General Discussion

General DiscussionNeed some answers about matchmaking

Need some answers about matchmaking in General Discussion

    Sorry for my bad english. I need some help about Matchmaking. Why i loss so much games in ranked matches? I see my profile matches analyzes (A+) and compare with my teamates (Usualy F - E - D players). The match analyzes Rank means anything? Or i lose the games by myself? i play sup positions and i'm completely unmotivated. The real problem is me or my team ?

    Thanks for help anyway :D


      first: data quailty is a bullshit and means nothing!
      second: if u lose some games u will matched with biggest morons in ur rank
      third: there is no way to raising ur rank :) trust me! check my games and u will see!
      if u think u are better than ur teammates go create another account and calibrate again! but u cant get more than 3k i think and that's not different place! just trashtalk ur team and abuse them! try to have fun with trashtalking others! wining and losing doesn't really matter !!!


        hmm ... i'm stucked on my rank since calibration (archon 4 to Legend). I improved my game but as a support player i'm feel useless to the victory.

        Story Time

          if you feel "useless to the victory" then you are doing supporting wrong


            You are an account buyer. U dont belong in this skill set and thats why ur losing.


              @Story Time i totally agreed on you, maybe the truth is my playstyle isn't enough to win. But what are more impactable in game, Bad HC with good sups or Good HC with bad sups?


                @BrokenDreams this is my only one account, i have a lots of games and same friends since past. I dont waste money in games, i dont need another account, i'm just searching to improve myself as a player.


                  OP: you play with this millionaire guy. he is complete trash! 96% core, winrate dropping since he started playing. he has avg 24lh at 10 minutes... get rid of him

                  further more he used to be somewhat decent before 7.xx era started and his winrate in last year is 30% only...
                  if he is your real life friend or something dont play ranked with him


                    @Korosensei thanks for your comment, he is retired a long time, he back to dota last month and we loss a lot of games (he is offlaner). Really thanks for your comment, it will help us a lot. We need to improve togheter, i'll tell him that point :D

                    Цей коментар був відредагований
                    Saucy Edwin

                      @Khasteh is almost completely wrong. Legend isn't even a shit tier, and if you have a sub 50% winrate in it, it's not your team's fault. You have pretty high deaths in your support games, so that makes me think that your positioning needs improvement.

                      If you think you need a smurf to get to higher ranks, then you obviously don't belong to those ranks.

                      Also behavior score.


                        @Jerk that Everybody Loves Nice man! I'm searching to improve, not to smurf. Thanks for open my eyes on it. I think i have bad decisions instead bad positioning.


                          Support players below ancient will have a hard time raising their ranks because of shitty players. I suggest you to pick a hero that can end the game before 30 minutes just depend on yourself until you reach ancient


                            @DEEBOT Thanks man!

                            주 롄양

                              or pick support that can snowball independently after early advantage

                              Potato Marshal

                                Roamers worked best for me when climbing out of 3k, the fastest I climbed was when I spammed bh in 3k, just try to dick over as many lanes as much as possible early on. Though bh got hit with a ton of nerfs since then.


                                  @n2D @Potato Marshal i will try it! i'm feeling more motivated to rise again. I'm very versatile as player, but i do sup because a lot of bad sup players. So thanks for help me!