General Discussion

General DiscussionIs there any way I could have won this match?

Is there any way I could have won this match? in General Discussion

    So I played this match yesterday and the enemy slark was destroying me, Is there any item I could've bought to stop him?

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      you were poor af, and ur items were bad, too.


        Doesn't look like an item problem. He probably roamed with SB/SE, found a lot of solo kills and could thus snowball too much. This works especially well in the Normal Skill bracket because of a lack of map awareness and no traps for invis heroes. Even Venge could get away with a 2nd SE and seemed to do well doing so.


          Ok, my say my items were bad, what should I have picked I'm trying to learn how to stop a slark.
          And yes he did get a lot of kills early on, but was there anything I could have done to turn the game around?

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            A gem maybe. It would have made his Silver Edge pretty useless.


              I'm thinking abouth heaven's halbierd/satanic/armor/blademail, not sure tho, maybe the blademail would have been the best in this game.
              What you could do, is to tell your disruptor, that he should stop building aghanims, instead buy a cheap glimmer or forcestaff, and use all his money to observers and sentrys. That's usually what you do, when you don't want an agressive invis hero to snowball.


                Yeah, I'm trying not to focus on my teammates mistakes(TA with 0 farm) and blademail makes sense.
                didn't have the money for HH/satanic tho.

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                  idk mb just ur daily to-go sven build that everyone uses - pt, HoD, SnY, bkb, ac. getting ~700 gpm on sven is pretty simple even without being far ahead, this hero is great in farming.
                  stack ancients with dominated creep and clear them once you are ready to do it.

                  Back At It

                    well to be honest. Your team fed quite hard and slark is 1 of the best carries in the game simply because he can steal your armor and DPS (if you AGI carry).

                    I havent watched the game yet but will do that tonight and give a bit better feed back.

                    also Sven carry is very situational and can be kited pretty hard, esp this patch, that is why he is mostly played as 4th support with glimer ags.


                      ^where did u get this stuff from? sven is one of the most (if not the most) picked carry both in high mmr pubs and in comp dota over the last couple of months.


                        Humm, I guess improving my GPM may be important, and I don't usually buy HotD to stack ancients but I could start doing that.
                        And I thought Armlet had a great cost/benefit in Sven, because it synergizes with his ulti right?
                        Any thoughts on that?


                          its an okay item but kinda situational, and if you are not playing sven on a daily basis, you'd better not go for it (imo).


                            Disarm? That what my friend do,since he support.


                              Slark went the old abysalbuld lul

                              Back At It

                                oh I guess im wrong then about sven carry...esp since i saw him all but 3 times in the majors. and his Esp good in this patch in pro games since clearly pro teams havent been picking Echantress, Bat and wyvern almost every game.

                                please do your research and actually watch top tier teams play and draft before u open your mouth and call some1 shit when they asked for help and come up with ur own made up stats to try and make some other guy (who is actually trying to help) look like he doesnt know what he is talking about.

                                also there is no real build for any hero...

                                Puppey once said that there is no ideal build, everything is situational.


                                  winter wyvern every game


                                  no one picks sven in pro scene


                                  sven position 4 support with aghs


                                  normal skill


                                  "look like he doesnt know what he is talking about"


                                    PogChamp PogChamp


                                      Farmer Todd is confirmed to be from 6 months in the past


                                        u know u can open Esports tab on dotabuff, choose any of the recent professional leagues and see the pick/ban stats there before posting somethig about it? i mean, whenever you are not sure about ur ideas, it kinda prevents u from looking like a fool when you expose your thoughts to other people.

                                        also, side note - enchantress doesnt counter sven, it works the other way round.

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                                          i love slark to play him but you have to shut him down if he is jungling and you have to make sure that if he is in lane you pressure him (he isnt that good early on), and if he is not in lane, be careful of ganks and or check the jungle, dont be too offensive with warding or he will just deward.

                                          Back At It

                                            best way to beat the slark is control.

                                            that particular slark didnt havent BKB so Silences and Hex to kite him would be best way to deal with him.

                                            Back At It

                                              also your TA still had tangos, healing salve and a clarity at 46min dont know what her plan was other than to feed.

                                              MANANALO TAYO

                                                for me im a normal skill player but in my own opinion slark cant kill early game compared to you,as much as possible farm faster than the other teams have cleave,got stun,and have warcry...stack creeps as many as possible dont waste any minute,look at minimap also incase the enemies will roam,secure your camp that was stacked,then when you got GOD'S STRENGTH it is now easy for you to farm,easy money easy ExP..and you can over thrown slark :)


                                                  "sven position 4 support with aghs" Kappa

                                                  HoD is the go-to on sven because you HAVE to stack ancients. If you haven't done big ancients stacks by 15 mins you're not playing this hero right.

                                                  Not totally sure how you win, but you had uber poop farm which you can't have on sven.