General Discussion

General DiscussionI don't understand how people pick

I don't understand how people pick in General Discussion
Suck my tiny curry dick

    @op give me your acc and I will get you to 1 mmr

    Cheap Laugh Guy

      the correlation of winrates by hero in sub 2k and 5k+ is .56.

      Pls explain
      How is there a direct correlation of winrates by hero for two completely different skill level of dota?
      Also generalizing Herald(<650) with sub 2k is too much.

      Цей коментар був відредагований

        @Grandpa Thad
        As a fellow mature gamer just some words of advice: at low mmr you just need to concentrate on your own skills.
        Your teammates doesn’t matter.
        It is also easier to rank up as a core in low mmr bracket.
        I can send you a copy of Cookie monster’s guide with his permission if you are interested.


        Lruce Bee

          what the hell happened to this thread lmao.

          your use of the words "any game" indicates you do not understand basic statistics. at any rank, over time, any statistically viable lineup will *by definition* have a 50 pct winrate. that's just how statistics work. I don't even need to have ever played a game of dota to know that. it's just math.

          ok so what happens when people only pick greater than 50% winrate heroes because only those are supposedly 'viable' according to your definition?

          Lruce Bee

            thats not how statistics work. lol you obvious are a very very intellectually challenged fellow.


              I just think that you think too much for a herald guy thats not good.


                I think you should win some games before arguing about stuff and if you cant then its ok maybe you can only argue about stuff in life ..

                boni top fan

                  Hanyolo you better confess that OP is actually ur smurf later to clear up any misunderstandings

                  Lruce Bee

                    ^come online help me clear LP

                    boni top fan

                      Cant, family outing today


                        this thread hurts my head


                          Quality thread.


                            Han pls tell me this is you, I refuse to believe that there are more than one of your type out there, so much so that you're fighting another

                            Potato Marshal

                              It's kind of hard to tell if you're a troll or not because you're playing so many matches, and doing so badly, but you're not doing overtly terrible things like when that Hanyolo impersonator tried to replicate the perseverance rush on Undying. So here's some genuine advice if you're actually planning on spamming Lich.

                              -Maxing sacrifice first is shit on support Lich. Lich's strength is winning the early laning stage with exp advantage and having massive burst damage before your laning opponent can even reach lvl 6. But you're throwing away Lich's power curve away because your level advantage will mean nothing if you don't have any useful abilities, by the time you're maxing out frost blast (which is usually level 11 for you). The enemy will have already caught up in levels because the exp shift in denying ranged creeps is much less useful over time due to how much more exp you need for subsequent level ups. Getting more points into sacrifice is to help your laning stage, which is pointless if you're still putting points into it by the time the laning stage is already over.

                              -Maxing sacrifice first on offlane Lich however is very viable, because you have so much solo exp, that you can level up way faster, and can therefore get earlier levels of sacrifice faster. So much so that you can easily max it out before the enemy hero can even reach level 6 and get there ult. Against weaker players, you can even kill both the enemy core and even support while playing solo. I have done this before in 4k matches. Wait till your lane opponent(s) are huddled in around their creeps and chain slow them with both frost blast and chain frost, then chase them down while attack moving your way into the enemy creeps so that they can't retaliate without being at risk from chain bounces.

                              -Eating ranged creeps is only half the part of denying exp as Lich, you need frost blast to harass your lane opponent out of lane and out of exp range. If you're maxing sacrifice first and doing nothing else, then there's nothing stopping the offlaner from just standing there and sapping exp from the remaining creeps. The movement speed and attack speed slow from frost blast makes it very difficult for your opponents to run away or trade hits with you, meaning you should almost always be throwing in a few attacks after a frost blast. Zoning as a lane support is all about dealing as much damage with as little mana as possible.

                              -Chain frost is not solely a teamfight item, half the times I use chain frost is to get a kill on a single enemy hero, which is actually better than having too many enemy heroes nearby in many cases, because having too many enemy heroes would disperse the damage between too many enemies and lower the chances of chain slowing a unit. Lich does more damage with lvl 4 frost blast + chain frost and at least 1 bounce than Lina or Lion does with their lvl 3 ult. You have very strong solo kill potential, and there is no reason why you can't dominate and get early kills once you get your ult in herald matches. Sometimes you need to use chain frost on a solitary target for the extra slow for your teammates to catch up.

                              -Your item builds are just garbage, you rush Eul's all the time for no reason, I see you rushing items like wand before boots when laning against Huskar. You also don't buy dust against invis heroes. The one time you play core lich, you rush a nullifier against a 5 carry team with almost no active items. Out of all the carry items you could've bought, you got a nullifier against a BB, PA, Sniper, SF, and Morph. You're delaying items like tranquils for so long, like 15 minutes on average, then you immediately follow up with a 3k+ gold item like eul's or atos. You need to plan your items accordingly based on the enemy's lineup, what your team needs, and the rate and which you're gaining gold.

                              -Chain frost is a slow projectile, it's best to cast it at close range so that the enemy has less time to react. Items like glimmer can allow you walk up close to the enemy and toss a chain frost + frost blast, and unless they have an escape ability or magic immunity, they'll be heavily slowed and taking chain frost bounces while giving you ample opportunity to right click them to death. It's also very unlikely for the enemy to fight back because that'll mean they'll be taking in more chain bounces and their attack speed is already heavily decreased. Even if you don't have items to help you position, you can utilize vision with trees and high ground to surprise the enemy.

                              I just don't understand your refusal to go for kills just because you're a support, especially when you're facing herald players. You're pretty much guaranteed to win the lane as a Lich in herald matches, and you have so much burst damage. Yet all you want to do is stand back and eat creeps for 30 minutes and expecting that a minuscule swing in exp is enough contribution to your team.


