General Discussion

General DiscussionHave you ever lost due to draft?

Have you ever lost due to draft? in General Discussion


    👉👉P O S I T I V I T Y :D

      Got a stabborn jungle alchemist firat pick in my last ns game

      Totentanz to The King: M ...

        Like, every game?


          Yes, most of my losses


            Yes, drafting is like 65% of the win... If you get a good team especially versus the enemy team, you will win. But when you get that last picker who just messes up everything, the game is pretty much lost already.

            As a last picker, your role should be pretty clear. Don't mess up the team just because you want to play Legion in the Jungle (this is no longer such a big issue, but was way too common in 7.06), when you should be picking safelane carry.


              drafting doesnt matter much below 4k, maybe even in 4-5k

              Lruce Bee

                Yes which is why the trench is so hard to get out of. 9 times out of 10 everyone calls for supports, but no one picks them. So people understand the need for one, but would rather lose anyway. That is the sort of trench mentality that is prevalent in Low mmr. The plague of uncoordinated individuals. You may even find one or two talented individuals but for lack of good drafts, are unable to climb.

                When you get a good draft like sniper (backline, dps), alch (front lining), axe (initiation dps), Pa (chase,Dps), and crystal maiden (wards, mana), games are definite win. You just need to find a way to convince people to pick heroes for a definite win. You could win every game if u controlled the draft.


                  i have never lost a game of dota in my life


                    In my games I actually do get at least 1 support player
                    Usually I'll have 2
                    Ye there will be clueless guys and whatnot but I don't find it to be as bad as others find it to be


                      I have seen last pick drows in full meele lineup so its real.



                        I would not agree with that statement, as I feel that only applies when you are playing against lower skilled opponents. In an arguably equally skilled game, drafting would certainly affect advantages in the game from the get go. Of course, in the really low bracket games where players do not even understand the game nor the heroes, drafting wouldn't affect the game as the players themselves don't even understand what to capitalize on. But if you are talking about 3k+ onward, there is a certain level of understanding of the game and that is when drafting really comes to shine.

                        On topic,
                        I'd say for me its more of a combination rather to solely blame it on drafts. I had a friend 3rd picked Medusa which resulted in counter picks from the opponents. I wouldn't go that far to blame it on drafting entirely, but it certainly limited what Medusa could have accomplished in that game. I also have friends who don't understand drafting, and sometimes I'd end up with a Rubick + Kotl support combo which resulted in almost negligible impact from them. Again, we can argue that they could have adjusted their play style but like I've mentioned above we are assuming everyone to be of equal skill which should hold true for <5k. Drafting imo consist of 20-30% of the game, and will decide the flow from the get go.


                          Drafting definitely affects lower skill games. I've lost games where farm and towers were mostly even, but it was just impossible to fight the enemy team. Its most obvious when your team is lacking some important component.
                          Lack of initiation is the most common issue I've noticed. When you have all the damage in the world but have no way to properly start a fight you tend to lose. Similarly is lack of lockdown, especially against heroes like AM or Storm. It just puts you at a huge disadvantage.

                          Another issue that has lost me games is teams that are full of glass cannons. There is no such roll as a tank in Dota but you definitely need some sort of durable front-liners if you want your glass cannons to live more than a few seconds.


                            Lack of disable
                            U can just draft heroes with stuns
                            And win

                            chicken spook,,,,

                              Draft matters on equal grounds.

                              Dire Wolf

                                Yes? Like what kind of question is that? Stupid drafts tank like every 3rd or 4th game. And face roll drafts vs stupid oppnent drafts win every 3rd or 4th game. Only about a quarter to half your games are actually decided by good gameplay and skill in normal pubs.


                                  we lose cos we have a slark against a medusa
                                  > SS bought linkins instead of bkb
                                  > kunkka has no team play or such he just plays like he wanted too


                                    I never lose due to draft
                                    Neither did I ever lose because I played bad
                                    I lose because my team underperforms

                                    that is like common sense dude, It's like you never played a game of dota


                                    Friendly player

                                      Usually the reason why i lose is because i sometimes get heroes i don't want to play.


                                        If I lose it's because I played bad. Every single game I have ever lost was my fault and my fault alone. I can win every single game no matter what if I just play better than all 9 other players in the game.


                                          I lost myself when someone picked winter against timber and am and become useless piece of shit the whole game, and ofcourse its a last pick. Some are so dumb in the picking phase even though they have some skills but zero drafting brain.So yeah its an auto loss unless some miracle happens and u carry the game.


                                            Good to see that dotabuff is not toxic anymore .. keep it up guys


                                              All the time tbh.


                                                yeah most of the time. thats when we start playing safely hugging towers then comeback at lategame if lucky


                                                  Yes, a lot of games. Like my last solo ranked game, where I queued captain's mode, and our idiot captain drafted Huskar 3rd, without a saving support like Oracle or Dazzle, and immediately got shit on by a last pick Viper. Best part was when he started blaming everyone else for the defeat.


                                                    Why would you queue solo ranked captains mode, it should automatically remove 1000 mmr from your account for being so stupid.

                                                    chicken spook,,,,



                                                        ^ hahaha


                                                          our team avg. skill level is better than enemy but enemy has better heroes feels bad man


                                                            @CUTNPASTE lol.
                                                            I have games where I get a good team; good drafter, everyone is willing to communicate and coordinate, everyone is flexible. Positivity runs high, even when we're down, and it propels us to a comeback. Like my last Centaur game(also a solo ranked captain's mode game). If I get some games like that Axe game I posted as the tradeoff for the good games like my Centaur game, I'd take it, honestly. Yeah, I stagnate MMR(1 win to 1 loss), but that one win was the most fun I'd had with randoms in a long time. And I appreciate those; I play this game for fun.


                                                              There is still 0 reason to play captains draft unless u r R E T A R D E D


                                                                My draft better than flys and ppds togetha


                                                                  Yes. You are playing against people of the same skills, and discounting variables only God can influence like luck and net connection, proper drafting is important.


                                                                    The only thing in my server is that affect their dract is they don't treat tower and structure as entitiy

                                                                    fear is the mind killer

                                                                      Everygame that you win or lose sub 40 mins

                                                                      Fee Too Pee

                                                                        as a huskar picker, i always win by draft instead lmao