General Discussion

General Discussionhow to get high skill and very high skill? guys? pls comment

how to get high skill and very high skill? guys? pls comment in General Discussion

    i got normal... what should i do?


      kill yourself


        or git gud


          2Ks will never be HS/VHS anyway, git gut cuz you can't fool the system


            why ur so angry? im just asking seeking for advice


              I'm not angry. I'm giving advise.

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                Party Next Door

                  why you write about mmr 4k dog 4770tribo


                    *advise not advises tribo

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                    Party Next Door

                      if u want up your skill just check replays pro players and try same play after u get a little skill u can chance your personal build play 8games days and seems good


                        @eddie typo exde


                          @xD madman exde


                            Its actually advice. Advise is a verb which means "to give someome advice".


                              ^true. Blue star always wins SIGH FUAARK


                                for climbing 2k to 3k i recommend a few simple steps:

                                - limit your hero pool to 5-10
                                - dont play to gain mmr. play to become a better player.
                                - learn about the actual jobs of each position
                                - accept the fact that everybody else in your game will never get out of 2k bracket
                                - YOU doing YOUR job and dealing with everybody else failing at their jobs means giving your team a big advantage over the enemy team. archieve a winrate of 55% in solo queue and youre good
                                - watch every single pro game played during the past 6 months. not only the game, but also the analysys

                                that whole "playing core every game and stomping with 95% winrate" thing only works if you are better than your mmr already and wanna climb asap, forget about that nonsense

                                edit: be positive in chat. ignore mistakes by your teammates but talk when they did a good move

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                                  Step 1: Get to legend
                                  Step 2: Get to ancient
                                  Step 3:Enjoy
                                  jk haha, just focus on the role you like and try spamming one hero to understand his role then move on to heroes similar to him until you get the idea about how they work

                                  Cackoo ^_^

                                    3k is high skill 4.2k mmr+ is very high skill in my experience

                                    Cheesy Wenis

                                      Unless you're aiming to be a literal pro (as in, making tournament money with your skill) don't worry about it. The only people that care about skill brackets/MMR are losers without anything else going on in their lives.

                                      Enjoy the game, make some friends if you're inclined, do stupid shit, have fun :)

                                      Lruce Bee

                                        give up all hope. this game is not for you

                                        chat banned :)

                                          just play your comfort hero practice makes you good and you will get there

                                          chat banned :)

                                            and play mid more stop playing supports as much as possible hehe

                                            Player 153433446

                                              The more You play....probably

                                              i follow Jesus.

                                                2k here, just spam a reliable core (luna drow terrorblade etc) and you'll get 4k. been there done that, dropped all the way back. feels fucken bad man. opendota reminds me of that one time i hit 4k every day.


                                                  ^ck seems better

                                                  Muhammad Sumbul

                                                    Spam unranked.I am 2k but get matched in High skill all the time in unranked and sometimes get VHS.All legends and lower ancients except than me.See my most recent am match.

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                                                      my better question is how do i get 3k and 4k get off my my very high skill bracket when i decided to play a casual game of normal game, or ability draft