General Discussion

General DiscussionHOW TO MORPH?

HOW TO MORPH? in General Discussion
coco crunch

    Help guys, I need some advice on playing morph. I always build linken first then after that sometimes i dont know if i will go for manta or ethereal.


      Hmm after linkens manta if they have alot of disables( stuns,silences etc) if they dont go etheral


        Linken DL erhernal end game

        coco crunch

          I dont know but I dont build DL on morph


            DL is good if you play push , its make u little tankier


              U go kill creeps, lateron u kill heroes. Ez game

              Boi Danny

                Push lane, hit towers and don't die.


                  1. pick morph
                  2. press the morph button

                  gj you now are morphing


                    if you can get kills with eb then go for it and snowball if enemy heroes are tanky then go manta and split push.


                      Your ulti is like a midas, use it to farm.

                      You can disrupt the morphling with Shadow demon, and replicate the illusion, so you can get a morphing replicate.


                        you guys write linken like its a core item for morph. Its situational but just because it suits most games doesnt mean you should buy it every game


                          Morph is pretty easy, go in to lane with agil almost maxed, buy wand ifneeded. other than that just farm. Morph has a weak laning phase and if they have silences they can shit on you.
                          Push lanes out to create room and have replicate always on cd. axe is amazing to have on your team, easy lanes pushed or farm jungle with replicate.
                          Hard disables fuck up morph, a good black hole and youre daed.
                          Basic bulid for morph works in almlost all games. Max waveform, then morph and shit on anybody who is out of position when you can.


                            u play morp?FUCKING FORGET IT!! LETS SPAM PA MID LIKE ME AND SURE WIN HAHAHAHA

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