General Discussion

General DiscussionWhat tilted you last time/last game?

What tilted you last time/last game? in General Discussion
Bad Intentions

    Kindly share your thoughts. Thanks


      losing mid lane to a qop as viper, which was really dumb seeing as those are my two best mid heroes. That left me mildly tilted but then I just walked at towers and the game ended at 28 minutes and I hadn't died since dieing solo 4 times to the qop in laning phase which just left me bewildered rather then tilted because I have no idea how we ended the game that easily.

      Story Time

        do i really tilt? nope :) because i am older than 25

        Justin Weaver

          I don't remember the last game I tilted, must be 100 or 200 games ago or some shit




              Party queue w/ my 2 friends.

              Then the 2 other guys who were 2-3 medals lower than us marked mid and safelane carry.

              I tilted from start to finish.


                A while ago I was taking a break from dota because of how cancer it was in lower MMR brackets. My friends insisted I play a game with them. I marked safelane, picked sven, then two other people picked carries and fought over the lane. I just told them to fuck off and went mid, died to a jugg, boughtback, ulted, died again, and abandoned.

                Cancer Malaria

                  my last tide game, damn that game wasn't tilting but frustrating, nobody wanted to stick and push every time a teamfight was won(which rarely happen cos apparently most gold advantage went to dire since the early game), we ended up going late, the only pushers we had was tinker and sniper(tinker did his part well, sniper on the other hand). plus it ended being 1hour plus game, i hate those types of late games. thank god it wasnt ranked or else i would have been tilted


                    Getting my tp cancelled by a random assassinate in the middle of a fight

                    Similarly, “goon squad” reinforcements showing up at really nonsensical times

                    👉👉P O S I T I V I T Y :D

                      I think the last game I got noticeably frustrated is that

                      It's not the fact that we had a jungle alchemist. But the fact that he first picked it (after the enemy sb). And immediately called jungle

                      He easily could have gone mid or even safelane without problem, but he immediately chose jungle, because "its easier"
                      I told him sb would fuck him up, but "no he needs vision he would charge lanes"
                      In the end, I wasted all the laning phase as a solo support ns (i second picked it, how could I know there wouldn't be a second support?) trying to protect a jungle alchemist being fucked by an sb.
                      And they had a free jingling troll because of that, which I wanted to harass and couldn't do that

                      In the end got report for 0/10

                      Well that was a game that pushed me to my edge, but in general I'm not really a a tilting person, I am rarely mad at other players and can calm toxicity on my team pretty easily
                      So if someone from that game is watching this, sorry for me being obnoxious in that game, I still feel bad about it :(

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                      Bosnian Blade



                          not being able to stomp a 2k player mid in an inhouse


                            I tilted when introduce my friend to dota 2 !

                            Forget me not

                              When my jugg didn't buy shield early game , then proceed lose to a nyx 1 by 1 4 times in a row after we help trilane him at top and leave him when he is 2 level ahead from the nyx.

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                              Livin' Real Good

                                I had a Legend 1 (which i'm assuming is low 3K) try to take mid from our Ancient 2 Queen of pain because " He doesn't like supporting " despite him being 1000 MMR lower than the QOP.

                                Everyone on the team says " Dude, you're 1000 MMR lower than her, you should probably just support, even if you did call mid first.

                                So keep in mind, no one disrespected him at this point, they just used logic and unanimously agreed he should support.

                                But because i'm the most vocal about it, he singles me out, steals carry from me, and picks Juggernaut. So I pick troll anyways, and he proceeds to be a shitter and gets carried by literally everyone on the team. I'm lagging half the match due to wifi and also abit tilted cause of him, yet somehow i'm 15-4, and he's 4-5 jungling while everyones fighting when I check the score board.

                                Then coincidentally enough, the Legend 1 Silencer on the enemy team is the first to rage, feed, plant wards everywhere, and ruin the game for his team, so I pause the game and tell him " Gee, is it a coincidence that everyone here is low 4K, but the two fucking Legend 1 3.2K players are the only ones ruining the game cause they had to support? Surely it can't be. "

                                So he quickly unpauses the game, we win, and i'm pretty sure he reports me despite me being right.

                                Low 4K is the worst, high 4K games are so much easier just cause of the level of play alone, and 3K's not being there.

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                                green brocolli

                         This guy throwing for no reason in a lp game