                              Цей коментар був відредагований

                                my gosh,that's some wall of text and a gif too
                                thank you for writing this

                                Lruce Bee

                                  nice essay tldr


                                    Potato youre toggling the lich game where you lost tho :bc_eyes:

                                    Potato Marshal

                                      Yeah, turned that shit off when I saw that our Enchantress was just going to keep solo feeding the whole match and just gave up.


                                        Potato Marshal

                                          Lruce Bee




                                              Цей коментар був відредагований
                                              Lruce Bee

                                                Weeb fea

                                                死の恐怖 Haseo

                                                  weabos strike again :facepalm:

                                                  Potato Marshal

                                                    Quit breaking the rules guys, or I'm gonna have to call the mods.

                                                    死の恐怖 Haseo

                                                      atleast try to use same font dude


                                                        Trolls can answer questions abt their position, its just part of the character not necessarily their true beliefs

                                                        And lying is intentional, saying something false with the belief that your right isn't lying it's just being wrong or delusional

                                                        Your word choice is just weird regardless of what ur arguing/saying


                                                          What a douche. people are giving you perfectly fine advice an you're tossing it aside because you're too stubborn to admit you're wrong. It's not picks that are keeping you in your bracket its your attitude dude.


                                                            Lmao this is actually entertaining. Herald vs crusader. Its like watching an ant argue with a worm :] To answer your ORIGINAL question you troll. People do it at herald level because a large majority of them live in Dumb bliss. They pick what they enjoy. Same way a Person dresses themselves in the morning. They go for the clothes that THEY like- not that "look good" In the end in herald nothing matters. The tier is garbage. I have experience playing party with heralds and its hilarious. The win-rate In herald should be expressed by Number of carries x 1.15 starting at a base of 50% lmao. Literally I tell my herald and crusader friends to all 5 pick carries. Shit like WK support is amazing in herald. it literally punishes the opponents for killing him. As an ancient 5 Carry while they are all slowed to fuck I just kill em 1 by 1 as they struggle to comprehend why they cant move. As for your argument on Statistics every line up DOES NOT have a 50% win-rate over time. That is stupid. Even if you factored NOTHING but PURE hero interactions the Win-rate will always climb. If you have a Hero A with a win-rate of 49% vs a hero B with a win-rate of 51% but the hero with 51% win-rate has a Loss % of 6.75% vs Hero A then over time the win% of hero B will actually not be 50% comprehend? 10 games youd have hero A at 49% Hero B at 51% 20 games Hero A is at 50% hero B is at 50% 30 games Hero A is at 51% Hero B is at 49% and it inverts. and that's just factoring PURE heroes in a 1v1. If you played AM vs Storm Spirit 1v1 100 games Chances are the AM would have 60% win-rate while the Storm has 40% BUT AM has a 45% win-rate and Storm has a 49% win-rate. Don't believe me? Check DOTABUFF stats. Why? because even though across the board the hero has 50% it is heavily unfavoured vs certain heroes. Same way I play CK 500 Games have a 60% win-rate but yet have a 33% win--rate over 30 Games vs Ember. Take it or leave it. Your herald. Either be quiet and learn or stop trolling.

                                                            Цей коментар був відредагований
                                                            Potato Marshal

                                                              You just pick shit like PA and Ursa in herald, heroes that can win a 1v1 fight if 2 retards just stand still and trade hits without using items. Bonus points if you pick a hero that can chase a bit if your opponent decides to run away.


                                                                First pick meepo in herald and still win xD




                                                                    @Op can i have ur herald acc? I can give my ancient acc for it


                                                                      wtf is this thread lmao

                                                                      boni top fan

                                                                        ^ a competion with draggy to see who is the saltiest player in dotabuff


                                                                          Forget about your bracket people here in divine are the worst when it comes to picking heroes.. Instead of picking simple heroes for ez win they think extra hard and pick dogshit heroes and become useless shit the whole game making it hard for all team. Esp cores that last pick .Divines are actually so ignorant that they think they are good and refuse to take suggestions but actually suck balls.Even aliens gets baffled by their picks i swear.

                                                                          Dire Wolf

                                                                            It's every bracket people pick dumb picks. It just happens. Many times they aren't bad picks in a vacuum, but they are:

                                                                            -Not what the team needs
                                                                            -Countered by enemy team/easy to counter heroes in general
                                                                            -Don't address the enemy team/deal with them/counter picks
                                                                            -Too hard to play/niche picks
                                                                            -Not enough stun

                                                                            or any combination of those. People will pick an entire team with no stuns or breaks vs bristle for example and then wonder why they lost. Or pick ck, a strong hero, into es, a terrible matchup. Or pick spec vs a drow team full of pushers who end the game in 15 mins and wonder why they lost.

                                                                            Suck my tiny curry dick

                                                                              People can pick what they want to play. You don’t need to win to have fun.

                                                                              Mad Scientist

                                                                                play for fun > stupid bad team > lose the game > rage



                                                                                  I agree with this fake NaCl.


                                                                                    Theres a thing in between playing for fun and competitive gameplay. Modes like turbo and unranked is for fun and all those gimmicky stupid picks and strats(just for fun). But people play ranked to win and have fun at the same time imo.


                                                                                      Dire Wolf got a point there. Picks in dota plays the most important factor in the games outcome.


                                                                                        even i agree with fake NaCl in unranked at least


                                                                                          See my recent am game , i knew that if i picked am i cud literally destroy thier lineup with just an ags and owned them throughout the game. If i picked something like ursa or some shit the game wud be over in 20mins.

                                                                                          Цей коментар був відредагований
                                                                                          Suck my tiny curry dick

                                                                                            I mean you should try to win in rank. For turbo, I don’t get why people get so mad when you play for fun. I decide to go all aura build and they want to report me.