General Discussion

General DiscussionI like it how people blame and flame people for doing nothing!

I like it how people blame and flame people for doing nothing! in General Discussion

    I will only double the hero damage of anyone else in the team but because you don't notice my damage around 5 other people you will get reported for doing nothing. Lina said I did nothing all game. hm k sure, all my heros you dont notice what I do that always wins the game.

    Eternal Meow

      Lina did the worst so she has to blame somebody. It's usually the worst player that blames and reports.


        Thats a solid damage and why would you listen a hardcore feeder you should have muted and reported that shietstain from minute 5-10

        Millicent of Scarlet Aeonia

          I would blame you for your hero choice, and item build.


            ^what else to build after patch? rapira?

            btw mute someone who got salty for anything you do, e.g.: you got the rune and others flame you, you not helping a fight because thats a lost one anyway, you ratting their t3 while the whole team dies, etc etc


              I'm always fighting but they basically are out of position and I cant always help, in a team fight, people never notice how much damage Arc actually does.


                people come up with all sorts of reasons no matter how good you are at displaying your power during fights


                  Like the little things about how my Field gives a lot of attack speed that does help get a kill but they don't consider that either



                    pugna dying over and over, telling me to push into their ults because "we can't win late"
                    team proceeds to listen to him, run into enemy heroes and ofc die
                    "report jugger, he doesn't want to win, he wants to go late noob"
                    then pugna tells enemy team that im roshing after i ignore his shit for 20 minutes (yet says about me that i dont want to win)

                    i carry their fat asses to win but god this game was so infuriating


                      ^ "we can't win late"


                      if i was your opponent i would be the one telling my team to end this shit asap, your teammate is fucking awful in analyzing draft


               This was another game on a different account today and I doubled the damage done again, but once more they dont see that and proceed to flame, I did end up winning that game and Jugg said "It was so hard to carry you noobs" XD all game he told me what to do and what to build, (this is 1k so I just ignored his suggestions. This game was even broadcasted on Twitch how 30 minutes in the game is where is starts. The other team new how annoying I was and it was funny as fuck, they were scared of me


                          worth the watch if you want to see 1.5k gaming and the Aussie banter/language that goes on xD . bit of a laugh for the people in the game


                            The mute button exists for a reason.

                            We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!