General Discussion

General DiscussionOn Farming and Power Curves as Core

On Farming and Power Curves as Core in General Discussion

    I feel that this is one point that isn't really touched upon but is really vital in climbing solo MMR as a core player, and also what separates good players in my skill bracket from like pubstompers and seemingly smurf-like gameplay.

    As in how do you realize that you have an advantage over an enemy and how do you abuse it safely so that you can even get a greater advantage over the enemy? How do you then translate that over objectives? When should you prioritize taking fights over farming your lane when the enemy goes missing?

    Because I had games where I had shitton of farm but because I played like a fucking retard and was practically too focused on acquiring farm, the enemy core which was practically better in lategame (it was Spectre or Medusa or something like that) eventually outclassed me and caught up on farm.

    I know that like outfarming everyone and outplaying them is the key for climbing solo MMR but I feel that this is one point that isn't really talked about that often even though for me its worth knowing. So yeah since im just 3.6-3.7k, I wanted to ask the higher level players here what are their thoughts about this topic.

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      Screw this topic. Just pick jugg/luna, you win 7/10. Trust me, I used to spam Luna to climb from 4.7 to 5k. But then again, Luna only proved to be effective to me because I never pick her when the enemy picks prove to be disadvantageous.

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      chicken spook,,,,

        Play more and keep in touch with each hero's DPS

        Just feel of the people's skill level in your game (Are they trading hits properly or not, can they cast spells properly or not, etc) and play accordingly

        Take only winnable teamfights, obviously, play more, be open minded, you'll figure out which fights are good and not sooner or later

        Just toy around downtimes (spells cooldown, tp cooldown, lack of mana, etc) and times when they're weak (AM before BF, slark before SB, etc)

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        chicken spook,,,,

          Or just starve them by shoving all 3 lanes while eating both jungle if you're not exactly confident with your teamfighting skills rofl


            You can get high gpm by farming your jungle whole game but whats more important is applying pressure to enemy team .


              I actually find the easiest cores to play are those with big cd ultis because it tends to make decisions on whether to fight or not simple.


                U wanna know what each hero's power spike is? Watch pros specially
                hero spammers play a specufic hero for 20 games. U will see their playstyle suddenly changes at some points of the game. U ask urself why, find the answer and boom, u got the answer to ur first question, about what u should do with power spikes.

                i.e with brood offlane u play like a puzy until u'r lvl3-4 and then u start creating spiders and being annoying. Next sudden change in game play is when u got a spider army. Then it's having ur orchid. Before it u mightve had to avoid a storm spirit but after it things change. Another one is after u get enemy's t2 tower, and so on. U get the point. Find when gameplay changes and understand why


                  I actually think that jugg is better than luna, i mean pros counter luna with jugg cuz jugg literally comes online faster than luna


                    Actually this is quite easy to learn, not many people understand it, but it's a fairly simple topic, msg me on discord or someshit and i'll explain it (linked on dotabuff acc), too lazy to write another essay.

                    i got a much more objective method to power spikes and farming, because believe it or not they're almost the same thing.

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                    Lruce Bee

                      You know many times I'm against supposedly late game scary heroes and what not. But I just play the same and try to farm normally. Usually you don't have to specifically try to outfarm
                      Certain heroes. If you're carry is stronger mid game and you do well in midgame those heroes can't get as farmed as you going into late game and it's still a fair contest, despite it being in the late game and their power spike supposedly peakin in the late game. that's because you pull ahead of them in mid game

                      Lruce Bee

                        Which means not just farming all game and losing because you're out farmed. But by winning fights mid game with your team so you have a team advantage


                          No, i mean they work similar, i don't mean like ''ok go afk farm 10 hours nad do nothing''.

                          i mean as in power spikes are bound to items/levels, and items/levels are bound to your hero's power spikes. So if you understand one; you understand the other.

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                            I vaguely know power spikes. By vaguely, I mean completely restricted to the general "a support's power spike is when he hits 6, 2nd spike is when he gets a blink dagger". That's about it xD