General Discussion

General DiscussionComment on the Dotabuff above you

Comment on the Dotabuff above you in General Discussion
Dune, the Desert Planet

    + nice win rate esp. in ranked, BS, Zeus, Veno, KDAs

    - lost longest game, game with most LH, game with most gold, lose steak bigger than win streak, not much ranked games

    Mr. Nameless

      G: Nice TA,Brew,jaegernaut,Timber,Drow,overall winrate,holy moly that radiant advantage
      B: ShadowFriend,Qop of pain,anti mage and injoker(i mean seriously how, those are the heroes i loose a shitload against)
      Also lol u stoped playing in 6.80 and 6.83


        G: Solid overall winrate, Consistent VH/H skill games, Very strong KDAs
        B: You have 22 heroes that you've never played, that zeus spam, what have you done to poor ember spirit


          G: 59% ranked winrate, you should play more ranked. Also good winrates on top supports @ 60%
          B: Couple of top played heroes under 50% win rate.

          Dune, the Desert Planet

            + hit 4k recently, good win rate, core-sup mix

            - can improve them KDAs, 7 unplayed heroes


              Nice win rate on your most play hero.
              Although you should avoid your second most play hero.


                G: Stopped playing drow. very nice
                B: Stop spamming bot matches


                  G: SEA VHS super good, good winrate
                  B: Improve SF winrate Kappa


                    G: winrate with natures prophet
                    B: normal skill smurf?


                      G: Interesting and also decent variety of most played heroes
                      B: Tusk Winrate


                        Support player Is love

                        Techies player is not love


                          G: Seems to be consistent with heroes and KDA.
                          B: Dipping LH, XPM and GPM, you're burning out. Also, you stick to a group of heroes, instead of rotating them.

                          Ferdinand I

                            G: Good support player
                            B: Your top played hero PA's winrate


                              G: Good player and carry
                              B: Using broken heroes like huskar and Pa


                                G: some of ur games are in vhs
                                B: 3k smurf in lpq

                                the realm's delight

                                  PETER PICK GAY HEROES

                                  Цей коментар був відредагований

                                    G: Good player
                                    B: Arteezy fangay


                                      @Triplesteal What is lpq? Hahasorry noob and this is not a smurf coz its email is on my gmail and my first one is on my yahoo your my mentor tho here in dotabuff thanks :)


                                        lpq stands for low priority queue.
                                        all secondary accs are called smurfs whatever the reasoning behind their creation was.

                                        Цей коментар був відредагований

                                          Good: 100% win-rate with Aegis of immortal. (54 matches)
                                          Bad: Invoker.


                                            G : Not bad with Invoker
                                            B : Dat Luna though ...


                                              G: Inv
                                              B: Luna


                                                G: 4k+ mmr, good slark
                                                B: smurf, mono sf and 43% winrate, trash winrate in ranked as well, just play on main dude


                                                  g: win rates, kdas
                                                  b: plays omni - an op hero who shud not be played :p


                                                    @Perfect is shit
                                                    Hey, you skipped me :v

                                                    G : Average GPM and XPM for carry
                                                    B : Poor KDA on almost every hero


                                                      Good: Best support on DotaBuff along with Mekarazium and Pilot.
                                                      Bad: Lower XP than it should be. (Should be 400 at most)


                                                        Good: Great winrate with invoker, and you play Axe and Puck, so big plus for you.
                                                        Bad: KDA ratio on Drow?


                                                          Normal skill, but insane winrates on several heroes. Indicates substandard level of play at times, possibly due to experimentation?
                                                          Good: Jack of all trades
                                                          Bad: Lower than average performance in GPM/XPM in terms of core players.


                                                            G: Microskills
                                                            B: <50% winrate on many heros, Unranked SE Asia Visage Spammer


                                                              G: win rate this month, most kills record

                                                              B: on a losing streak, only 50% win rate in nmm, invoker x)


                                                                G: Match 2121587343 GG WP

                                                                B: Only one game as IO :(


                                                                  Ayy lmao more circlejerk thread cancer
                                                                  +supports, vhs
                                                                  -bad winrates on your best heroes and overall bad winrate

                                                                  Bad Intentions

                                                                    +really high impact slark :] good stuff man
                                                                    -still climbing the ranks, but you'll get there man!

                                                                    Dune, the Desert Planet

                                                                      + VHS, sick Veno

                                                                      - prefers heroes I perceive as dull and boring, spams fucking Veno


                                                                        + good game impact; nice brew winrate and kda, love the hero
                                                                        - arc warden rapier cancer :(

                                                                        Free 2 Play Scootz

                                                                          Good: Already played some high skill games
                                                                          Bad: You haven't really played many games but work on your void I guess


                                                                            good : unique hero pool with good winrate
                                                                            bad : idk furion winrate mby


                                                                              Good: Very high skill 60% winrate
                                                                              Bad: Higher than average use of shadowblade, but still all around good player. Likely takes it for a greedy luxury.


                                                                                Good: Plays supports.
                                                                                Bad: seems to mostly play 1 hero.

                                                                                queen's speech

                                                                                  G: meepo
                                                                                  B: others, winrate ,kda


                                                                                    G: Ive seen u before. U have sick stats, dat TA.
                                                                                    B: Smurf. U are not 6k yet arent u ? kappa


                                                                                      G: Meepo picker, nice Specter (KDA,WR)
                                                                                      B: Meta picker

                                                                                      The Butcher

                                                                                        G: Impressive carry picks - win rates (TB, phantom lancer, etc) and alchemist farming is nailed down perfectly.
                                                                                        B: Avoid nukers, bad win rates with Zeus/Lina, more suited to farming role.


                                                                                          G: Nice overall winrate with your most picked heroes.
                                                                                          B: I recommend you to start playing some Ranked matches, it will teach you more about Dota.

                                                                                          Цей коментар був відредагований

                                                                                            G: nice overall winrate
                                                                                            B: rubick winrate even 2nd most played heroes


                                                                                              G: very nice overall Invoker win% and kdr and that of top 3 most played heroes
                                                                                              B: Rub has similar amount of games played with lower win% (including WR)


                                                                                                PS Groov, friend me so that we may practice and talk Invoker. I am also top100. Would like this very much!


                                                                                                  good : you won ur longest game :D
                                                                                                  bad : 2muchinveokr >_>


                                                                                                    Good: All those win rates on most played (that ursa tho)
                                                                                                    Bad: Rarely support


                                                                                                      Good: 50+ winrate
                                                                                                      Bad: FUCKING ASSHOLE DAZZLE SPECTRE PICKER

                                                                                                      We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!