


                                                                        How are all these spells underrated/overrated?
                                                                        :oh, finger of death killed me so i guess its underrated. Oh, he missed the sunstrike so i guess that spell is overrated.
                                                                        Is that how you judge which spell is overrated/underrated?

                                                                        The most overrated one was ur ridiculous am profile pic..damn brother


                                                                          Overrated : cataclysm, charge, all pudge spell

                                                                          Underrated : xmark, all shaman spell

                                                                          주 롄양

                                                                            what makes assnet bad is long casting time, talent fix tis, i do think that 35 headshot knock back isnt really worth compare tis

                                                                            casual gamer

                                                                              Retards everywhere holy shit