General Discussion

General DiscussionCan someone do a support to very high skill?

Can someone do a support to very high skill? in General Discussion
taught by miracle

    Just for statistics ty.

    taught by miracle

      Basically make a smurf and try and reach very high skill


        all who can get vhs with support only are already vhs therefore their smurfs start at vhs from 1st game

        therefore this thread is redundant


          ye, i boost by supporting


            Make a normal skill acc and write to me, I ll support to vhs ez

            Execute Order 322


              A lot of ppl do it regularly. You can get to vhs by playing any role.


              ROFL son u r so wrong


                Well, yeah, in fact I agree that support is best role to play in normal/high skill if you want to win, because good support is always lacking. However some carries are SO dogshit in this bracket that if you don't play a hard carry you will not win.

                What I mean is that a NS player probably couldn't get high skill if he was spamming support heroes, but he probably could if he was spamming high hero damage global skill heroes like Zeus, Spectre or epic GPM XPM like Meepo.

                Anyway it doesn't even matter what you play, mostly, more how you play it.

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                  Really ? You suggest NS player to main Zeus, Spec, and Meepo ? Yeah, sure ... if they even know how to farm and position themselves.

                  Anyway, still on my way to VHS. Currently HS with (almost) pure support. You can look if you want


                    most of my games i played support. specially when versing with 4k, yesterday i played with 6k i dont know why,probably its steam problem.



                      I'm 4,354 (+/- 660) @ yasp. Its funny, in just few games I'm already matched with 4-5k legit high level accounts. If yasp is accurate, ima go farm bot games after 10 more NORMAL games!


                        Meh I made a LPQ burner once which was support mains, lost the password so made this one. Still I can get any new account in VHS instantly playing support so yes, it can be done.

               < Lost the password to this but was playing kotl (before it was cool)


                          Its funny how failfish underlord pickers in high skill level games. I almost loss all games with a team mate who insta pick him. Enemies good enough to counter this HERO. So please don't pick underlord at high skill matches PUNANI TSUNAMI.


                            I started to play DOTA 2 as a support (without any DOTA 1 or other MOBAs experience) and I feel no need to switch to other roles now.

                            @ACT AS ONE
                            How to counter Underlord?

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                              What the hell are you talking about. You realize most of those games are lost cause of team mates (my friends) who I am playing with atm.

                              I will continue instantly picking him cause guess what, I am good enough to do so.


                                Just look at my red games with underlord team mate. Hes not good at 4.5k up doto. You can look at dotabuff profile of underlord. His Winrate in high level dota so disgusting.


                                  So? People are getting used to the hero. I haven't played him since Dota1 and when I can iron out his weaknesses and be able to capitalize on his strengths I will probably play him on my main exclusively.


                                    Razor , lina,zues ez fuck underlord.xd. that razor siphon underlord damage, if he use 2nd and 1st skill . Razor pop his manta. Last hit either zues ulti or lina laguna. Xd. Frustration of underlord pro wannabe.


                                      Underlord is very strong ATM, firstpicking him is not a bad thing to do.


                                        Nonono punani. I always loss coz of dogshit underlord pickers like you. 1 game he insta lock mid, next a jungler offlaner underlord. Wtf. Gege Winrate.


                                          Razor, Lina, Zeus? Is that your list of counters to Underlord?! This is stupid.


                                            Underlord is strong at low 4k-1k dota.:-) but from my experience, he's a trash in high level games.


                                              Nonono base on my game as I told you. Lmfao.


                                                Underlord is actually one of the most durable heroes I have ever played with in a long time and he's by no means weak. He is however an early-mid fighter who will then rely on other means to keep him relevant in the late game. Here's some things I have learned.

                                                The pit, roots heroes with bkb, and you can't manta out of it, and it reveals invis.

                                                Support/Offlane can TP supports around to save carries getting ganked out of position earlier on. And can TP heroes with a TP to push and then TP back if the pressure you apply doesn't return them.

                                                You can tp with channel ults, I have done this with enigma and others literally into 5 enemies.

                                                Loads of ganking potential, high durability, go under towers, root people, blaze them get out.

                                                Doubt there are any heroes who do amazingly well vs a bunch of zeus or lina nukes. I mean come on, Razor is good against literally every melee heroe as far as siphon goes. What you says actually makes little sense.

                                                It's like saying void is a counter to underlord cause you can chrono him??? WUT!


                                                  You're Winrate on underlord speaks clearly than what you are typing now mate. Kappa. You can manta out of the pit if you know that trick.

                                                  casual gamer

                                                    if u give me a 2k-3.0k smurf I will support to vhs

                                                    I think I would enjoy this. I consistently win support games at 4.5k so my winrate should be pretty good


                                                      Actually Underlord is a counter to Void because he can cast his ult, blink into chrono and pull all his team out to safety (Io 2.0). But he also works well with Void in his team. Maybe this why Underlord is so popular.

                                                      casual gamer

                                                        when I make smurfs they start at vhs even if I mega feed, which causes low prio and delays my doing shit so ideally someone would give me an account

                                                        casual gamer

                                                          if he casts chrono and u cast ur shit he might kill the guy before you can tp out, especially at lvl 6-15

                                                          plus even if u both live they might rape ur teammates before you can tp scroll back in, especially if the fight is on their side of river. because u save him but turn fight into a 3v5

                                                          underlord is rly strong atm though. I hope he doesn't get nerfed because I think hes in a fine spot tbh

                                                          Цей коментар був відредагований

                                                            Underlord counter any damage dependent heroes. What counters underlord , is magic damage base heroes with good lockdown skills .


                                                              Underlord is popular coz of kreygasm . No worries. Monkey King will be the new sex slave once he was out. This explains why , underlord is popular right now. He's new,young and bold. All dogshit insta pick him :-)


                                                                Watch my profile. I play mainly support and got all VHS. I sometimes drop to high skill when I have a bad game but most VHS by far. It is possible but its not easy when you got real shit players. For me anything below 4.5k are pretty shit. I supported lots of 4k+ and they are not good at all.

                                                                casual gamer

                                                                  everyone has games where they play like monkeys. ive been matched with 5ks where they have a bad game and tilt crazy because their 4ks start flaming them

                                                                  Tu tayta

                                                                    First match of this account was in VHS. My main account has pretty much only supports as the most played heroes and this one follows almost the same pattern.

                                                                    Also, I guess this proves that Valve records information from your IP address or something, so smurfing won't help anyone get a higher MMR faster.


                                                                      38% 3K smurf player so full of kek.

                                                                      141 2/3 CHANCE OF WINNING

                                                                        Made it from 2k to 3.7 only playing support heroes (and rare offlane)


                                                                          Punani Tsunami i loss a lot of games because of team mate like you who instapick underlord. Lmfao.


                                                                            Oh you increased your underlord winrate. Playhaaard.

                                                                            We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!